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Egyptian Armed Forces

^^ Very nice, SC.

How about this rare beauty? :-)

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As for the Egyptian 220 F-16s ..their specifications are not degraded

The Egyptian F-16, whether Block 42 or Block 52, are understood to be with the same standard equipment as the Block and there is no reduction or downgrade in the standards..

The difference is in of the BVR missile only
Instead of using the AMRAM BVR missiles .......... Sparrow BVR missiles are used

Which only affects the Egyptian F-16s, the fire and forget feature..
Other than that, they are the same specifications if they are not better than many of the F-16 aircraft that serve in different countries of the world, many owners of the F-16, including European countries, still rely on the old blocks 10 and 15 ... While for Egypt, its entire fleet is upgraded to standard 42 and the new deal.. standard 52..

A rumour that Egypt does not have the BVR capabilities on its aircrafts is a ridiculous rumour ..

But if we want to talk about preparing something that will not appear until the time of need, there are the Chinese, and these people have no difficulty in matters of reverse engineering..
We will not know yet why the leadership allowed Chinese experts to visit the F-16 bases..
And why does the US classify Egypt as the country that violated the armament agreements the most ..;):sick::lol:

The Sparrow is a BVR missile and Egypt has large numbers of it on its F-16s
Medium-long range 70 km


The Matra R 530 is a BVR missile and works on Mirage F-1 aircraft (out of service now)
The Matra super 530 F is a BVR missile that operates on Mirage aircraft



The 530D has a claimed maximum interception altitude of 24,400 m (80,100 ft), with a snap-up capability of 12,200 m (40,000 ft), and a snap-down capability to targets at 60 m (200 ft). The missile has a range of 40 km and a maximum speed of less than Mach 5

Short-medium range of 40 km


This is now the oldest BVR air to air missiles in the Egyptian arsenal with the newest ones reaching up 200 + km..
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Super rare photo of a brand new EAF MiG-35 with a backseat pilot who doesn't even have any badges on his brand new uniform yet. I believe the 2-seater versions (which are 4 aircraft I think) have the desert camo like this one, while all the other single-seaters have the blue, so called naval camo. Everything is brand new on that aircraft and probably has the "new airplane leather smell."

As for the Egyptian 220 F-16s ..their specifications are not degraded

The Egyptian F-16, whether Block 42 or Block 52, are understood to be with the same standard equipment as the Block and there is no reduction or downgrade in the standards..

The difference is in of the BVR missile only
Instead of using the AMRAM BVR missiles .......... Sparrow BVR missiles are used

Which only affects the Egyptian F-16s, the fire and forget feature..
Other than that, they are the same specifications if they are not better than many of the F-16 aircraft that serve in different countries of the world, many owners of the F-16, including European countries, still rely on the old blocks 10 and 15 ... While for Egypt, its entire fleet is upgraded to standard 42 and the new deal.. standard 52..

A rumour that Egypt does not have the BVR capabilities on its aircrafts is a ridiculous rumour ..

But if we want to talk about preparing something that will not appear until the time of need, there are the Chinese, and these people have no difficulty in matters of reverse engineering..
We will not know yet why the leadership allowed Chinese experts to visit the F-16 bases..
And why does the US classify Egypt as the country that violated the armament agreements the most ..;):sick::lol:

The Sparrow is a BVR missile and Egypt has large numbers of it on its F-16s
Medium-long range 70 km


This is almost always the configuration when escorting the presidential plane, as well as visiting presidents to Egypt. A pair of AIM-7 Sparrows and a 4-set of AIM-9Ls per aircraft. Even the US navy uses the AIM-7 Sparrow on many occasions as its been upgraded through the years, including its range. This is not the Vietnam era missile LOL! :lol:


The Matra R 530 is a BVR missile and works on Mirage F-1 aircraft (out of service now)
The Matra super 530 F is a BVR missile that operates on Mirage aircraft



The 530D has a claimed maximum interception altitude of 24,400 m (80,100 ft), with a snap-up capability of 12,200 m (40,000 ft), and a snap-down capability to targets at 60 m (200 ft). The missile has a range of 40 km and a maximum speed of less than Mach 5

Short-medium range of 40 km


This is now the oldest BVR air to air missiles in the Egyptian arsenal with the newest ones reaching up 200 + km..

