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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

But the biggest problem in ME is stil violance.

All the problems you listed there are connected to violance.

Its parents job to protect their children, the state shouldnt intervene in private life of people.

Beein secular doesnt lead to such behavior or beeing religious doesnt avoid such it, its a matter of character.

For exsample, i dont drink alcohol anymore but not because of religion, i had another reason.

I know, it's what's being set as an example for young teenagers. That's not restricted to being a personal matter when everything around you is portraying images and the vast majority fall into the peer pressure.

I'm not speaking of the ME I'm speaking of the West. Why do we see violence as the only issue. This culture has no value anymore.
Just stop with the Takfir, will you. It's uncivilized and contradicts your own religions texts about the respect for and tolerance of other religions and people. Something which you and those you support have all forgotten about Islam.
Rafidi = Shia. No difference

Physically impossible. The Egyptian prison system doesn't have the capacity to accommodate "thousands" of people arrested everyday. Egypt's incarceration rate is 80 prisoners per one hundred thousand people which is quite low and thus Egypt wouldn't have a prison system adequate enough to house ever expanding thousands. No one is innocent of anything.
Not house, in street protesting. Using something visual proved that you are not blind :coffee:

Because every time you use a political phrase or mention an ideology you simply don't know what the hell you are talking about, its a bit like repetition if you ask me. As for Syrians, don't you think an embassy in Cairo would have helped with their plight? I believe the reports are over exaggerated given there's over one hundred thousand Syrian nationals in Egypt. The treatment Palestinian refugees in Egypt has always been bad, its a shame it took a politcal crisis in which you had to find things to moan about to make you realise such treatment actually existed.
100,000+ in Egypt before coup, what now?
HRW: Syrian refugees in Egypt
Syrians Facing Harassment in Egypt
We all know Sissi's plan. "Buffer zone and continuous persecuting innocents". :coffee:

"The plan is led by General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi," tweeted Hassan. "He aims to achieve political and military gains in the coming days."

A retired Egyptian general has revealed details of an Egypt-UAE plot to impose a stranglehold on the Gaza Strip

So why was Bassem Youssef's article in the Alshorouq newspaper allowed to go on?

The only thing Albernameg has to do is terminate their contract with CBC and then they can air shows freely on another channel, if not then they have a brilliant medium called Youtube. Baradei resigned he wasn't dumped. Aljazeera is still rolling is it not?
I don't care about him, shows the media is now restricted with the army, rest is pro military regime. Sounds you support it anyway.
Baradei suid over mistrust

So, it was OK for the accused to whore themselves for the Camera but it wasn't for those sitting on the other side of the cage? What would have been the point of this when everyone knew full well that the trial wasn't going to be aired.
Answer me - who was the judge for the trial and the constitution in whose hand? If you don't want to answer then zip it.

Does your stupidity know no bounds. The Algerian crisis and the Egyptian one are completely different and its only a fool who thinks they follow the same path.

NEWSFLASH: There is an insurgency.

Did you even read about who tried to assassinate the interior minister? A former Armed Forces officer who had been dismissed because of his religious extremism from the forces who then went on to participate against foreign forces (or local ones) in multiple theaters around the world.
Let me give you a recent example since this only allow 3 media max.

You are seriously deluded. You think this regime is crumbling when in reality its consolidating its already overwhelming power in Egypt.
You are calling me deluded, how funny. Everyone saw the crimes of Sissi, they saw the videos and the people getting killed back then and the numbers was over thousands, not what according to the so called health minister stated. I'm not gonna start all over again with you, it's clear.

How so? Economics getting worse, the GCC can't do it all along proving economical support as long the unrest is ongoing. Please don't tell me the unrest is over. Just because you are with the regime doesn't mean you should relax and focus on other things. Let me give you two then the rest in your own; one net and one stream. Blind moron.
Aljazeera live stream

Because a theocracy is worse. Please refrain from posting, because everything you write is incredibly stupid and the majority of times is wrong. How's the quest for an Australian citizenship going? I would have thought you go back to Egypt to support your innocent brothers and sisters on the streets rather than being an internet jockey....
It is obvious, what does the word R"4"BA means? Army's presence in the urban cities is increasing and active. Why is that? They should go back to where they belong but they won't now like I said unrest is not over yet. Citizenship is going well, i'm just probably the only one or a few to ignore the R4BA gestures, events and awareness because Sissi won't do anything, he's putting himself in a risk anyway, things will change.

Go and support the military regime under Pissi, I don't care since you're a pro dictatorship.

