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Egypt: "Please, God. Please make it stop"

Are you going to knock on my door and bring back my grandparents, aunts, and uncles from the dead? Next time when you speak out of ignorance say so and don't take convenient doubts as facts; the six million number wasn't picked out of thin air. I found one of my uncles deportation orders last year, on one of 20,000 lists of victims: link.

Agreed but figures can be manipulated though,but who were its mastermind?Did hitler acted alone or he same inspirations if he did then what were their origins.But ONE FACT that whole world saw was the creation of Israel by terrorising the local palestinians who owned most of what israel is today but I am sure you wont care to look at those lists and that policy of suppressing palestinians is still on infact on full swing with the active US supports.I have nothing against jews in general they are common humanbeings like rest but the way their elite has enlightened certain people (You solomonm are one of them)their aim is to create a false dillusional world which only their eyes can decrypt for complete control.But facts remains men like bush grandfather were financing hit hitler in his cleansing procedures anyways had there been no holocaust there wouldnt have been any state of israel so instead of making it a religious or jewish thing take it as a gift your ashkenzai fellows gave you to get control of this region middle east and to them blood or life means nothing and as we all have seen the way middle east is bubbling since their arrival in 48 and I indeed pray to God to get it stopped .
Are you going to knock on my door and bring back my grandparents, aunts, and uncles from the dead? Next time when you speak out of ignorance say so and don't take convenient doubts as facts; the six million number wasn't picked out of thin air. I found one of my uncles deportation orders last year, on one of 20,000 lists of victims: link.

I never said no body was killed you need to calm yourself down. What I said was the numbers were exaggerated and if they weren't how come whenever somebody tries to question the Holocaust they are labeled an anti-semetic and no one is allowed to look into the numbers.

i do challenge the authenticy of the jewish accounts.. well the number of deaths that it... i dont doubt your family died though

my pop was in sobibor among other camps... my nan was in camps too

6 million jews died?? thats a load of crap... i dont doubt the total deaths.. but you forget to add in the gypsies that died.. you also dont add in the amount of polish (non jews) that died... they would account for at least half

Jews claim that 6 million Jews died that however is not the case. Most of the people who died were gypsies and many other Nazi deemed "undesirables". Hitler was busy fighting a war on multiple fronts but they want us to believe he had all the time in the world to act out his grudge against their "race". Just the fact that Solomon got so emotional when I brought it up shows that they don't want anyone to question the Holocaust even though if you read my post I was defending Jews from Erdogan's statement.
The Soviet Union and other Commie regimes are responsible for the deaths of close to 200 million people, how come no memorial for them? In fact i only learned about the Holodomor myself, otherwise i didn't know that 6 million Ukrainians were starved to death by Bolshevik Communists.

the russians were just as brutal as the germans and responsible for many many deaths... poland got screwed over by both germans and russians... the Katyn massacre is a horrific example... poland intelligent people were slaughtered, this was their attempt to dumb down the polish population, to prevent any revolt, to make them more reliant and obedient etc.

i really resent jewish claims and expectations of sympathy etc... more polish people died at the hands of germans and russians then jewish people died.. you dont give sympathy to polish people? there rarely any mention of them.. polish people were treated just as bad by germans and russians.. jews had it easy.. they just hated by the germans.

about 1/5 of polish people lost their lives in ww2.......... The German plan involved not only the annexation of Polish territory, but also the total destruction of Polish culture and the Polish nation

I never said no body was killed you need to calm yourself down. What I said was the numbers were exaggerated and if they weren't how come whenever somebody tries to question the Holocaust they are labeled an anti-semetic and no one is allowed to look into the numbers.

Jews claim that 6 million Jews died that however is not the case. Most of the people who died were gypsies and many other Nazi deemed "undesirables". Hitler was busy fighting a war on multiple fronts but they want us to believe he had all the time in the world to act out his grudge against their "race". Just the fact that Solomon got so emotional when I brought it up shows that they don't want anyone to question the Holocaust even though if you read my post I was defending Jews from Erdogan's statement.

he is full of it.. my grandparents were polish.. they were in camps.. they were not gypsies.. they were not jews....

more polish people

the poor jews... hitler had plans to annihilate the entire population of polish people!!! over 20 million...

it really pisses me off when jews think they so hard done by... polish ppl suffered more then they did.... jews were just going to be exterminated from germany etc... they were going to exterminate the entire polish people
he is full of it.. my grandparents were polish.. they were in camps.. they were not gypsies.. they were not jews....

more polish people

the poor jews... hitler had plans to annihilate the entire population of polish people!!! over 20 million...

it really pisses me off when jews think they so hard done by... polish ppl suffered more then they did.... jews were just going to be exterminated from germany etc... they were going to exterminate the entire polish people

I can't believe he came at me when I was defending Jews. They are full of it. They having been suffering from collective PTSD since the end of the second world war and live off the sympathy.
the russians were just as brutal as the germans and responsible for many many deaths... poland got screwed over by both germans and russians... the Katyn massacre is a horrific example... poland intelligent people were slaughtered, this was their attempt to dumb down the polish population, to prevent any revolt, to make them more reliant and obedient etc.