According to Latribune and this was from April of 2019. Needless to say, very interesting info concerning the US lifting ITAR sanctions on the Meteor missile as well as talk of the additional 12 Rafales. I just copy/pasted the last paragraph on the missiles, but the link is to the full article where it mentions losing out on the Gowind 5 & 6 and the NH190.

Armament: but what is going on between France and Egypt?
By Michel Cabirol | 04/25/2019, 6:00 am

Concerning the additional order of twelve Rafales, the file is progressing. France has recently removed a major obstacle. According to our information, the United States lifted the blockade, which it imposed via ITAR regulations, on France on the export to Egypt of the Meteor air-to-air missile, which is very popular with the army of the Egyptian air. This is very good news for MBDA, already facing the blockage of the Scalp cruise missile in Egypt. Because Cairo wants to equip its entire Rafale fleet, including the twelve additional, with Meteor. However, we would still be far from a signature, says a good observer of the land of the Pharaohs.


And they've even upgraded some of the features on that aircraft since this advert came out.

The first thing you can easily notice is the flaps. Those flaps which are the same as the original MiG-29s are smaller than the new MiG-35 (even the MiG-29K of the Indian Air Force) which are MUCH larger and are referred to as "barn door flaps" lol because of their humungeouslous size. You can easily see how much bigger they are (somewhere around 30% larger surface area) which assists greatly in not only taking off and landing, but at slower speed maneuvering and higher AoA.



Hard to tell if the OLS-K is not on the EAF MiGs, but if the glass bubble is still part of the system, then they don't have it which is pretty much a built-in target desingator for ground attack munitions, but the T-220 pod makes up for that and then some, since that gives you the opportunity to modify and add new and better pods as they come out. So the T-220 takes the role of the built-in OLS-K.


The Zhuk-AE is still not ready. Supposedly its features are as follows:

The Phazotron Zhuk-AE AESA radar offers a wider range of operating frequencies, providing more resistance to electronic countermeasures (ECM), more detection range, more air and ground targets detected, tracked and able to be engaged simultaneously. The radar is thought to have detection range of 160 km (86 nmi) for air targets and 300 km (160 nmi) for ships.

The Zhuk-ME (which is what the EAF MiGs have as well as the Indian MiG-29Ks) features steered array radar antenna and is intended for the Mig-29 aircraft. It can detect airborne targets with a five square meter Radar Cross Section (RCS) at ranges of 110-120 kilometers in the forward hemisphere or 50 kilometers in the rear hemisphere while tracking 10 targets and engaging four of them simultaneously. It can track up to two ground/sea targets simultaneously. In the air-to-ground mode, the Zhuk-ME is capable of detecting armored formations at ranges of 25 kilometers and railway bridges at ranges of 120 kilometers.

Not too shabby and if this and the built-in OLS-K vs the T-220 pod are the only differences between what would make this a MiG-35 is really silly IMO.


The current production Kh-58E export variant has a range of 200 km, subject to launch conditions, and likely employs the engine developed for the Kh-58U. The weapon has been integrated on the new MiG-31BM Foxhound variant.
An anti-shipping variant equipped with an active radar seeker is also offered..

The latest export variant offered is the Kh-58UShKE, which is slightly shorter than the Kh-58E, uses shorter span wings, and has a range of up to 245 km. It is equipped with a new wideband seeker design capable of acquiring emitters operating between 1.2 and 11 GHz, and can also home on CW (continuous wave) emitters in one band.


If this is indeed an export model and available, I still have a tough time seeing even Russia sell this to Egypt. You know the Israelis are all over this stuff and these types of weapons that get into the 200/300 kilometre range starts giving them anxiety and heart palpitations etc. And Netanyahu's relationship with Putin is well known. So we'll have to wait and see which is also another difficult thing to do. We have no idea of the weapons that are supplied by the Russians unless we happen to see then in photographs since they don't disclose them.

This is a good example of that.