Is the army is allowed to judge civilian? This is a bad precedent if the new Egyptian constitution allows it..
All in Sissi's hand. See it yourself :coffee:
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Egypt, the most important Arab country, is in shambles and makes a litmus case for the entire Arab civilisation and its clossal failure to handle the challenges of the 21st Century.
Rafidi = Shia. No difference

It seems the actions of an ottoman Khalif in the 17th or whatever century has changed your thinking forever. Have you actually ever met a Shia person? I have met plenty due to the UK's immigration and asylum rules and they are no different from Sunnis or other religious types, they even pray in the same mosques most of the time.

Not house, in street protesting. Using something visual proved that you are not blind

Again, unintelligible. You stated specifically
the military regime ordered by Junta Pissi had been detaining thousands of innocents in both little and elders for nothing,
All I have said is that is not possible since we don't have a prison system or the resources to continually imprison thousands or even hundreds of people everyday.

100,000+ in Egypt before coup, what now?
We all know Sissi's plan. "Buffer zone and continuous persecuting innocents".

Did I deny that Syrians were being mistreated in Egypt? No. What I'm doing is questioning whether these reports reflect the overall how Syrians are being treated in Egypt. No one said this is acceptable.

"The plan is led by General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi," tweeted Hassan. "He aims to achieve political and military gains in the coming days."
A retired Egyptian general has revealed details of an Egypt-UAE plot to impose a stranglehold on the Gaza Strip

In the coming days..... It is now December. If you think the Middle East Monitor and a retired (for whatever reason) General pandering for his fifteen minutes of fame on twitter when he has no connection whatsoever to the high command are legit sources then I have news for you......

I don't care about him

You obviously did otherwise you wouldn't have used him as an example.

shows the media is now restricted with the army

Yes, its a military regime, did you expect otherwise?

The MB wasn't going to leave the media alone was it now? all this talk of purification and cleansing meant something else it meant bringing all media channels and stations on side. The two are no better than each other.

Sounds you support it anyway.

If you had the ability to interpret (or even read) my posts you would know otherwise.

Answer me
If you thought the trial was set up so a few journalists could shout then you are very theatrical my friend. You should ask yourself who began the shouting? Because it was those in the cage not those beyond it.

who was the judge for the trial and the constitution in whose hand?

It's in the same hands as those who influenced the last one. There's no major difference between the constitution which is due for referendum in January and that of the Brotherhoods regime. The only difference is that entire segments of society haven't abandoned the committee set up to rewrite it. It's up for referendum you are free of course to go vote no or not participate at all.

Let me give you a recent example since this only allow 3 media max.

Example of what? You said there was no insurgency. Your examples are weeks if not months old.

Algerian military junta did not do this during their 9 months protest back in the 90s before the insurgency began which most likely will happen to Egypt....

This implies that an insurgency hasn't already started. It has and is being crushed both in the Sinai (in which it had a foothold) and in the rest of Egypt.

You are calling me deluded, how funny.
Yes, you are and its not funny. You still think the MB and Morsi will return to power violently or otherwise when they have no chance in hell of doing so.

Everyone saw the crimes of Sissi, they saw the videos and the people getting killed back then and the numbers was over thousands, not what according to the so called health minister stated. I'm not gonna start all over again with you, it's clear.
There's no point starting all over again with me because you didn't achieve anything. Even the simplest of things such as proving the death toll was beyond what the health ministry stated is impossible for you.

How so? Economics getting worse, the GCC can't do it all along proving economical support as long the unrest is ongoing.

Economics wise the current government actually has a plan unlike the previous one. Their plan is to increase funding in infrastructure and other developments while incurring the debts, however, the growth provided by these investments should be enough to sustain the economy until stability can be achieved. Its certainly better than waiting for an IMF loan and then beginning massive round of austerity such as cutting subsidies on goods and fuels which would have probably lead to Morsi being overthrown anyway. Look what happened when Saddat tried to remove subsidies.

Please don't tell me the unrest is over.

Its not. However, the MB and their support have been reduced to nothingness. You are no longer capable of gathering large protests and therefore no longer capable of influencing public opinion within Egypt. For now you are a spent force.

Just because you are with the regime doesn't mean you should relax and focus on other things.
Who said I'm with the 'regime'....

Let me give you two then the rest in your own; one net and one stream. Blind moron.
Nice, the Qatari regime mouth piece.

It is obvious, what does the word R"4"BA means? Army's presence in the urban cities is increasing and active. Why is that?

Because the security forces are overstretched. The army's actual presence overall in the country is miniscule given its size over 420 thousand standing, another 400,000 thousand in reserve and over a million which can be called up. Add to that the insurgency in the Sinai is being squashed, militant groups are becoming extremely desperate relying on suicide bombings of logistics and support convoys or personnel and it doesn't look too rosy for your fantasy army. You don't have the weapons or the will power to do anything. By the way today was the start of "BADR 2013" and its the biggest its ever been.