i really resent jewish claims and expectations of sympathy etc... more polish people died at the hands of germans and russians then jewish people died.. you dont give sympathy to polish people? there rarely any mention of them.. polish people were treated just as bad by germans and russians.. jews had it easy.. they just hated by the germans.

about 1/5 of polish people lost their lives in ww2.......... The German plan involved not only the annexation of Polish territory, but also the total destruction of Polish culture and the Polish nation


Well, the truth will always be hidden, and AFAIK, the Katyn Forest Massacre was carried out by the NKVD (Soviet secret police), but yet that Katyn Forest Massacre was blamed on the Germans after WW2.

Yeah, the Germans did commit a lot of horrendous acts against the Poles, but what came after the defeat of Germany was far worse in my opinion, Poland had to live 4 decades behind the iron curtain.

And lets not forget, as the German withdrew, the Red Army, plundered, looted, raped, and burned everything in their way to Germany, and millions of Polish women were raped.

Crimes committed by Germany are only exaggerated. I believe the Germans only did to the Jews what Americans did to the Japanese and German Americans during WW2 which was put them in internment camps.
I can't believe he came at me when I was defending Jews. They are full of it. They having been suffering from collective PTSD since the end of the second world war and live of the sympathy.

he is a fool.. he gone quiet now hasnt he... how dare he.. it really irks me man.. im half polish... so this is sensitive issue for me... i wanna debate the jews about this.. but soon as they get a pole here, they run and hide

Well, the truth will always be hidden, and AFAIK, the Katyn Forest Massacre was carried out by the NKVD (Soviet secret police), but yet that Katyn Forest Massacre was blamed on the Germans after WW2.

Yeah, the Germans did commit a lot of horrendous acts against the Poles, but what came after the defeat of Germany was far worse in my opinion, Poland had to live 4 decades behind the iron curtain.

And lets not forget, as the German withdrew, the Red Army, plundered, looted, raped, and burned everything in their way to Germany, and millions of Polish women were raped.

Crimes committed by Germany are only exaggerated. I believe the Germans only did to the Jews what Americans did to the Japanese and German Americans during WW2 which was put them in internment camps.

i disagree to the extent the americans treated japanese etc....

germany was bad.. really really bad... but the russians were just as brutal...... polish hate russians.. and vice versa.... you could say there is more bad blood between russians and polish and more hatred then pakistan/indian
he is a fool.. he gone quiet now hasnt he... how dare he.. it really irks me man.. im half polish... so this is sensitive issue for me... i wanna debate the jews about this.. but soon as they get a pole here, they run and hide

People say Hitler hated Jews because he was a bigoted person with something wrong with his brain due to him getting gassed and shell shocked in WW1, but in reality hate doesn't arise out of no where, every action has a opposite reaction.

I am by no means an anti-semite, i have Jewish friends and have come across many Jews who i hold dear more than some of my own people, I believe that Israel has the right to exist as a country for Jews, but i also believe history should not be distorted to meet the agenda of a few people.

he is a fool.. he gone quiet now hasnt he... how dare he.. it really irks me man.. im half polish... so this is sensitive issue for me... i wanna debate the jews about this.. but soon as they get a pole here, they run and hide

i disagree to the extent the americans treated japanese etc....

germany was bad.. really really bad... but the russians were just as brutal...... polish hate russians.. and vice versa.... you could say there is more bad blood between russians and polish and more hatred then pakistan/indian

Maybe its because we Pakistanis and indians haven't done to each other what Russians did to Poles?

I have a Polish friend, he is a very cool person, he's a Jehova's witness and i love his Polish accent, i once asked him about WW2 and the situation of Poland at that time but he doesn't seem to hold much hate against the Germans or Russians, he's mostly quite about it, don't know why.

Regarding the treatment of Japanese, well they were shipped to internment camps, the only difference was that the internment camps were not in a war zone, much like how the so called "concentration camps" were.

When your supply lines are being targeted by aerial attacks and you are fighting on two front, and you only have a few resources left with very little food, who are you going to feed; your soldiers fighting at the front, or the prisoners in the camps?
People say Hitler hates Jews because he was a bigoted person with something wrong with his brain because he got gassed in WW1, but in reality hate doesn't arise out of no where, every action has a opposite reaction.

This video states a lot of facts which have been historically documented.

Why did Hitler hate Jews ? - YouTube

I am by no means an anti-semite, i have Jewish friends and have come across many Jews who i hold dear more than some of my own people, but i believe history should not be distorted to meet the agenda of a few people.

precisely.. i too know some jews who were very good....

the jews caused a lot of trouble in germany.. resentment built u.... i think it had more to do with socio-economic problems... the jews just as they are now, try to take over the economy, take all the money for themselves, give little back.. take over the german nation etc... this is a primary reason why jews were hated in germany.. it is not that different to what is happening in western countries.. even europe today by immigrants... i know this we fought bout earlier.. but it the same type of thing.. the only different is, in this day and age, we dont have the mind frame the germans had back then

People say Hitler hates Jews because he was a bigoted person with something wrong with his brain because he got gassed in WW1, but in reality hate doesn't arise out of no where, every action has a opposite reaction.

