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Egypt Muslim Brotherhood Mulls Run For Presidency

Egypt is a Mix of Secular/Religious we might be a Muslim Country However Egyptian Nationalism is growing. Al Nour and MB will not Unite it's a better change of MB and Seculars vs Al Nour. Egyptians remember Saudi Arabia wanted to keep Mubarak.

Saudi king expresses support for Mubarak - International Business Times
Here is the saudi king against the protestors.
So from the link you provided it should be obvious that Saudis are only concerned for their own interests and not the interests of the Egyptian people.
So from the link you provided it should be obvious that Saudis are only concerned for their own interests and not the interests of the Egyptian people.

They even threaten to fund him the fact is Saudi Arabia wants pro USA governments within the region. here is a quote from the king himself.

"No Arab or Muslim can tolerate any meddling in the security and stability of Arab and Muslim Egypt by those who infiltrated the people in the name of freedom of expression, exploiting it to inject their destructive hatred," King Abdullah was quoted as saying.

LOL it looks like meddling from the king and we certainly don't tolerate it.
Egypt will always be an Islamic Arab country, whether you atheist/Christian like it or not. Everyone knows that the normal Egyptian guy is very religious and if Nour and MB unite, then its over for you secularists.
Viva Egypt!
They can't unite, and they don't represent the majority of Egyptians. Two different ideologies, policies, ect.. I mentioned this before, but let me say it again. Out of 85 million Egyptians, 50 million were eligible to vote, only about 28 million did. With ALL Islamic parties memebers and supporters participating. 10 million voted for MB, 7.5 million for Salafis, and the rest voted for Liberal and Social parties. Those voted didn't transfer into seats for the Social, and Liberal parties because they were not united like the Islamic parties. The future is def. not for them, no matter how people see it now. ... Also, Christians, Atheists, and secular are proud Egyptians as it gets, i don't think it is a nice thing to insult them, or to claim they are less Egyptians than others because of their religious or political beliefs.
coming from where? :lol:
Most of Jordan waters coming from rain and underground water.;)

Coming from where? from GOD. how can turkey block a natural river? lol Rain in jordan? thats good. i guess Syria should close the water pipes then if you have water already. why spent it on traitors
Egypt is a Mix of Secular/Religious we might be a Muslim Country However Egyptian Nationalism is growing. Al Nour and MB will not Unite it's a better change of MB and Seculars vs Al Nour. Egyptians remember Saudi Arabia wanted to keep Mubarak.

Saudi king expresses support for Mubarak - International Business Times
Here is the saudi king against the protestors.

Well, they do also remember that we are giving you guys billions $ and have countless Egyptians living and working in GCC.
Egyptians view Saudi Arabia very favorably, I don't know who you've been taking too in USA, but the relations are unbreakable.The King Abdullah seaway being built between the two countries(Paid by us obviously) will only strengthen the relationship.
Well, they do also remember that we are giving you guys billions $ and have countless Egyptians living and working in GCC.
Egyptians view Saudi Arabia very favorably, I don't know who you've been taking too in USA, but the relations are unbreakable.The King Abdullah seaway being built between the two countries(Paid by us obviously) will only strengthen the relationship.

You should be grateful they are your doctors and teachers. without them you might be ..... god knows what
Coming from where? from GOD. how can turkey block a natural river? lol Rain in jordan? thats good. i guess Syria should close the water pipes then if you have water already. why spent it on traitors

Wow, i never knew Jordan got its water from Syria. :woot::cheesy:
The ony reason why some Egyptians support nuclear Iran, is because they think then they will get a chance to get one too.
Coming from where? from GOD. how can turkey block a natural river? lol Rain in jordan? thats good. i guess Syria should close the water pipes then if you have water already. why spent it on traitors

This is not the right thread for this. I told you with proofs who bought Algolan and killed his own people. Those are the traitors themselves, as I said waters run in Jordan coming from Algolan (jabal sheikh) so its coming from Israel you ignorant. Thats enough derailing this thread.
This is not the right thread for this. I told you with proofs who bought Algolan and killed his own people. Those are the traitors themselves, as I said waters run in Jordan coming from Algolan (jabal sheikh) so they are coming from Israel you ignorant. Thats enough derailing this thread.

Israel gives you sewer water, hahahah, you must have forgotten the dams that Syria open for you guys.
Well, they do also remember that we are giving you guys billions $ and have countless Egyptians living and working in GCC.
Egyptians view Saudi Arabia very favorably, I don't know who you've been taking too in USA, but the relations are unbreakable.The King Abdullah seaway being built between the two countries(Paid by us obviously) will only strengthen the relationship.

the Billions given have been waste by the corrupt government you supported before, your free to send the Countless Egyptians living in the GCC back to Egypt so we can build a new country. relations are breakable 1979 iran israel relations. of course relations with SA will happen however Egypt will follow a more Neutral policy no more PRO USA and sitting quietly like Saudi Arabia on the Palestine issue.
They can't unite, and they don't represent the majority of Egyptians. Two different ideologies, policies, ect.. I mentioned this before, but let me say it again. Out of 85 million Egyptians, 50 million were eligible to vote, only about 28 million did. With ALL Islamic parties memebers and supporters participating. 10 million voted for MB, 7.5 million for Salafis, and the rest voted for Liberal and Social parties. Those voted didn't transfer into seats for the Social, and Liberal parties because they were not united like the Islamic parties. The future is def. not for them, no matter how people see it now. ... Also, Christians, Atheists, and secular are proud Egyptians as it gets, i don't think it is a nice thing to insult them, or to claim they are less Egyptians than others because of their religious or political beliefs.
I meant form a coalition.
I should say that Saudi Arabia views MB suspiciously and all GCC countries hate them unfortunately. But as long as the Iranians are still present in Arab countries Saudi Arabia will be friendly to MB.
I meant form a coalition.
I should say that Saudi Arabia views MB suspiciously and all GCC countries hate them unfortunately. But as long as the Iranians are still present in Arab countries Saudi Arabia will be friendly to MB.

Never going to happen, the MB has a better chance of a Liberal Secular alliance with them. but who don't care what the GCC thinks of the MB we elected by Egyptians.
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