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Egypt: "Please, God. Please make it stop"

There is a very popular saying among people who get raped or sexually harassed says: "She/he did sth disturbing to me that would make a German pornographer blush" in reference of German medieval and disgusting sexual activity. I didn't know there are human beings make out in the middle of the streets and at public beaches (off course, outside animal kingdoms) but in Germany and Belgium.

I don't know where you're getting at...? If you're saying Western society is morally corrupt, because of it's sexual liberties. Then maybe you're right (from your moral view). But if you're implying that such a thing could occur in a Western society on the street in public with hundreds of men, police doing nothing? I would say no.. I can't recall any, except from a case in the United States where immigrants where involved. Rape occurs everywhere (in private situations mostly), but Egypt seems to have a monopoly on rape cases where hundreds of men are involved in the open, on the street. Without shame, uncontrolled and without being punished.
Incidents have occurred like this over and over again, to both foreigners and Egyptians alike. Natasha Smith, Lara Logan, Mona Eltahawy, the girl in the blue bra, a French and a Dutch female journalist a few months back, the dozens of women marching against harassment earlier this month in Cairo, the women sexually assaulted during Eid in 2008 by a few hundred men, the women that were violated by "virgin tests" and you can go on..
Yes I know that bro. Don't worry, just clarify the matter up with amidamaru.
I'm still waiting for him to reply to my post #54, but seems he's not man enough to reply back. Typical sissy trait, and he has the nerves to get personal with me and call me a idiot and buffoon.

I know that you aren't racist, & I am sure most other members know that you aren't racist either.
Thanks, but there are a few here who think otherwise.

I think many people share our views on the preservation of race, culture, & heritage. It's just that some people won't be willing to admit it. All races have a right to exist, their cultures & values must also be respected & honored.

Not really, before you and a few others who share my views joined this forum i remember i brought up the issue of racial/cultural preservation and i was labeled a racist NAZI, "closet NAZI", etc.
I'm still waiting for him to reply to my post #54, but seems he's not man enough to reply back. Typical sissy trait, and he has the nerves to get personal with me and call me a idiot and buffoon.

Thanks, but there are a few here who think otherwise.

I think amidamaru misunderstood your posts & the point you were trying to make. Just let it go bro, there is no point in fighting or arguing on an internet forum.

Not really, before you and a few others who share my views joined this forum i remember i brought up the issue of racial/cultural preservation and i was labeled a racist NAZI, "closet NAZI", etc.

Some people have no sense of pride or honor in their heritage. Those people are simply a waste of time, it's very difficult to get them to change their views.
Rapes (per capita) (most recent) by country
Egypt: 0.001 per 1,000 people

Germany: 0.089 per 1,000 people

Israel: 0.166 per 1,000 people
Rapes (per capita) statistics - countries compared - Crime data on NationMaster

Rapes (most recent) by country

# 2 Germany: 7,292 2009

# 15 Israel: 1,243

# 44 Egypt: 87

Rape statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

These statistics are merely the police record. It is said that in Muslim countries women often won't report rape, either out of embarrassment or fear that they then risk being killed to preserve the family honor. So for Muslim countries, you have to combine the rape and honor killing statistics to get a more accurate estimate of rape.
These statistics are merely the police record. It is said that in Muslim countries women often won't report rape, either out of embarrassment or fear that they then risk being killed to preserve the family honor. So for Muslim countries, you have to combine the rape and honor killing statistics to get a more accurate estimate of rape.

Someone who understands it. Fact is that muslim immigrants are relatively more criminal.


Organized crime (ethnics):


Minors suspect of crime:

this is why australia hates people coming from these countries to australia.. sri lanka, india, pakistan, arabia, africa, afghanistan etc etc... because when they come here, they have the same attitudes.. they say they come here to leave their lives behind and move on, etc.. but they bring the same mentality here... hence australia sydney beach riots etc against the lebanese... we got called racist because of it.. but truth it, we are just sick of their mentality... even the 2nd generation, same attitude

Stuff like this does not happen at such a rate in Pakistan, please don't involve us. This was one incident, just as how stuff similar to this happens in Austarlia and Europe, it is not used to represent the majority of the people. You are very ignorant.

And you may want to take a look at your own country more carefully, Australia, as well as European nations. Others have labelled everything perfectly, I have no need to repeat them.
Rapes (per capita) (most recent) by country
Egypt: 0.001 per 1,000 people

Germany: 0.089 per 1,000 people

Israel: 0.166 per 1,000 people
Rapes (per capita) statistics - countries compared - Crime data on NationMaster

Rapes (most recent) by country

# 2 Germany: 7,292 2009

# 15 Israel: 1,243

# 44 Egypt: 87

Rape statistics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This actually tells us that German society (and Israel) takes rape more seriously as a crime that should be punished. The reason why Egypt has a lower rape figure is, because more women don't actually report it, due to the shame and honor culture, that rather tends to blame and shame the victim (disowning the women or killing her). Also, Germany uses another definition of rape. Marital rape is not considered a crime in Egypt, while in Germany it is. So, it's logical that that the more tolerant and developed nations have higher rape rates. Rape occurs everywhere, it's how societies help the rape victims and goes after the perpetrators that matters!