KH-35UE air-to-ship anti-ship missile with a range of 260 km, which includes an INS system + GPS / GLONASS satellite navigation + Passive Radar Homing and Active Radar Homing, which starts operating at a distance of 50 km from the target With the possibility of providing it with the coordinates of any other friendly platforms such as fighters, ships, submarines, helicopters or drones, it has a super explosive, fragmented warhead that weighs 145 kg, and flies at an altitude of 10-15 meters above the sea level and then drops to only 4 meters in a stage The last flight before hitting the target from a distance of 50 km.
On the Nile Alligator too..


As awesome as the KH-35 is and how it has many of my brothers all excited that it will be featured on the Ka-52Ks for the Mistral, do we really know if such a potent weapon will even be sold to the EAF or EN? I mean, this was part of the reason I posted the picture of the Ka-52 Nile Crocodile carrying "Item 308" as we had no idea this weapon was featured as part of the package for the Ka-52s lol. AND, it's range is 30 kilometres which is significantly less than these other, standoff munitions. So it will be great to see which ones will indeed make it as part of the Su-35 package since I highly doubt the EAF chose that aircraft and paid $2+ billion for them without a compliments of weapons that would also include not only the veritable R-27 for A2A missiles, but a slew of those heavy A2G munitions. Wouldn't mind the Kh-35, the export version of the Kh-58 and a combination of the KH-59ME mobile anti-ground missile for marine targets with the fixed on television camera and a range of 115 km as well as the Raduga Kh-59 Ovod / AS-13 Kingbolt. Just those 3 would be fine for me! lol.
And they've even upgraded some of the features on that aircraft since this advert came out.

The first thing you can easily notice is the flaps. Those flaps which are the same as the original MiG-29s are smaller than the new MiG-35 (even the MiG-29K of the Indian Air Force) which are MUCH larger and are referred to as "barn door flaps" lol because of their humungeouslous size. You can easily see how much bigger they are (somewhere around 30% larger surface area) which assists greatly in not only taking off and landing, but at slower speed maneuvering and higher AoA.


View attachment 634358
Hard to tell if the OLS-K is not on the EAF MiGs, but if the glass bubble is still part of the system, then they don't have it which is pretty much a built-in target desingator for ground attack munitions, but the T-220 pod makes up for that and then some, since that gives you the opportunity to modify and add new and better pods as they come out. So the T-220 takes the role of the built-in OLS-K.


The Zhuk-AE is still not ready. Supposedly its features are as follows:

The Phazotron Zhuk-AE AESA radar offers a wider range of operating frequencies, providing more resistance to electronic countermeasures (ECM), more detection range, more air and ground targets detected, tracked and able to be engaged simultaneously. The radar is thought to have detection range of 160 km (86 nmi) for air targets and 300 km (160 nmi) for ships.

The Zhuk-ME (which is what the EAF MiGs have as well as the Indian MiG-29Ks) features steered array radar antenna and is intended for the Mig-29 aircraft. It can detect airborne targets with a five square meter Radar Cross Section (RCS) at ranges of 110-120 kilometers in the forward hemisphere or 50 kilometers in the rear hemisphere while tracking 10 targets and engaging four of them simultaneously. It can track up to two ground/sea targets simultaneously. In the air-to-ground mode, the Zhuk-ME is capable of detecting armored formations at ranges of 25 kilometers and railway bridges at ranges of 120 kilometers.

Not too shabby and if this and the built-in OLS-K vs the T-220 pod are the only differences between what would make this a MiG-35 is really silly IMO.


If this is indeed an export model and available, I still have a tough time seeing even Russia sell this to Egypt. You know the Israelis are all over this stuff and these types of weapons that get into the 200/300 kilometre range starts giving them anxiety and heart palpitations etc. And Netanyahu's relationship with Putin is well known. So we'll have to wait and see which is also another difficult thing to do. We have no idea of the weapons that are supplied by the Russians unless we happen to see then in photographs since they don't disclose them.

This is a good example of that.

