I heard the optics on the KA-52 suck compared to Western counterparts.
That's why they specifically requested the EOS-52 (or OES-52) electro optical system (and laser targeting) which was co-developed between Sagem and Kamov and is mostly French components. It has much improved optical sighting system than the Russian GOES-451 and is based on the French STRYX. That, the particular radar they requested in the Arbalet-52 Dual-band pulse radar are 2 of the custom requests by the EGY military. It's possible with the main Arbalet radar that they could also be ready to receive the Arbalet top rotor mounted radar which is the Russian Long Bow equivalent that Algeria has equipped its Mi-28's with.
Israel: The Egyptian army deceives the world and is 7 times more powerful and the
You have to admit that is some funny shhhhtuff, SC, because of the exaggeration factor. I'm sure there is serious deception of course, and Egypt isn't the only country to practice this with its military, but I'm guessing the actual strength is maybe 1-1/2 times greater, not 7 lmao. It would be literally impossible to hide an army the size it was in 2001 (which is when that coocoo Israeli article came out) and 7 times stronger which means at least 7 times more equipment of all types and 7 million men etc. Impossible. Those Israelis think the world is stupid or something lol. It's actually part of THEIR deception plan.
The other interesting part is the US' refusal to share information on the equipment it's providing to Egypt, really?. That might be possible because of the US' credibility as a weapons provider. The Egyptian army might have insisted on such a deal in return for other things and the US was forced to honor it.
And their concern about Egypt receiving the Harpoon blk 2 anti-ship missile is laughable. What about all the touting about the iron cone and the other super duper Israeli intercepting super mega herculean missiles? Actually Egypt is in a more vulnerable position because they even have greater numbers of the Harpoons and not only that, we have a much larger navy which makes us MUCH MORE susceptible! These people are really not that smart, I tell ya. Even I could come up with better ways to deceive allies.
BTW, my emoji tool bar has disappeared again. Not sure what the heck is going on with this forum.
most dangerous Egyptian weapon is capable of destroying a city in 3 seconds
Not sure if they're trying to flatter us with this one or what? Or maybe exert pressure on the US? But the US is much smarter than us grunts so what is their motive in being this ridiculously silly?
Just to be clear, he mentions the specific weapon that would cause the destruction of a city in 3 seconds is the SCALP cruise missile. Egypt has 50 SCALPs according to SIPRI, yes? 2 per fighter and that's it, missiles are depleted unless they acquire more.
Let's say each missile can pretty much take out a 5-story building. So provided every single one gets through the enemy's ADS (which is impossible under any circumstances), you take out 50 buildings which is hardly a whole city and how is that possibly done in 3 seconds? I'm really curious in case I missed something.