But your statistics still don't explain why the most horrendous sexual crimes on the street, in view of the public eye occur in an Islamic oriented society like Egypt. Where ironically Western societies are frequently portrayed by Islamists, as places with no sexual inhibition or morals, countries where these extreme cases don't seem to take place.
Someone who understands it. Fact is that muslim immigrants are relatively more criminal.


Organized crime (ethnics):


Minors suspect of crime:


It's nonsense to pin it all down on Muslim immigrants. Non-Muslim immigrants tend to be more criminal as well. Or do you think that all the Latino criminals in the US, the Jamaican criminals in the UK, or the criminals from the Antilles in the Netherlands are somehow Muslim?
Someone who understands it. Fact is that muslim immigrants are relatively more criminal.

Not true, it depends on what type of immigrants they are, though i can't really speak for Muslims migrants in Europe or Australia but in America that's not the case. For example, if you take in refugee immigrants and asylum seekers (in the case of Australia and Europe) majority of whom are illiterate with tribal/village mentality and are more prone to extremism, then yes they will cause a lot of problems.

But on the other hand if the migrants are literate and skilled people they will easily integrate and respect the laws of the land. It also depends a lot on the native people of the host nations. If the people are not willing to take sh!t (which is the case in America, American people don't take sh!t) then the migrants no matter if they are literate or not, will stay in line and abide by the rules, because trust me when i say nobody wants to end up in an American jail or prison.

Pakistani Americans fare better than their European counterparts, i personally know a lot of Pakistanis who are very successful, you will find a lot of Pakistanis in the medical field like doctors, nurses, surgeons, researchers, and other white collar careers as well like engineers, IT technicians, Mechanical engineering, lawyers, auto mechanics, small business owners etc, heck there are Pakistanis in the USAF and NASA even, so for a buffoon like amidmaru to generalize all Pakistanis is really immature. Pakistanis live in their own wealthy middle class neighborhoods in States like Virginia, Long Island and Upstate New York and elsewhere in the US.

Here is a Pakistani American USAF F-15 Pilot:


Fla. — Lt. Ali Jivanjee performed a unique balancing act as an American Air Force fighter jet pilot and a devout Muslim.
His casket, draped in an American flag, and carried by men in traditional Pakistani clothes somberly captured that for mourners during his traditional Muslim burial last week. On Wednesday, more than 500 squadron members, friends and family gathered for another memorial at Eglin Air Force Base's 58th Fighter Squadron.

Jivanjee, who was killed in a mid-air crash with another F-15 C Eagle pilot in a training mission above the Gulf of Mexico, joked with his fellow aviators by signing various military documents "Jihad" after they teased him about his first and middle names — Ali Akbar, his commander, Lt. Col. Todd Jaxx, said at a memorial Wednesday.

Fellow pilots eventually gave Jivanjee the call sign "Danny Boy," saying he needed a strong Irish name, Jaxx said. The twenty-six-year-old pilot from San Dimas, Calif., grew up in a Pakastani-American family and graduated from UCLA with a degree in electrical engineering before joining the Air Force in 2004.


F-15s from Jivanjee's squadron perform a missing-man formation in his honor. F-15s were grounded for weeks after flaws were found in some. (By Nick Tomecek -- Associated Press)

"He was an outstanding fighter pilot, a stellar officer, an obedient son and a devout Muslim who was an amazing poker player. To several of us in this room, many of those things would seem to be in conflict but it was not an issue for Ali because above all else Ali is a great American," Jaxx said.

Jivanjee's parents, brother and wife attended Wednesday's memorial but did not speak.He received a traditional Muslim burial in Tampa Friday evening.Ahmed Bedier, executive director of the Tampa office of the Counsel on American-Islamic Relations said Jivanjee's military service was unique.

"He was a model example of a person who was able to balance parts of his life. He was a pilot flying the F-15 and he could have accomplished so much," he said.

Jaxx said Jivanjee had wanted to become a fighter pilot since age 12.
He not only achieved his dreamed, but excelled by obtaining an exceptionally qualified rating on his check ride, he said.

An Air Force board is investigating the Feb. 20 crash. The second pilot, who has not been identified publicly by the military, ejected and was treated and released from a local hospital. Both F-15 Cs were lost in the crash.

The fighter wing resumed its normal training schedule on Monday after suspending flights following the crash.
'A true American hero' F-15 pilot Ali Jivanjee, who died after Wednesday's crash, is remembered as 'phenomenal' man

By Robbyn Brooks

EGLIN AFB — He was a good man. He loved his wife and his job. People were drawn to his charismatic personality.