As awesome as the KH-35 is and how it has many of my brothers all excited that it will be featured on the Ka-52Ks for the Mistral, do we really know if such a potent weapon will even be sold to the EAF or EN? I mean, this was part of the reason I posted the picture of the Ka-52 Nile Crocodile carrying "Item 308" as we had no idea this weapon was featured as part of the package for the Ka-52s lol. AND, it's range is 30 kilometres which is significantly less than these other, standoff munitions. So it will be great to see which ones will indeed make it as part of the Su-35 package since I highly doubt the EAF chose that aircraft and paid $2+ billion for them without a compliments of weapons that would also include not only the veritable R-27 for A2A missiles, but a slew of those heavy A2G munitions. Wouldn't mind the Kh-35, the export version of the Kh-58 and a combination of the KH-59ME mobile anti-ground missile for marine targets with the fixed on television camera and a range of 115 km as well as the Raduga Kh-59 Ovod / AS-13 Kingbolt. Just those 3 would be fine for me! lol.
Defensive Weapons


Offensive Weapons

Sinai 200 APC


Al Asaar described it as a pure Egyptian creativity..

Mohamed Al-Assar, the Minister of Military Production, said that the armored Sina 200 was executed 100% by Egyptian hands and minds, comparable to its counterparts in the world and is characterized by flexibility and speed.

Mohamed Al-Assar added, in a telephone interview with Ahmed Moussa, on his program "On My Responsibility", broadcasted on "Echo Al-Balad" channel, "For the first time an Egyptian loader is being constructed in our factories, and President Sisi thanked the Engineering Authority of the Armed Forces for trying it..

It is not a heavy armored APC and it is intended for mobile rapid intervention forces. It will be transported onboard the strategic transport planes and onboard the Mistral. .. light weight was taken into account at the expense of armour... with cage shields to increase survival ... with a remote control tower ... and it is possible to add a larger weapon..

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Take a look at this latest Su-35S video from MAKS-2019 of what should be the same jet that the EAF will be getting and take a look at the maneuver everyone seems to be talking about at minute 2:17 loooool! They haven't named it yet when the pilot takes a sudden 45 degree turn LOL! It's ridiculous. It also does all the other great stuff like the super cobra and flying backwards and tight loops etc. Also interesting how it seems to be carrying what looks like an R-27 between the engines while performing this incredible airshow.

It's actually probably the fastest 180 degree turn you'll ever see!

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Take a look at this latest Su-35S video from MAKS-2019 of what should be the same jet that the EAF will be getting and take a look at the maneuver everyone seems to be talking about at minute 2:17 loooool! They haven't named it yet when the pilot takes a sudden 45 degree turn LOL! It's ridiculous. It also does all the other great stuff like the super cobra and flying backwards and tight loops etc. Also interesting how it seems to be carrying what looks like an R-27 between the engines while performing this incredible airshow.

It's actually probably the fastest 180 degree turn you'll ever see!

One word:


Please don't show this to some kids here on PDF, they might hurt themselves trying to mimic these moves at home..:omghaha:
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One word:


Please don't show this to some kids here on PDF, they might hurt themselves trying to mimic these moves at home..

lol. Did you catch the latest wopper of a doozi about the Egyptian Rafales not having SPECTRA on their jets? looooooool I nearly fell out of my chair when I read that. I mean, I think we're all used to reading a lot of tough stuff directed at Egypt in general, but now with the incredible, military spending spree that is going on, it's just getting worst and I expected much of that hatred to kick up a notch, but to claim the Egyptian Rafales are without SPECTRA looool!! That just about did it.

So they have all the required sensors on the aircraft including the missiles but they're disconnected? lol! They just don't have the most important function of that aircraft and they went out and paid billions for the 24 they got without arguably its best feature? And they want 12 more because they're so happy with them despite not having SPECTRA?! loololooolol! I think we've heard it all now, ma man. :laugh:



lol. Did you catch the latest wopper of a doozi about the Egyptian Rafales not having SPECTRA on their jets? looooooool I nearly fell out of my chair when I read that. I mean, I think we're all used to reading a lot of tough stuff directed at Egypt in general, but now with the incredible, military spending spree that is going on, it's just getting worst and I expected much of that hatred to kick up a notch, but to claim the Egyptian Rafales are without SPECTRA looool!! That just about did it.

