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Egyptian Armed Forces

Image showing that as of last week the Su-35s stored at KnAAPO still retained their egyptian numbers

Great find, Mack. Interesting that the fella making the post is suggesting that if North Korea was to get a new fighter, it would be the Su-35. KJU appears to be shopping for exactly that during his visit. I still hope Iran gets them first.
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Egyptian Foreign Minister: Egypt is indispensable to Saudi Arabia, and our relationship is deep at all levels.


Al-Sisi: The extended history between Egypt and Saudi Arabia testifies to the depth of ties, strength and solidity of relations, and we look forward to strengthening and consolidating them..

. . .
We already have, my friend. If you go back to page 937 you'll see the start with this post below of IAF MiG-29s & PAF JF-17s arriving at Cairo. The rest of the pages are filled with many pics but also other unrelated discussions you could probably skip through.
Sir why you blocked me @nomi12477 at twitter
Sir why you blocked me @nomi12477 at twitter

You must have me confused with someone else, my friend. Never did anything of the sort.
Send PM if you wish to discuss so it doesn't off-topic this thread.
. .
Egyptian Foreign Minister: Egypt is indispensable to Saudi Arabia, and our relationship is deep at all levels.

View attachment 955660

Al-Sisi: The extended history between Egypt and Saudi Arabia testifies to the depth of ties, strength and solidity of relations, and we look forward to strengthening and consolidating them..

I don't think the differences are big
I myself confirm that we are going to meet Saddam in the Red Sea, and I am certain of that
@BON PLAN . do you have any French source of any kind that confirms which model Rafale the EAF is getting with this next delivery of 30 Rafales?

At first we were told through some of the online news releases that they were going to be F3Rs, then it changed to F4 & subsequently F4.1 and then it went back to uncertainty between F3Rs and F4s.

Most likely the confusion was because the contract was agreed to and signed before the F4 reached IOC. So no one knew if they would be the F3Rs which were IOC at the time or if it was agreed to wait until the F4s were ready. The latter seems plausible since the contract was signed a while back (almost 2 years ago) and so waiting might've been the reason. Any idea?

There was also news that the first batch were to be upgraded from F3s to F3Rs but hard to get any concrete verification on that. I know the upgrade is mostly software-related, so it wasn't a very difficult process, just expensive so the likelihood of it happening is high. Still, it would be good to know about both batches for sure. They really should all be upgraded to F4 standard.






Rafale DM in support of F-16C/D blk 52 for the Derna terrorist camp attack.


The DMs were accompanied by EMs also.


EAF did great work with the Rafales and F-16s in terminating the vermin cretins in Libya and the Sinai. All the criticism of the failures in Sinai were warranted for sure. Once they initiated Operation Sinai 2018 and went to work, they've cleaned out and disinfected the vermin who've thankfully been quiet since.

This was one of the reasons Macron was taking a beating by the human rights groups for agreeing to sell Egypt Rafales. He said he won't be swayed by that stuff for the sake of eliminating the threat of terrorism. Good call by him.

@BON PLAN . do you have any French source of any kind that confirms which model Rafale the EAF is getting with this next delivery of 30 Rafales?

At first we were told through some of the online news releases that they were going to be F3Rs, then it changed to F4 & subsequently F4.1 and then it went back to uncertainty between F3Rs and F4s.

Most likely the confusion was because the contract was agreed to and signed before the F4 reached IOC. So no one knew if they would be the F3Rs which were IOC at the time or if it was agreed to wait until the F4s were ready. The latter seems plausible since the contract was signed a while back (almost 2 years ago) and so waiting might've been the reason. Any idea?

There was also news that the first batch were to be upgraded from F3s to F3Rs but hard to get any concrete verification on that. I know the upgrade is mostly software-related, so it wasn't a very difficult process, just expensive so the likelihood of it happening is high. Still, it would be good to know about both batches for sure. They really should all be upgraded to F4 standard.

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Rafale DM in support of F-16C/D blk 52 for the Derna terrorist camp attack.

View attachment 957969

The DMs were accompanied by EMs also.

View attachment 957977

EAF did great work with the Rafales and F-16s in terminating the vermin cretins in Libya and the Sinai. All the criticism of the failures in Sinai were warranted for sure. Once they initiated Operation Sinai 2018 and went to work, they've cleaned out and disinfected the vermin who've thankfully been quiet since.

This was one of the reasons Macron was taking a beating by the human rights groups for agreeing to sell Egypt Rafales. He said he won't be swayed by that stuff for the sake of eliminating the threat of terrorism. Good call by him.

Idk why till now we didn't receive any of our Rafales. The last deal, we got our first Rafales like one year after signing the contract.
Idk why till now we didn't receive any of our Rafales. The last deal, we got our first Rafales like one year after signing the contract.

I know, man, same here. I always thought something was strange about this order because of the ambiguity in the model type and also because of the time lapsing. Supposedly the deliveries are starting sometime next year 2024.

Then almost immediately after the EAF order was signed, the UAE jumped in with its 80 units and that was much bigger news as well as Greece and I think Indonesia etc., so the EAF was somewhat lost in the shuffle.
@BON PLAN . do you have any French source of any kind that confirms which model Rafale the EAF is getting with this next delivery of 30 Rafales?

