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Egypt: "Please, God. Please make it stop"

russians are not as bad here as in the states.. ive known a few russians.. i got along with them.. but still not best to bring up the past lol

the jews were shocking.. they still are..

After the Glasnost and Peristroika a lot of Russians moved to the US, even more after the collapse of Soviet Union, though they are mostly confined to larger cities, mainly NYC. So you won't really find them in the countryside, that's where the Country Folk live, and they don't play around like the self hating White people who live in the cities (though, not all of them are self haters).
Solomon Cohen -- you try too hard....

so, do you have the official numbers then - suddenly you are an expert
In short, you don't consider it your moral duty to study and discover the truth. Why should anyone, even yourself, believe in you?

you make up lies about ww2 and try to claim every death as your own.. you act like the haulacost as you put it was solely against jews.... but you never talk about or admit that more polish people died then jews, by the hands of germans... and russians... you never recognise the polish people had it harder then the jews in ww2... you prefer just to keep the focus on yourselves by maintaining lies.. and i can tell you they are lies.. my grandparents were polish, and were in german camps.. in poland and in germany....why should anyone believe the jews when so much lies have come out of their mouths since ww2?..

why believe me?? because im more realistic... even though i should be biased because of poland.. i at least say so many poles died.. so many jews died.. poland stil had it worse then the jews.. and for the jews it pretty much ended with the end of ww2... for poland.. it didnt end until the 1980's...

i have watched many a documentary about palestine, the creation of the israeli state etc.. i also done a lot of reading... and the stuff your saying is twisted truth's and rest bull
People say Hitler hated Jews because he was a bigoted person with something wrong with his brain due to him getting gassed and shell shocked in WW1, but in reality hate doesn't arise out of no where, every action has a opposite reaction.

This video states a lot of facts which have been historically documented.

Why did Hitler hate Jews ? - YouTube

I am by no means an anti-semite, i have Jewish friends and have come across many Jews who i hold dear more than some of my own people, I believe that Israel has the right to exist as a country for Jews, but i also believe history should not be distorted to meet the agenda of a few people.

Maybe its because we Pakistanis and indians haven't done to each other what Russians did to Poles?

I have a Polish friend, he is a very cool person, he's a Jehova's witness and i love his Polish accent, i once asked him about WW2 and the situation of Poland at that time but he doesn't seem to hold much hate against the Germans or Russians, he's mostly quite about it, don't know why.

Regarding the treatment of Japanese, well they were shipped to internment camps, the only difference was that the internment camps were not in a war zone, much like how the so called "concentration camps" were.

When your supply lines are being targeted by aerial attacks and you are fighting on two front, and you only have a few resources left with very little food, who are you going to feed; your soldiers fighting at the front, or the prisoners in the camps?

Thank God we Pakistani and Indians have not that leaves room for us to reconcile. Inshallah

coming from this guy :rofl:

He tries to hard.
Do you sleep better knowing that you stand alongside those who murdered millions of innocents?

i stand for the truth!!!

and i sleep better knowing i have helped expose your jewish lies, specially about ww2 and how your people were so hard done by, on this forum...

i sleep better knowing that now more people know the plight of my people, was a lot worse then what your people had to endure

i sleep better knowing my people took it in their stride and moved forward... yet your people still live in the past and 70 years later, still seek sympathy for things that only half happened to you

your no better then those who take credit for others creations... difference is.. you take sympathy in the place of polish people. you try to lie by making people believe it was all just against jews and no one else... its pathetic
you make up lies about ww2 -
Not asleep yet, I see!

I have thousands of posts here and none of them have been lies. I don't make up facts (though at times I have erred), nor do I pretend that uncomfortable facts are just "maybes", nor do I stand on falsehoods. I link to and often can defend every fact and can successfully dispute every counter-claim, or else agree with my opponent. You can't say as much, nor can you say you will even try to achieve as much. At most you can claim that you are right because you echo the louder voice, yes?

So once again, we're back to why you should believe in yourself, and how can you sleep well at night?

He tries to hard.
It's a hot day here in Washington, tempers do grow short.
Israel is a country where even the head of state can be imprisoned for sexual harassment. On the other hand, it seems likely that none of the Egyptians who participated in this gang rape will ever be prosecuted.

Now do you understand the difference between "ordinary people" in Egypt and Israel?

oh yes, me and everyone other than an Israeli knows the difference between ordinary people in Israel and any other nation, there are 1000s of videos available online to confirm the civility of ordinary Israeli. maybe you should go to some American blog and tell them you are Israeli and see the love pouring out for you and you will know the deffernce between civility of ordinary public.
"The most damned people are the occupiers of Palestinian land"
That says everything about you.

I do indulge people like you with more than a few sentences.

Interesting, how the famous Jewish reasoning evaporates ...
There are logical reasons for saying what I said,

It would be interesting, should you want to debate, I will personally ask the webby to open a thread for the same.
Things like that makes me ashamed to be an Egyptian. Hope those criminals pay for such a crime. Sexual harassment is an issue that ha s to be addressed in Egypt, it been increasing for the past couple of years.
tahrier square has become a safe place for thugs and drug dealers after the revolution becouse there is no police there and accidents like this happen everywhere every time i am passing by it i prepare for a fight but i dont agree with you when you say you are ashamed to be egyptian i dont care what anyone thinks but when en egyptian say that it just make me sad
hey solomon ---

get a job and stop being a drain on the economy

The way he propagate his propaganda and debate with endless paragraphs and verbiage. He should got a job in AIPAC.
AIPAC employs some of the greatest spin-masters known to man kind...they have money and influence

based on my limited interactins with this guy, he isnt mentally fit to work at Mcdonalds as a janitor....though at least cleaning toilets and mopping the floors at McDonalds is more "honorable" and productive than the bullshyt he writes on this forum.

if things were my way, this would be a forum for PAKISTANIS only.....not these losers who come on here spewing nonsense

(we do have some valuable non-Pak members tho, no disrespect to them)
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