This video states a lot of facts which have been historically documented.

Why did Hitler hate Jews ? - YouTube

I am by no means an anti-semite, i have Jewish friends and have come across many Jews who i hold dear more than some of my own people, but i believe history should not be distorted to meet the agenda of a few people.

Maybe its because we Pakistanis and indians haven't done to each other what Russians did to Poles?

I have a Polish friend, he is a very cool person, he's a Jehova's witness and i love his Polish accent, i once asked him about WW2 and the situation of Poland at that time but he doesn't seem to hold much hate against the Germans or Russians, he's mostly quite about it, don't know why.

maybe has more to do with his religion?? forgiveness etc....

i dont habor a lot of hate for russians or germans.. but im sure if i debated this stuff with a russian in real it would come to punches lol they are just as hot headed as we are lol
But ONE FACT that whole world saw was the creation of Israel by terrorising the local palestinians -
That isn't what the world saw; quite the opposite, the Jews were terrorized into declaring independence as quickly as possible due to the unchecked violence of too many of their Arab neighbors.

Investigate and you'll be able to confirm that. Then you remember what you were first taught, not as gospel truth, but as an example of how deeply lies have been imbedded in your mind and society.

Do you seek to correct your society's ills and falsehoods or merely profit by them? Then you'll know who you are. And in reaching that discovery you'll learn, if you haven't already, that no Muslim-majority country, including Pakistan, has ever reached the high levels of morality that Israel and its Jews, collectively, have.

That's not "racism", any more than it's racism to say that members of society as a whole are better people than inmates of a maximum-security prison; that's life. Someone isn't better or worse just because of their religion but you can see and experience the societies Judaism, Islam, and Christianity have built and reach your own conclusions.

Too many women in Muslim societies are subject to abuse and rape; the purpose of making this thread wander has been to obscure that once more and let the crimes continue. And that says more about Muslims and Islam than anything else I know.
That isn't what the world saw; quite the opposite, the Jews were terrorized into declaring independence as quickly as possible due to the unchecked violence of too many of their Arab neighbors.

Investigate and you'll be able to confirm that. Then you remember what you were first taught, not as gospel truth, but as an example of how deeply lies have been imbedded in your mind and society.

Do you seek to correct your society's ills and falsehoods or merely profit by them? Then you'll know who you are. And in reaching that discovery you'll learn, if you haven't already, that no Muslim-majority country, including Pakistan, has ever reached the high levels of morality that Israel and its Jews, collectively, have.

That's not "racism", any more than it's racism to say that members of society as a whole are better people than inmates of a maximum-security prison; that's life. Someone isn't better or worse just because of their religion but you can see and experience the societies Judaism, Islam, and Christianity have built and reach your own conclusions.

Too many women in Muslim societies are subject to abuse and rape; the purpose of making this thread wander has been to obscure that once more and let the crimes continue. And that says more about Muslims and Islam than anything else I know.

lol israel was handed to them by the british!... and then they systematically ethnically cleansed the arabs... even though 98% of palestine was legally owned by arabs, the jews seems to get given majority of the owned land.. and all the most fertile parts of palestine too... there are areas in israel which properties arabs still hold the certificate of ownership for.. but they were pushed out, beat, murdered and forced to move.. since then israel has built more n more on arab land, taking more of it for themselves.... israel is a racist country and people... and just as brutal as the arabs.

btw lets talk about ww2 and the 6million jews you say were killed... your so hard done by.. what about the polish people?? you sponged off the germans.. you sponged off the polish state... then when poles and jews are slaughters you act like your the only ones brutally slaughtered... and your facts are wrong anyway
maybe has more to do with his religion?? forgiveness etc....
Yeah, most likely.

i dont habor a lot of hate for russians or germans.. but im sure if i debated this stuff with a russian in real it would come to punches lol they are just as hot headed as we are lol

Yeah, Russians are hot heated, and VERY Nationalistic, in fact there is a saying that "in Russia, they kill you for not being Russian". Even here in US they are very aggressive and no body messes with the Russian Mafia.
True, what you say is admitted by many Jews themselves, for example this French Jewish Professor who fought against the German occupation of France during WW2, you'd think he hate Germans and Hitler when in fact he's defending him:

Yeah, Russians are hot heated, and VERY Nationalistic, in fact there is a saying that "in Russia, they kill you for not being Russian". Even here in US they are very aggressive and no body messes with the Russian Mob.

russians are not as bad here as in the states.. ive known a few russians.. i got along with them.. but still not best to bring up the past lol

the jews were shocking.. they still are..
lol israel was handed to them by the british!... and then they systematically ethnically cleansed the arabs...
In short, you don't consider it your moral duty to study and discover the truth. Why should anyone, even yourself, believe in you?
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