Go and support the military regime under Pissi, I don't care since you're a pro dictatorship.

And you're a liberal democrat (sarcasm).
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We haven't seen the final draft yet....
"Pay me Pissi, I'm a good judge wearing your favourite cap":coffee:


Sorry to bust a little your bubble, but our ancestors contributed to it....Al Azhar is a reminder of the Berber Saavy!
And who in Al Azhar you a referring to you? It's a big university, you can ask Erdogan for the answer. I'm sure he said it on the media.

I don't think the Azhar students are happy, sir.

@Frogman, you haven't answered the question; did you support the killings and the random detaining and the continuous army's presence in the cities? I can provide you all the videos of the thugs in street supported by the police but you'll deny as always. You should wonder the numbers in R"4"BA represent and what does it means. What Qatari regime? Beside Qatar, Turkey, private news network, video stream, the social net/net and even the issue beside politics in Western media. All focus on both sides, enough to understand what's going on reality. You can't be against it, shows how much you support restrictions under regime. Not gonna start with you, just going to follow the updates and if unless decent I'll post.
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Arguing with you is useless anyway @MooshMoosh

Play victim when someone else rules and treats enemies with iron hand but cheer for Saddam & Al Qaeda, all the killing they do is justified for you.

Once you get power of the army you start massacring your opponents, that's your double standard.
Arguing with you is useless anyway @MooshMoosh

Play victim when someone else rules and treats enemies with iron hand but cheer for Saddam & Al Qaeda, all the killing they do is justified for you.

Once you get power of the army you start massacring your opponents, that's your double standard.
Coming from someone who support the tyrant and the child murdering gangs in Syria, supporting the ultra sectarian gangs in Iraq who exports their second largest militias to Syria for hunting innocents, supporting the Iranian stooges of Iraq, comparing Saddam over the government today is a big difference and making excuses in order to avoid the subject which is mostly about Iraq since you saw the crimes in Syria on the other thread but an ignorant, criminal supporter and rather post nonsense than watching the crimes of the child murdering gangs. Pretty sure others particularly Hasani and Blackeagle repeated this all the time to the types like you but it's pointless to reply since they are Rafidhas and Nusaryri child butchering supporters who have their obsession with ignoring and making excuses only to avoid the subject. :coffee:
you haven't answered the question; did you support the killings and the random detaining and the continuous army's presence in the cities?
Read my posts. Or ask Hazzy.

I can provide you all the videos of the thugs in street supported by the police but you'll deny as always.
Security forces using paid thugs is common practice. It remained common practice under Morsi only they had Islamist supporters to back them up as well. I'm not denying anything....

You should wonder the numbers in R"4"BA represent and what does it means.

I have no interest in what it means, whether its Ready For Brotherhood Army or a simple typo that stuck makes no difference to me or to whats happening.

What Qatari regime?

The one which was and is blatantly supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. I'm pretty sure everyone knows Qatar and Aljazeera aren't the epitome of objectivity.

Beside Qatar, Turkey, private news network, video stream, the social net/net and even the issue beside politics in Western media. All focus on both sides, enough to understand what's going on reality.

What is going in reality!?

The current government are becoming more authoritarian and thus strengthening their grip on the country. The MB and its affiliates are in shambles and are unable to gather people in any real numbers (a few days ago your protest in Tahrir was dispersed in a minute *a new record*) and are relying on outside parties for support and influence which actually isn't happening. The liberal opposition are continuing their struggle but are annoying the ordinary people and still can't connect with them, the Brotherhood is trying to form a coalition with them against the government, however, it will never happen because some people actually have principles. The Sinai insurgency is being crushed and the outside world has lost interest in Egypt, foreign governments have reversed their positions towards the government. Whats happening in reality is the constitution is going ahead to referendum, whats happening in reality is that the MB and Morsi will never return.

You can't be against it, shows how much you support restrictions under regime.

Right. Believe what you want
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Coming from someone who support the tyrant and the child murdering gangs in Syria
Like Saddam, I agree.

supporting the ultra sectarian gangs in Iraq
Thats what you do.

supporting the Iranian stooges of Iraq
Foreigners opinion, irrelevant.

comparing Saddam over the government today is a big difference

and making excuses in order to avoid the subject which is mostly about Iraq since you saw the crimes in Syria on the other thread but an ignorant, criminal supporter and rather post nonsense than watching the crimes of the child murdering gangs.
Repeating al gayzeera propaganda does not make me respond to it, you want to worship the fat Qatari ? don't force others.

