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Egyptian ex-president Mubarak on life support

Hey, Mubarak, now it's you and Him only, no help from uncle sam or the zionazis, just you and Him. Let's see how smart you are now!
Hey, Mubarak, now it's you and Him only, no help from uncle sam or the zionazis, just you and Him. Let's see how smart you are now!

The devil isn't dead yet you see Life and death both don't want him but i get your point.
The devil isn't dead yet you see Life and death both don't want him but i get your point.

These ugly bastards think that this day will never come, they think that with the help of their masters they can continue their tyranny and unholy alliance forever. They are the scourge of the Muslim World. The only thing they teach and practice is the art of betrayal.
Mubarak not in deep coma: Official source - Politics - Egypt - Ahram Online
Mubarak not in deep coma: Official source

Next 72 hours critical but former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak could pull through current health scare, says official medical source

Egypt's jailed former president Hosni Mubarak is not in a deep coma, an official medical source has told Ahram Online.
The next 72 hours will be critical but he could survive, said the source. However, he may not regain all his intellectual and physical capacities and may have impaired concentration and vision due to a stroke.

Mubarak's sons, Gamal and Alaa – who are currently in prison where they remain under investigation for financial corruption charges – have been issued a permit allowing them to visit their father at Maadi Hospital. However, the time spent processing the permit may mean they do not arrive at the hospital until five or six o'clock Wednesday evening, added the source.
He was a ruthless murderous tyrant who stole BILLIONS from his country. I hope he rots in hell.
Give me a name of a single ruler in the Muslim world who does not fit that category. It is not without reason that we are in a state that we are in.
we are expecting riots or war with isreal for a year and half since the revolution no one is sure what will happen or what has he done is right or wrong
The only one that can start a war with Israel is Egypt herself. Israel does not want any type of conflict with Egypt, but Egypt needs to stop the Bedouins.

These ugly bastards think that this day will never come, they think that with the help of their masters they can continue their tyranny and unholy alliance forever. They are the scourge of the Muslim World. The only thing they teach and practice is the art of betrayal.
Many would call you and those like you the scourge of the Muslim world. You are the epitome of most of the Muslim world; Ignorant, arrogant and hateful.
Good to know that this low life zionist pig is counting his last minutes. One of the worst traitor and scum of the muslim world.
The only one that can start a war with Israel is Egypt herself. Israel does not want any type of conflict with Egypt, but Egypt needs to stop the Bedouins.
egyptian people didnt make the revolution to die we want to live peacefully and like i said before the bedwens will be handeled they are doing more damage to us them and some Palestinians in sainai killing and stealing and dealing in drugs thinking that they are above egyptian law

Good to know that this low life zionist pig is counting his last minutes. One of the worst traitor and scum of the muslim world.
can you believe that he is condition is almost back to normal
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