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Egypt mulls JF-17 co-production

I think the Egyptians will settle for around 100~150 or so JF-17s...they'll probably replace the F-7s, MiG-21s and Mirage Vs. I suspect the Egyptians might buy off the Qatari and UAE Mirage 2000-5/-9s as well, at least some of them anyways. The production lines will be handy in case the U.S. decides to lessen the aid-money supply and what not.

1st part agreed....But they would go for a front liner from USSR like either SU-35, Mig-35 or experienced Bl-52+ Flacons....Mirages....nay too high cost for same advantage...
man they need to replace the F-5s also so it would be much better if the also invested 30-40% in this project. So they could produce in good nos. and could produce if they could engage their private industrial suppliers to supply 50% of the Airframe components and when the engines got ready they could also produce it. This will allow them to have a good start at defence industry. And further they could go for J-XX JV so in order to replace F-16 in future.:cheers:

JXX-JV ?......even uptill now it is not certain that China will offer this baby to anyone else off the shelf.......let alone JV.....regarding investments in project....practically every country that buys the plane share the developmental cost....the reason for ToT is that lets say if egypt buys 100 AC and developmental cost is 1 Million a Piece (very very conservative)....it shares about 100 Million of R n D cost (20% of the whole project) so they can insist on having ToT...
1st part agreed....But they would go for a front liner from USSR like either SU-35, Mig-35 or experienced Bl-52+ Flacons....Mirages....nay too high cost for same advantage...
Egypt is already flying Mirage 2000s, hence inducting UAE/Qatari Mirage 2000-5/-9 should not be a huge problem for them. They also ordered Block-52+ F-16s, and I imagine will try to upgrade their remaining C/Ds up to CCIP as much as possible.
I don't think we should even sell. Egypt if too close with Israel geographically and politically if Israel were to demand a demonstration of the Jf-17 Egypt would do it no questions asked. Pakistan and China should wait until Egypt gets a democracy and a government willing to stand up to Israeli pressure. Egypt has been participating in the blockade of Palestinians theres a major reason.
flameboard things don't go the way you explained.
It is like isrealis would want to try out block 42 F-16s while already flying block 52+, an example you might understand.
I dont know the reason of this view against egypt throw the forum ..........

already we will co-orporate to produce block II of JF-17

It will come to replace the old edge mig21 & f-7
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I dont know the reason of this view against egypt throw the forum ..........

already we will co-orporate to produce block II of JF-17

It will come to replace the old edge mig21 & f-7

its open forum of large number of members and 2500 active daily members every one has opinion abut every issue.but remember it cant effect any defense deal bro.:no:
iam egyptian and iam sad of some comments we consider pakistan also our country and when soviet conquer afaghanistan thousands of egyptian gone there to fight with there brothers we face israel and we need to stick together because it is the only way that we can survive because west in generla and usa can give us weapons but with high prices with limit technology but gives israel every thing and when we have amatch weapon this will reflect on policies
I dont know the reason of this view against egypt throw the forum ..........

already we will co-orporate to produce block II of JF-17

It will come to replace the old edge mig21 & f-7

According to CDF.
Egypt have signed for JF17 with china and pakistan .it is reported that Egyptian JFT is a high avionic version and there will build JFT's production line in Egypt. i believe that the official report will soon come.
because of Egypts proximity to certain regional powers (influential client states) -- Lockheed Martin -as per directives of the Pentagon --is forced to not sell certain features of the new block 52 F-16s which could give it more of an offensive edge (e.g. the AMRAAMs which in fact we succeeded in acquiring)

Pakistan and China should work closely together on production of accompanied hardware --such as target pods, ECM tech, and air weapons production. We have substantially less experience in this field and the Chinese and Pakistanis should make further advances in this regard.

Egypt would most certainly not face any export-restrictions of any kind. The goods would come with no strings attached.

I think Egypt has much to gain from joining in this venture and I believe it will be crucial for them, as they also phase out older aircrafts nearing the end of their service lives
According to CDF.
Egypt have signed for JF17 with china and pakistan .it is reported that Egyptian JFT is a high avionic version and there will build JFT's production line in Egypt. i believe that the official report will soon come.

any link bro? cant find on google translate
Look at from this prospective, an aircraft which has not been in service for long already makes a sale with TOT while there are other worthy planes out there which are finding it hard to get sales. This should do wonders for our marketing and reputation.
hmmm there was a news in june/july , then every thing was again hush hush --
Well it does not effects JF17 thunder as we still have huge 300 fighter order that needs to be filled till
2015 , also it opens us to explore new avionics and other options

I think chance was lost to sell planes to Libya and Iran , we should have secured the deals with these nations for 5-10 billion 4-5 years ago

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