The strategic defense complex includes a large number of buildings and bodies belonging to the Egyptian armed forces, such as the Ministry of Defense, the departments of the armed forces' branches and field armies, the war college, and a number of military hospitals and service buildings.
The new Ministry of Defense is inside the complex and in the center is the Ministerial Building and the Chief of Staff Building.
The strategic state command center includes a number of centers that guarantee control and flow in managing all state institutions and prepare to face any crises or emergencies. The headquarters extends over an area of 7,000 feddans and includes 12 areas that differ according to the nature of each one, and it contains a center for coordinating the work of the state’s defense, as well as a center The unified strategic data of the state, which contains all the data of state institutions, a center for controlling the closed strategic network to control the state’s administrative apparatus, in addition to a management and operation center to control state facilities, and a communications network control center that ensures the continued realization of communications at the state level, as well as Centers for Controlling Emergency Services and Field Safety, and a Center for Weather Forecasts, which prepares the State Defense Center with weather data in order to be ready to face sudden weather changes, in addition to a huge volume of warehouses that secure the country's needs of strategic goods..
The facilities of the strategic state command center are numerous to include a number of places of worship, clubs, hotels, schools, sports stadiums, residential projects, commercial malls, as well as a number of hospitals and service and administrative complexes. The State Command Center secures two units of the Republican Guard and other means of insurance that provide protection, prevention and insurance for the center..