Friends who spoke about 1st Lt. Ali Jivanjee Friday all echoed the same thoughts about the pilot killed in the F-15 crash off the coast of Panama City Beach on Wednesday.

“He was the type of guy you knew you’d be friends with for the rest of your life,” said his college buddy Aneesh Singhal.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/milita...istani-american-f-15-pilot.html#ixzz1z8lW8glt

Also, a study conducting on Asian Americans of different nationalities, here is what it states about Pakistani community in America:

"Here are some of the highlights of Pakistani-American data from US Census 2010 as gleaned from a report titled "A Community of Contrasts Asian Americans in the United States: 2011" published by Asian-American Center For Advancing Justice:

1. There are 409,163 Pakistani-Americans in 2010, the 7th largest Asian-American community in America.

2. Pakistani-American population doubled from 2000 (204,309) to 2010 (409,163), the second largest percentage increase after Bangladeshis' 157% increase in the same period.

3. The median household income of Pakistani-American families is nearly $63,000 versus $51,369 average for all Americans.

4. 55% of Pakistanis have a bachelor's degree or higher. (actually, its 60% now)

5. 55% of Pakistanis own their own homes.

6. 6% of Pakistani-American population is mixed race.

7. 65% of Pakistanis in America are foreign-born. 57% of foreign-born Pakistani-American population is made up of naturalized citizens.

8. There are 120,000 Pakistani legal permanent residents of which 42% are eligible to naturalize.

9. There were 69,202 immigrant visas issued to Pakistanis from 2001 to 2010, the 5th highest among Asian nations.

10. 28% of Pakistanis have limited English proficiency.

11. 15% of Pakistanis are classified as poor; only 1% of them are on public assistance.

12. 8% of Pakistanis are unemployed, a figure lower than the general population of Americans.

13. Median age of Pakistanis in America is only 29 years, lower than most of the Asian groups and the national median age of 36.8 years.

Pakistani-American community is still relatively young when compared with other immigrant groups. More of the Pakistanis in America are college educated than the general population of whites and various immigrant groups. The youthful energy and higher education levels of Pakistani-Americans are opening doors for them to rise and shine in America, in spite of the current economic difficulties in their adopted land of opportunities.
Haq's Musings: Pakistani-American Population Growth Second Fastest Among Asian-Americans



Most of the criminal activity in the US is committed by Mexican and Black gangs.
Thanks bro, good to see more and more people on this forum who share my views.

@Surenas, thanks.

@amidmaru, still waiting for your reply to my post.

desertfox.. it is one thing to advocate respect for ones country, people, traditions.. and integrity etc

and you may do so...however in here, what you have said to me, is nothing more then biased mumbo jumbo that supports and makes excuses for your peoples and others of your regions ill manners, discriminative/egotistical/racist/superiority complex/ideology. you put the blame on the victims... you put blame on my country, for the behaviour of your and others people.

this is inexcusable. and while you may not be racist, you are certainly a bigot. perhaps you took offense to the truth that i layed out in front of you?? well dont direct your anger at me, direct your anger at the peoples you defended to me. the rapist, the murderers, the gangs, the two faced, hypocritical immorally bankrupt penons of your country(and others).

because if i was in your position, i would be angry that my people have disgraced the rest of my people... a lot of australians go to thailand, philippines etc as sex tourist. they think they are better then others, can do what they want, have little respect etc.. i hate people like that. and this is one of the reason why i also hate my people... when i go to another country, whether to tour, or to live.. i have full respect for the people of that nations, its rules/laws, traditions, beliefs etc. and i would NEVER make an excuse for any of my people who blatantly do not.

a person can make mistakes, they may not know the rules etc.. but when it comes to rape, molestation, murder, gangs etc.. i have no sympathy nor the desire to make excuses for them.

Stuff like this does not happen at such a rate in Pakistan, please don't involve us. This was one incident, just as how stuff similar to this happens in Austarlia and Europe, it is not used to represent the majority of the people. You are very ignorant.

And you may want to take a look at your own country more carefully, Australia, as well as European nations. Others have labelled everything perfectly, I have no need to repeat him.

well it certainly does represent the majority of yours, and other people who come to live in australia... especially their attitudes!!.. they come here, think hey we are better then these infidels.. we have more rights then them because allah says so. even in their country!..... you also think, hey the laws here are not as tough as back home.. we will do whatever we can get away with and if ever caught.. ahh we dont face that much punishment..... they take my country for granted... where they should be grateful to us for letting them live here and earn 100 times more then they would back home, have more freedoms, quality of life etc etc
It's nonsense to pin it all down on Muslim immigrants. Non-Muslim immigrants tend to be more criminal as well. Or do you think that all the Latino criminals in the US, the Jamaican criminals in the UK, or the criminals from the Antilles in the Netherlands are somehow Muslim?

Just wondering, are you Deutsch or Nederlands?
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