So they have all the required sensors on the aircraft including the missiles but they're disconnected? lol! They just don't have the most important function of that aircraft and they went out and paid billions for the 24 they got without arguably its best feature? And they want 12 more because they're so happy with them despite not having SPECTRA?! loololooolol! I think we've heard it all now, ma man. :laugh:



Yes he was trying to strip all the components of the EAF fighter planes and add them to his own..:lol::lol::lol::lol:

You know that jealousy and low negative emotions can make some people go nuts and even crazy....the Migs are just the old 29s, the F-16s have nothing on them..SU-35 just another ordinary fighter..So much hurt..lol
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Yes he was trying to strip all the components of the EAF fighter planes and add them to his own..:lol::lol::lol::lol:

You know that jealousy and low negative emotions can make some people go nuts and even crazy....the Migs are just the old 29s, the F-16s have nothing on them..SU-35 just another ordinary fighter..So much hurt..lol

lol, IKR. Really looking forward to seeing the first 2 delivered this year and hopefully they'll release many of the testing photographs like they did with the MiG-35. The camo schem is also in high anticipation. Makes you wonder if they'll match the MiGs or go with something different. They might've used that camo for the MiGs because their role will primarily be interception over the Mediterranean or Red Sea. But the Su-35S and its range will take it to many places far from Egyptian territory so it could spend a lot of its time over water or land, but mostly water I would think because of international waters are more allowable for over-flights. But I wouldn't mind seeing it in just a standard, smoky grey.


BTW, a mutual friend sent me this photo via Twitter since it was a question I brought up a few years ago, if anyone had ever seen a photo of the Egyptian Chinook actually land in water. He sent it to me and here it is. Pretty cool.

I think that even if you don't understand Arabic, by only watching this video, anyone can tell that the Alexandria shipyard has some serious ship-building capabilities, from all the blue-printing, the metallurgy (which is all local and always a difficult part of any military producing aspect), the transferring information on C&C cutting machines, the welding and fabrication of all the hull components and then assembling them, can easily be seen in this video. If tech transfer comes with the Mekos and any eventual Italian ships, the sky will be the limit in being able to eventually produce an indigenous ship. If they start out with some smaller, attack crafts and slowly move their way up while appointing electronics specialist to create the compatible electronics through R&D and reverse engineering, they would easily be able to produce ships of most caliber with the experience, capabilities and this shipyard venue that they have.

Even if it's part of the technology transfer, putting one of these Gowinds together is no small task.

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Some great footage from Minute 40:30 and on of Rafales & MiG-35 taxiing and taking off (including cockpit views of the latter hooking up to the basket from a buddy-buddy refueler) and IL-76 & Ka-52 and even a pair of Mi-24 Hinds and much more at the opening ceremony of the Bernice military base. Those MiGs sure do taxi at a high speed! Good stuff.

Some photos from that video that I believe @Amun might've already posted. Sorry brother if it's a repeat of what you posted already.

Keep in mind, EAF pilots have been doing air to air refueling qualifications since the mid-80's with US tankers and mostly with the F-16 and F-4 Phantom fleets. So it's not necessarily a new thing. However, buddy-buddy is most certainly new and basket connections are, for the most part, much easier that boom connections (like on the F-16s, F-4s and F-15s) especially with the F-16 where the connection for the boom on that aircraft is on the spine of the aircraft behind the pilot. Much more difficult to line up plus it also requires the work of the boom operator. Whereas the air refueling probe and basket catch is a matter of the pilot lining it up and putting the boom into the basket. Not as easy as it sounds, either, because of wind and turbulence etc., but easier than the boom.



@Gomig-21 @Amun @The SC

Love this paint scheme! :


lol, IKR. Really looking forward to seeing the first 2 delivered this year and hopefully they'll release many of the testing photographs like they did with the MiG-35. The camo schem is also in high anticipation. Makes you wonder if they'll match the MiGs or go with something different. They might've used that camo for the MiGs because their role will primarily be interception over the Mediterranean or Red Sea. But the Su-35S and its range will take it to many places far from Egyptian territory so it could spend a lot of its time over water or land, but mostly water I would think because of international waters are more allowable for over-flights. But I wouldn't mind seeing it in just a standard, smoky grey.

View attachment 635525

BTW, a mutual friend sent me this photo via Twitter since it was a question I brought up a few years ago, if anyone had ever seen a photo of the Egyptian Chinook actually land in water. He sent it to me and here it is. Pretty cool.

View attachment 635526

Just so weird for me (to this day) to see the single seater flanker. Such massive a/c for its type and just one pilot.

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