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Egyptian Armed Forces

LEts hope we get the best deal
For me, I want the most is ToT for Astra BVR missile because we need hundreds of BVR missiles. Plus we can have also the emirati one later on like in 2025 or something like. But will our MoD announce any deals or it will be a secret like the secret cruise missile that we tested in 2008 but no one knows anything about it hahahaha.
If we get Astra ToT, we can convert it into an air defense system like VL-SRSAM or NASAMS (based on AIM-120 missile).

@Gomig-21 Indonesia got fucking AIM-120 missile for their F-16 for the first time. A7a begad hahaha
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Just found this article about France will probably supply 4 subs (the same type that Australia contracted with them years ago before USA giving Australia the nuclear subs)


😂 😂 😂 😂

@Gomig-21 You know this meme?
Egypt should not trust USA and not go for lolipop of F 15 which are still subject of usage against Israel in time of war
The problem is that Egypt is a trap between F-15 but downgraded ones or take the risk to continue with SU-35 and maybe USA will apply CAATSA. So it is fucking frustrating. So Inshallah we will get the best out of it.
@Gomig-21 Honestly you're a goldmine for photos. GReat work keeping this thread alive. Also dont respond to the turk hes not worth it

Thanks, man. Glad you enjoyed them. It's nice to hear some appreciation every once in a while.

As far as the Turk is concerned, I've already put him in his place I'm not too worried about it.

@Gomig-21 Indonesia got fucking AIM-120 missile for their F-16 for the first time. A7a begad hahaha

Good for them. I honestly couldn't care less anymore for those things and would MUCH rather see our Su-35SEs start arriving in Egypt and the F-16 stay the way they are and continue to be used to their current capacity and not take any more limiting agreements from the US. I think that is so important for the EAF and the Egyptian military to put its foot down to the US and all its restrictions etc. Because if Egypt agrees to give up the Sukhois, that means it will have submitted to even more rules and restrictions by them, and less freedom to shop elsewhere which to me, is so much more important than any missile or upgrade. Definitely not worth it at all.

@Indos , can you shed some light on these AIM-120s for the Indonesian Air Force? Were the Obama approved F-16 supplied without any AMRAAMs back in 2011?

Ya3ni if we retreat from the SU deal then we must another good deal replacing this deal. With having upgraded armaments and avionics for the F-16s. Simple as that.

I don't think there is anything that beats the Su-35SE deal for Egypt and the weapons, secrecy and freedoms it offers. This is a make-or-break point for the Egyptian military, and they need to make the right decision here, or they'll regret it for at least another 10 years minimum.

@Gomig-21 You know this meme?

No, no idea. What is it?
Thanks, man. Glad you enjoyed them. It's nice to hear some appreciation every once in a while.

As far as the Turk is concerned, I've already put him in his place I'm not too worried about it.

Good for them. I honestly couldn't care less anymore for those things and would MUCH rather see our Su-35SEs start arriving in Egypt and the F-16 stay the way they are and continue to be used to their current capacity and not take any more limiting agreements from the US. I think that is so important for the EAF and the Egyptian military to put its foot down to the US and all its restrictions etc. Because if Egypt agrees to give up the Sukhois, that means it will have submitted to even more rules and restrictions by them, and less freedom to shop elsewhere which to me, is so much more important than any missile or upgrade. Definitely not worth it at all.

@Indos , can you shed some light on these AIM-120s for the Indonesian Air Force? Were the Obama approved F-16 supplied without any AMRAAMs back in 2011?

I don't think there is anything that beats the Su-35SE deal for Egypt and the weapons, secrecy and freedoms it offers. This is a make-or-break point for the Egyptian military, and they need to make the right decision here, or they'll regret it for at least another 10 years minimum.

No, no idea. What is it?
I agree 100% get those Flankers, or we'll fall trying to catch up
From past Medusa exercises with the Hellenic Navy and airforce. Love their Chinooks and the color they're painted.




From when president Sisi was inaugurating the new Alexandria inset navy dock. The naval engineers designed this new dock in Alex with a man-made barrier to create a separate, inner bay where the dock would be and that inner bay that was separated by this huge, stone wall created an inlet that separated the rough, sea water chop and waves from the inner bay where the dock is so that any of the ships and submarines etc. can easily dock in calm waters all the time and never have to worry about rough waters because of that huge inlet sea wall they built. There are several ports built this way in Northern Africa and Europe and the US etc. They're designed specifically with these stone walls to create that calmer water inlet and bay for safe and easy docking.

And with the Mistral 360 degree spinning propellor pods and gyro stabilizer plus bow thrusters, those gigantic ships can dock so easily and so fast without the help of a single tugboat, Very impressive.



@The SC . check out this pic of an M2 desert camo in Russia with R-77 & R-73s we have never seen before! This pic was never posted I am almost 100% positive this is the first time we've seen this particular one.





More and more Caiman APCs, over 700 of these were passed on to the Egyptian army from the US' Iraq/Afghanistan surplus inventory. Looks like a RDF with an AK-103 and bayonet.


@Buschlaid , check it out. Our old friend with the windscreen from Aqaba 3 exercise with the Jordanian SOF. This ATVs are strictly used by the Sa'aka from what we've seen of them so far, ey?


All three RPG firing positions training.


There's that assault vehicle we were talking about before.


Who can identify this rifle?



M4 target practice.





@Indos , can you shed some light on these AIM-120s for the Indonesian Air Force? Were the Obama approved F-16 supplied without any AMRAAMs back in 2011?

I have said USA propose it to Indonesia. It is not Indonesia who take the initiative, but US defense minister who visited Indonesia during that time who said it. Changing geopolitical landscape in the region is also one of the reasons. Indonesia Today is more like Indonesia during 1970's-1987 before the fall of Berlin wall and reunification of German. During that time, Indonesia is basically the important regional power with Soeharto become important anti communist leader in SEA. We dont even have any diplomatic relationship with both USSR and China during that time.


USA is clearly supporting Indonesia leadership within ASEAN after 2005. They even make clear statement about Indonesia leadership. I dont know since when they make this bold statement, but at least since Obama administration it has already been written like this :


Indonesia is a vital partner in the Indo-Pacific Region, and U.S.-Indonesia relations have taken on increasing importance. Indonesia is the world’s third largest democracy, largest Muslim-majority country, the seventh-largest economy by purchasing power, and a leader in ASEAN.


I believe they already approve it when they propose the F 16 to us, but there is no clear statement about it found in the media. Media just know it after Indonesia buy the missile in 2016


We also buy NASAM that uses AMRAMM

Indonesian F16 A/B bought in 1989 is also now being refurbished and upgraded



The Egyptian-made ST-500 armored vehicle, locally manufactured at the 200 Military Factory, in partnership between the Egyptian private company IMUT and the Ministry of Military Production, the Egyptian Land Forces contracted 100 armored vehicles as a first batch...

It wasn't an old new. Ya3ni I am sure they delivered a part of it sa7?
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