At first we were told through some of the online news releases that they were going to be F3Rs, then it changed to F4 & subsequently F4.1 and then it went back to uncertainty between F3Rs and F4s.

Most likely the confusion was because the contract was agreed to and signed before the F4 reached IOC. So no one knew if they would be the F3Rs which were IOC at the time or if it was agreed to wait until the F4s were ready. The latter seems plausible since the contract was signed a while back (almost 2 years ago) and so waiting might've been the reason. Any idea?

There was also news that the first batch were to be upgraded from F3s to F3Rs but hard to get any concrete verification on that. I know the upgrade is mostly software-related, so it wasn't a very difficult process, just expensive so the likelihood of it happening is high. Still, it would be good to know about both batches for sure. They really should all be upgraded to F4 standard.

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Rafale DM in support of F-16C/D blk 52 for the Derna terrorist camp attack.

View attachment 957969

The DMs were accompanied by EMs also.

View attachment 957977

EAF did great work with the Rafales and F-16s in terminating the vermin cretins in Libya and the Sinai. All the criticism of the failures in Sinai were warranted for sure. Once they initiated Operation Sinai 2018 and went to work, they've cleaned out and disinfected the vermin who've thankfully been quiet since.

This was one of the reasons Macron was taking a beating by the human rights groups for agreeing to sell Egypt Rafales. He said he won't be swayed by that stuff for the sake of eliminating the threat of terrorism. Good call by him.

No sourced news.
I think the only Rafale built now are F4 (if not it is a nightmare in production). But they can be delivered with all the goodies or not !
For exemple they may be delivered without Meteor missile, and without the software in the weapon system to do so.
We just have to wait a while.

Edit : The 30 are F3R. Here is a source : https://meta-defense.fr/2021/05/20/legypte-sinteresse-deja-au-rafale-f4/
"En effet, à peine eurent-ils apposé la signature pour une nouvelle commande portant sur 30 appareils au standard F3R, accompagnés de 2 avions ravitailleurs A330 MRTT et d'un satellite militaire, que les négociateurs égyptiens auraient annoncé leur intention de faire croitre la flotte de Rafale égyptiens à 72 appareils, voire à 100 avions, en passant de nouvelles commandes dans les années à venir. De toute évidence, les capacités du futur standard F4 de l'avion français"
"Indeed, barely had they signed a new order for 30 F3R standard aircraft, accompanied by 2 A330 MRTT tanker planes and a military satellite, that Egyptian negotiators announced their intention to grow the fleet of Egyptian Rafales to 72 aircraft, or even 100 aircraft, by placing new orders in the years to come. Obviously, the capabilities of the future F4 standard of the French aircraft"

So a possible upgrade to F4 is on the agenda.

Idk why till now we didn't receive any of our Rafales. The last deal, we got our first Rafales like one year after signing the contract.
Just because the first delivered of the first deal were taken directly on the assembly line, and instead of beeing belivered to France, they were modified (by the removing of the deterrence components) the first 3 were deliverd to Egypt soon.

Supposedly the deliveries are starting sometime next year 2024.
Yes. Delivery of the 2nd batch are planned between 2024 and 2027.
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"Indeed, barely had they signed a new order for 30 F3R standard aircraft, accompanied by 2 A330 MRTT tanker planes and a military satellite, that Egyptian negotiators announced their intention to grow the fleet of Egyptian Rafales to 72 aircraft, or even 100 aircraft, by placing new orders in the years to come. Obviously, the capabilities of the future F4 standard of the French aircraft"

So a possible upgrade to F4 is on the agenda.

Yes I remember seeing that article but then we looked at the dates of the expected deliveries and they coincided with the F4 timeline, meaning the production/assembly of the F4 was either starting or already in the process.

AND we weren't sure if the additional order of the 2 A330 MRTTs & satellite were even still in play.

Not sure what "barely" means? There is so much ambiguity in this deal it's crazy! Either they signed or the didn't sign it's hard to understand why this specific deal is so filled with these mysteries lol. Baffling.

There was also another article that claimed that not only will the meteor be included in this 2nd batch of Rafales, but that MBDA had also agreed to supply the EAF with the MICA NG as soon as it completes IOC and is available.

Also I'm not sure if the 2 A330 MRTTs and satellite are still in play. There hasn't been any confirmation on those (or the Rafales TBH) from any reputable source. Drives me crazy I don't know about the rest of the fellas lol.

Either way, if they're F3R or F4 doesn't really matter at the end of the day. With the potential of upgrades and all that, those will be taken care of and no huge hurry anyway. It would just be nice if they were specific about things.

But my primary beef with the whole ordeal is the usual BS of restrictions, especially with the meteor. Removing NATO comms etc. is no problem, and deterrence elements of course. But there is absolutely no reason whatsoever to withhold the meteor from Egypt. Those days of silly restrictions are over.

The usual reasoning of our next-door crybaby neighbor is the oldest & stupidest and by now completely irrelevant. That should never be the reason and if it's 3rd party issues that they're worried about, that's also ridiculous because if the Russians or Chinese want to get their hands on those things, they could easily do it from many other sources. So singling out Egypt as the potential danger for that happening is complete BS TBH. I'm not singling out Dassault & France in particular, just FYI. This crap originated from the US bending over backwards upside down for the criminal crybabies next door that it has empowered them to spread that fear to all suppliers, even Russia. Crazy.

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