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Egyptian Armed Forces

The German Government agreed to the German company Lurssen to hand over 9 patrol boats and one coastal defense boat to Egypt instead of Saudi Arabia..

Crazy that the Germans are taking the Khashogshi killing to a very far extent in eventually losing billions of $ on arms sales to Saudi Arabia. Even the US who champions the cause (wink wink) hasn't allowed that to get in the way of billions of $ in weapons export and I doubt the incoming Biden admin will do it either, maybe something but not a complete stop of all arms export like Germany has vehemently done here.

The other thing is they're claiming this is actually fulfilling a contract with Egypt which I find interesting since I never heard of a contract with Germany that involved all these particular vessels!?

MashAllah Egyptian Navy -- once the Mekos come and along with these and whatever other naval orders are out there I've lost count LOL -- should be nicely stacked! Need to get those Katrans for the Mistrals including the two ships CIWS which are CRITICAL and then maybe concentrate on more submarines to increase that portion of the navy arm and then they should be all set for a while.
Wish to see supersonic drones on this.View attachment 685558

That's a great idea, actually! When @Lord Of Gondor (aka his gangsta name The LoG :D ) was talking about the EAF getting an aircraft carrier which would probably be a bit too much for us I think (for India it's perfectly fine and they've been well capable of deploying them with Harriers and MiG-29s) but instead of that, they could possibly fly all types of drones off of these Mistrals. As long as they can take off and land without any assisted mechanism (not an easy thing to do, especially landing) but that would be the way to go IMO.
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Crazy that the Germans are taking the Khashogshi killing to a very far extent in eventually losing billions of $ on arms sales to Saudi Arabia. Even the US who champions the cause (wink wink) hasn't allowed that to get in the way of billions of $ in weapons export and I doubt the incoming Biden admin will do it either, maybe something but not a complete stop of all arms export like Germany has vehemently done here.

The other thing is they're claiming this is actually fulfilling a contract with Egypt which I find interesting since I never heard of a contract with Germany that involved all these particular vessels!?

MashAllah Egyptian Navy -- once the Mekos come and along with these and whatever other naval orders are out there I've lost count LOL -- should be nicely stacked! Need to get those Katrans for the Mistrals including the two ships CIWS which are CRITICAL and then maybe concentrate on more submarines to increase that portion of the navy arm and then they should be all set for a while.

That's a great idea, actually! When @Lord Of Gondor (aka his gangsta name The LoG :D ) was talking about the EAF getting an aircraft carrier which would probably be a bit too much for us I think (for India it's perfectly fine and they've been well capable of deploying them with Harriers and MiG-29s) but instead of that, they could possibly fly all types of drones off of these Mistrals. As long as they can take off and land without any assisted mechanism (not an easy thing to do, especially landing) but that would be the way to go IMO.
Saudi Arabia ordered more than a 100 of these boats.. took around 38 of them and one of the other type..and stopped it apparently.. It is good for Egypt to take over..as these 10 will be available immediately..
Yes more potent submarines are a requirement not even a choice ..at least another 4.. And the Katran..of course!

Maybe that is why they opted for the unmanned helicopter..

T-1 joint Amphibious Exercise kicks off in the Mediterranean for the 1st time between the Egyptian Navy & the Royal Navy with participation of HMS Albion Amphibious Assault Ship and Naval SOF units.


EAF Mirage 5s in what they call a "Finger 4" formation. These might already be in or still on their way to Pakistan.

The German Government agreed to the German company Lurssen to hand over 9 patrol boats and one coastal defense boat to Egypt instead of Saudi Arabia..




* There is also 15 American "Swiftship" being constructed Locally in Alexandria, Egypt..


This is really unreal boy! It seems like it's Christmas almost every week in the Egyptian military and Navy the way this modernization program is going. It's like full speed ahead to the max. This contract is insane when you look at all the boats and associated equipment along with all the other new ships that are still coming! Truly is incredible MashaAllah.

These are no joke for coastal patrol boats either. At some point thought we'd like to see them pumping them out in the Alexandria yard themselves.


Hope Egypt will get this phenomenal EW system called "Borisoglebsk 2"


The Borisoglebsk-2 EW system is designed to jam satellite communication and radio navigation systems and detect, locate and jam tactical-level command and control radio networks and communication lines.





And the Hermes Missile..also called PRODUCT-305:


It is stated that this new product is equally effective both during the day and at night. With its help, you can destroy various armored vehicles, including main battle tanks, various fortifications, sea and air targets.

The firing range reaches 100 km. The rocket, weighing 130 kg with a container, has a high-explosive fragmentation warhead weighing 30 kg. Its maximum flight speed is 1300 meters per second.

A radio navigation system is used to enter the area where the destroyed objects are located. At the final stage of the flight, the principle of self-guidance operates. At the same time, reconnaissance and adjustment is carried out by an unmanned aerial vehicle, which is part of the complex. Not only single launches are possible, but also salvo launches against group targets.

Elements of “Hermes” are installed on three-axle vehicles “KAMAZ” of cross-country ability and have high mobility. At the same time, installation on other types of military equipment, including floating and aircraft platforms, is possible.


Mi-28NM will receive a new guided missile "product 305" with a range of more than 25 km - TASS




Russia’s Ka-52M helicopter to receive new cruise missile with a range of up to 100 km


“The upgraded Ka-52M helicopter will be able to carry the latest aircraft cruise missiles (KR)“ product 305, ”the source said. “

“ This helicopter KR can effectively hit any ground targets, including enemy armored vehicles, at ranges up to 100 km.”

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100 km ,that's a SEAD helicopter :enjoy:
Alexandria Shipyards begins maintenance work on Mistral "Gamal Abdel Nasser"

Alexandria Shipyards begins maintenance work on Mistral "Gamal Abdel Nasser"

I'll tell ya, hopefully they figure out a better process with the tugboats (especially the ones on portside which is the irregular side of the dock) because I cringed watching the hack work they did with that earlier today when I saw this video and you see the one forward portside tug just get squeezed out and bail leaving the big ship to bump into that corner of the dock at minute 0:52 seconds.

Ugh, need much better team management and coordination the next time and they need to pay special attention to that portside problem corner. The ship's driver even used the bow thruster to push the bow away from that side earlier when he was adjudging and lining up so there is a current to deal with that is visible and even a big ship like that will get tossed around. That was a bit ugly in all honesty.

Plus that dock is filthy! Look at all the rubbish laying around on both sides they need to clean that crap up lol.
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This appears to be all of the EAF F-16s Block 52s together at once all wearing CFTs and armed with double wracks of GBU-12 Paveways doing a duck walk.

Click image for high res.

It seems the EAF is interested in the newly inducted Wing Loong 10 that just went into service with the PLAAF recently. It would be very nice to see them add this lethal machine to their inventory and upgrade that number of Wing Loong II which from what I hear is around 32 units to maybe double that with this killer of the sky.

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Egyptian Navy rolled right through the Dardanelles and the Turkish Strait earlier today to meet up with their Russian counterpart for naval exercises in the Black Sea.

Participating for the Egyptian Navy FFG-911 Oliver Hazard Perry-class frigate equipped with the New Smart-S Mk2 Naval Radar, an Ambassador MK missile boat and a Gowind Corvette.









And the EAF MIG-29/35s, II-76MF strategic military transport plane & Egyptian SOF personnel traveled south to Sudan to participate in the joint air force exercise which is being conducted for the 1st time between the two countries, Nile Eagles.






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