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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

Estimates are 17 million to 33 million (the largest demonstration in human history). Mohammed Mursi got 13 million votes when he was elected gaining 52% of the vote (with the support of revolutionaries and sympathisers whom he eventually alienated) out of 51 million registered voters (the second round was boycotted by many). So nearly half of registered voters turned up.

17 million ? are you sure?

how is eygpt even functioning? damn well i guess the people have spoken in that case, imagine how many were too lazy to go out to protest

Egypt in the current state need not be aggressive to any nation nor should it be. The Egyptian military still knows who the enemy is (if you need me I can show you mock Merkavas that are trained on by anti tank units).

No one asked to completely change the relationship nor did they have the intention to do so. You may want to refer to some of my and other Egyptian members posts as to why Morsi was impeached and its not just economic factors Egypt has gone through far worse.


i sertainly like to see those merkavas or what ever they called, how did eygpt even get them?
Bro Iran tried to have relation with morsi. Morsi used iran to blackmail US and KSA and UAE. It took Iran a while to understand that.

So far all official statements from Iran are Pro-morsi. I genuinely think Morsi wanted to warm up to Iran, but regional political atmosphere didn't let that happen aka Syria.

but Syria is really happy, I'm sure Assad is celebrating right now!
Bro Iran tried to have relation with morsi. Morsi used iran to blackmail US and KSA and UAE. It took Iran a while to understand that.

Morsi and MB is the best thing Iran can get, it can't be a winner. Anyway, what's your point of view regarding Syrian uprising? You're a Nasiri, so my guess is that you are pro regime.
@Syrian Lion can you also translate the second video?

in fact can you translate more videos from Pro-Morsi madness?

The MB person in the video said : We are here to support Morsi, and we have a clear a message to the secularists and liberals, if Morsi is toppled, and it wont, there will be blood, there will booby trapped cars, and remote control explosives...
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Hamas was here long before the MB ever took power in Egypt. What are you talking about? They've been through much worse situations than this.

The flow of money was coming from Iran in the much worse situation. Now hamas is left with erdogan. You already know it. I like palestinians no matter what even though I hate MB but you gotta accept the fact.
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Morsi and MB is the best thing Iran can get, it can't be a winner. Anyway, what's your point of view regarding Syrian uprising? You're a Nasiri, so my guess is that you are pro regime.

Naturally Iran and Egypt are not natural friends but still friends. Iran can get the best from Egyptian nationalists and socialists.
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not just him... probably all the MB love to destroy their country..

well thats totally opposite to what Islam says. Islam says loving own country and country people (Patriotism) is part of Iman. so what kind of muslim they are ? or they have their own modified version which can fit in their interest ?
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well thats totally opposite to what Islam says. Islam says loving own country and country people (Patriotism) is part of Iman. so what kind of muslim they are ? or they have their own modified version which can fit in their interest ?

No, they don't believe in nationalism! and people of different faith including your own countrymen are kufir non-believers.
Naturally Iran and Egypt are not natural friends but still friends. Iran can get the best from Egyptian nationalists and socialists.

Bro, my question is that are you pro Syria regime?

I know that Socialists are pro-Syrian regime and yet pro-Iran, they support everything that is against the West.
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MB is much more complex than just a man. there are many "ideas" for this broad movment.
Some people speaking from MB doesn't mean it is Morsi thoughts.

I could read for exemple (i mean another exemple) that in Hamas some wanted Iran 's help
and some didn't want
well it is the same for MB: before Syria, some accepted some "relations" (limited) some not

in Europe there is someone making ad about MB, a muslim philosopher , who worked for PressTV too
so it shows with some of them some relations were possible
but as for Hamas, it is not really easy to keep Iran accepted

hatred towards shias... but it is even worst for salafis
these guys hate everything not like them. the woman at the end of first video is probably from them
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