Pretty sure others particularly Hasani and Blackeagle repeated this all the time to the types like you but it's pointless to talk since they are Rafidhas and Nusaryri supporters who have their obsession with ignoring and making excuses. :coffee:
Why them, why not some Iranians.
Coming from someone who support the tyrant and the child murdering gangs in Syria, supporting the ultra sectarian gangs in Iraq who exports their second largest militias to Syria for hunting innocents, supporting the Iranian stooges of Iraq, comparing Saddam over the government today is a big difference and making excuses in order to avoid the subject which is mostly about Iraq since you saw the crimes in Syria on the other thread but an ignorant, criminal supporter and rather post nonsense than watching the crimes of the child murdering gangs. Pretty sure others particularly Hasani and Blackeagle repeated this all the time to the types like you but it's pointless to reply since they are Rafidhas and Nusaryri child butchering supporters who have their obsession with ignoring and making excuses only to avoid the subject. :coffee:

Syria has been somalized , do not worry no one will benefit from Syria be it Iran or Turkey or your beloved alquada thugs .

As for Egypt forget about it , the deep state in Egypt is too strong to be broken , the only way to break it is through forgein invasion by USA and Nato , other than that forget about change.

It seems the actions of an ottoman Khalif in the 17th or whatever century has changed your thinking forever. Have you actually ever met a Shia person? I have met plenty due to the UK's immigration and asylum rules and they are no different from Sunnis or other religious types, they even pray in the same mosques most of the time.

Again, unintelligible. You stated specifically All I have said is that is not possible since we don't have a prison system or the resources to continually imprison thousands or even hundreds of people everyday.

Did I deny that Syrians were being mistreated in Egypt? No. What I'm doing is questioning whether these reports reflect the overall how Syrians are being treated in Egypt. No one said this is acceptable.

In the coming days..... It is now December. If you think the Middle East Monitor and a retired (for whatever reason) General pandering for his fifteen minutes of fame on twitter when he has no connection whatsoever to the high command are legit sources then I have news for you......

You obviously did otherwise you wouldn't have used him as an example.

Yes, its a military regime, did you expect otherwise?

The MB wasn't going to leave the media alone was it now? all this talk of purification and cleansing meant something else it meant bringing all media channels and stations on side. The two are no better than each other.

If you had the ability to interpret (or even read) my posts you would know otherwise.

If you thought the trial was set up so a few journalists could shout then you are very theatrical my friend. You should ask yourself who began the shouting? Because it was those in the cage not those beyond it.

It's in the same hands as those who influenced the last one. There's no major difference between the constitution which is due for referendum in January and that of the Brotherhoods regime. The only difference is that entire segments of society haven't abandoned the committee set up to rewrite it. It's up for referendum you are free of course to go vote no or not participate at all.

Example of what? You said there was no insurgency. Your examples are weeks if not months old.

This implies that an insurgency hasn't already started. It has and is being crushed both in the Sinai (in which it had a foothold) and in the rest of Egypt.

Yes, you are and its not funny. You still think the MB and Morsi will return to power violently or otherwise when they have no chance in hell of doing so.

There's no point starting all over again with me because you didn't achieve anything. Even the simplest of things such as proving the death toll was beyond what the health ministry stated is impossible for you.

Economics wise the current government actually has a plan unlike the previous one. Their plan is to increase funding in infrastructure and other developments while incurring the debts, however, the growth provided by these investments should be enough to sustain the economy until stability can be achieved. Its certainly better than waiting for an IMF loan and then beginning massive round of austerity such as cutting subsidies on goods and fuels which would have probably lead to Morsi being overthrown anyway. Look what happened when Saddat tried to remove subsidies.

Its not. However, the MB and their support have been reduced to nothingness. You are no longer capable of gathering large protests and therefore no longer capable of influencing public opinion within Egypt. For now you are a spent force.

Who said I'm with the 'regime'....

Nice, the Qatari regime mouth piece.

Because the security forces are overstretched. The army's actual presence overall in the country is miniscule given its size over 420 thousand standing, another 400,000 thousand in reserve and over a million which can be called up. Add to that the insurgency in the Sinai is being squashed, militant groups are becoming extremely desperate relying on suicide bombings of logistics and support convoys or personnel and it doesn't look too rosy for your fantasy army. You don't have the weapons or the will power to do anything. By the way today was the start of "BADR 2013" and its the biggest its ever been.

And you're a liberal democrat (sarcasm).

You heard Sissi latest comment , he said the Egyptian Army troops used in streets are actually a small fraction of total Egyptian army and those are the reserves kept in camps , not even the actual army.

we ba3deen fe far2 kibeer ma been el fawda wel 7oriya , burning cars , buildings and attacking shops cannot be regarded as peaceful protests.

The government now does not tolerate such barbaric behaviour , its just the past 2 years the police was quite until normal citizens start calling the state to take action against the barbarity of the so called Islamist protestors and the crazy communist left.

The protest law recently enacted in Egypt is nothing new , even European countries have similar laws , no one can just carry out a protest without notifying the state , bring back organization , law and order is not authoritarian .

Again el motazahreen el 7elween elly fe masr 7aga we masalan el motazahreen el mozzaz fe Europe 7aga Tanya , elly fe masr a3'labhom nas sha3'aleen bel yomeya, mortazaka ya3ny .
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Like Saddam, I agree.

Thats what you do.

Foreigners opinion, irrelevant.


Repeating al gayzeera propaganda does not make me respond to it, you want to worship the fat Qatari ? don't force others.

Why them, why not some Iranians.

What Egypt and Iraq share in common both countries are tying to be neutral and fix their internal problems.

you have a point to be angry , its understandable.
You heard Sissi latest comment , he said the Egyptian Army troops used in streets are actually a small fraction of total Egyptian army and those are the reserves kept in camps , not even the actual army.

It's true. The majority of troops are still in their barracks training or are otherwise occupied in the Sinai.

we ba3deen fe far2 kibeer ma been el fawda wel 7oriya , burning cars , buildings and attacking shops cannot be regarded as peaceful protests.

Of course not. But we can't act like there's not a large number of protests that go ahead peacefully and in some cases the security forces do instigate the violence.

The government now does not tolerate such barbaric behaviour , its just the past 2 years the police was quite until normal citizens start calling the state to take action against the barbarity of the so called Islamist protestors and the crazy communist left.

The security forces weren't quite on purpose. They were overstretched and undermanned still hurting from the Jan 2011 revolution. They only really started to return under Morsi as the government was being pressured into providing security for ordinary people plus it needed to protect itself.

The protest law recently enacted in Egypt is nothing new , even European countries have similar laws , no one can just carry out a protest without notifying the state , bring back organization , law and order is not authoritarian .

The option whether or not to allow protests to happen is authoritarian. Plus the ways in which demonstration are allowed to be cleared and the sentences that can be dished are quite excessive. The essence of the idea was sound, however, what its lacking is nuance and execution.

Again el motazahreen el 7elween elly fe masr 7aga we masalan el motazahreen el mozzaz fe Europe 7aga Tanya , elly fe masr a3'labhom nas sha3'aleen bel yomeya, mortazaka ya3ny .

European protesters aren't as nice as some might think :D Ive been to a few gnarly protests here in the UK but nothing compared to that of Spain or Greece.
It's true. The majority of troops are still in their barracks training or are otherwise occupied in the Sinai.

Of course not. But we can't act like there's not a large number of protests that go ahead peacefully and in some cases the security forces do instigate the violence.

The security forces weren't quite on purpose. They were overstretched and undermanned still hurting from the Jan 2011 revolution. They only really started to return under Morsi as the government was being pressured into providing security for ordinary people plus it needed to protect itself.

The option whether or not to allow protests to happen is authoritarian. Plus the ways in which demonstration are allowed to be cleared and the sentences that can be dished are quite excessive. The essence of the idea was sound, however, what its lacking is nuance and execution.

European protesters aren't as nice as some might think :D Ive been to a few gnarly protests here in the UK but nothing compared to that of Spain or Greece.

well you know Egypt is in transition from dictatorship to democracy , it will take atleast a decade so we should not expect security forces to deal with protestors the same way that happens in the west . To be more specific I mean Islamist protestors who think the rest of society are a bunch of infidels who should be killed.

I read American protest law , in the usa you need liscence before protesting from police station , there is nothing authoritarian in this especially that the law allows the protest organizers to appeal in court against police decision.

Remember you have the right to protest but at the same time normal citizens have the right to get to work to without being delayed , el moshkela enaha 7ata mozahrat tafha , yareet 3ayzeen 7aga 3edla.
Egypt, the most important Arab country, is in shambles and makes a litmus case for the entire Arab civilisation and its clossal failure to handle the challenges of the 21st Century.

Their idiots, the deep state and the shambolic military and monarchy based regimes in the middle east have held back the arab countries for decades.

Egypt has a revoloution, even if some people didnt like the M.B they should have respected democracy and pushed for the better organisation of the political parties that reflected their values.

They should have pushed for checks and balances and held the goverment to account,

But in collusion with the same deep state, the same military who has ruled them for decades was retarded

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