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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

sharia lovers ?!! can u be a muslim without being a sharia lover ? No u can not . @agentny17 is christian and @Frogman is agnostic and u must be (from ur avatar) in between an atheist or a secular agnostic .

I'm not quite sure what my Avatar or my political views have to do with my religious beliefs or vis versa.
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sharia lovers ?!! can u be a muslim without being a sharia lover ? No u can not . @agentny17 is christian and @Frogman is agnostic and u must be (from ur avatar) in between an atheist or a secular agnostic .
I am Christian now ??? That is news to me, sir!! I have no problem if you want to apply sharia laws on yourself, but don't get this laws near me if you want me to accept you.
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The people in the egyptian army have stood against god and slaughtered thousands of innocent Muslims
If you didn't know it yet, God abandoned the Muslim when Saddam added his name to the Iraqi flag.

Their brutal and cruel nationalism will get them hellfire
Who's gonna light it, A Muslim from the brotherhood:laughcry:

We have the quran for guidance and people like the egyptian soldiers and liberals are clearly described

Are you confusing national geographic with the holly book?

The egyptian soldiers will now face judgement, better get your excuses ready boys for betraying god, & they better be good
It looks like god was with the Egyptian majority, army and Sissy included.

I hope they enjoy what's waiting for them

Centuries of peace.
Egypt govt.: Removal of Morsy was ‘creative democracy’

* ”On arresting the Muslim Brotherhood Supreme Guide, I wouldn’t say just a victory from a vindictive standpoint, but from the standpoint that we are restoring law and order in a country which has its own sovereign rights, ”ElMostafa Hegazy told CNN’s Hala Gorani
* Hegazy, speaking from Cairo, said that the military ousting of Mohamed Morsy from the Egyptian presidency was necessary because Morsy “and his group, and his militias, has been terrorizing Egyptian, I would say at least emotionally.”
* “Maybe it’s a kind of creative democracy that we haven’t seen,” Hegazy contended, “but because we didn’t have the process of impeaching the president through a parliament, we had to do it the way that we’ve done it.”
* “We’re having a war of terrorism against the Egyptian people and the Egyptian state,” Hegazy said.
* “We are having a constitution in 60 days or maybe a bit less or a bit more from today,” he told Gorani.

Once a constitution is in place and it is approved by referendum, he said, Egypt will hold parliamentary elections within 15 days; two months after that they will call for presidential elections.

“The first stage of our roadmap to the future has been completed,” Hegazy said.

***** This is one of the comments on the article, but i can not confirm it since i don't have a link to the whole interview but i though i would share it.
Dr. Mostafa Hegazy said. He said: what Morsi did on the 21st of November 2012 when he confiscated the judicial system in Egypt is CREATIVE DEMOCRACY! HE DID NOT SAY THAT REMOVING MORSI WAS CREATIVE DEMOCRACY!!! I can't believe how incompetent CNN is!!!! WOW!!!

Link to the story and you can watch the whole interview there as well: Egypt govt.: Removal of Morsy was

If you didn't know it yet, God abandoned the Muslim when Saddam added his name to the Iraqi flag.

Who's gonna light it, A Muslim from the brotherhood:laughcry:

Are you confusing national geographic with the holly book?

It looks like god was with the Egyptian majority, army and Sissy included.

Centuries of peace.

Their God hasn't supported them for centuries, maybe your God is against you, idiots. Think about it
Life is short, but God is eternal

The liberal kaffir and Christians in Egypt have supported brutality abd slaughter of the innocent people

What options are there left other than the extermination of the copts and liberals these people are a disease

Like the quresh they are haunting the faithful, they must be removed from Egypt in order for their to be peace

These liberal fascists and copts have ruled through their dictators for details decades now

They have never won a war they have only bought Egypt shame and failure

Time to send the kaffir to hell
Life is short, but God is eternal

The liberal kaffir and Christians in Egypt have supported brutality abd slaughter of the innocent people

What options are there left other than the extermination of the copts and liberals these people are a disease

Like the quresh they are haunting the faithful, they must be removed from Egypt in order for their to be peace

These liberal fascists and copts have ruled through their dictators for details decades now

They have never won a war they have only bought Egypt shame and failure

Time to send the kaffir to hell

Cant you see that you and those you criticize (wrongly and harshly most times) are the opposite sides of the same coin.
I don't need to explain anything to you. We have a terrorist organization in our country and our security forces have been smashing their heads. I am only answering because i am a nice person ;) . My answers or explanations won't change any of these facts or change how Egyptians or others view the sitituion. Everybody is entitled to their own opinion.
If you can go back and check my earlier posts you would see that i was one person who was willing to give the Islamists, and the Muslim Brotherhood a chance in power(Althu i never voted for them,) but i was wrong. Once a criminal always a criminal. Once a terrorist always a terrorist.

so once a military dictatorship always a military dictatorship?
once a lying ruler from military who suppressed his people always a lying ruler from the military who suppresses his people.
what logic you bud lol.
Life is short, but God is eternal

The liberal kaffir and Christians in Egypt have supported brutality abd slaughter of the innocent people

What options are there left other than the extermination of the copts and liberals these people are a disease

Like the quresh they are haunting the faithful, they must be removed from Egypt in order for their to be peace

These liberal fascists and copts have ruled through their dictators for details decades now

They have never won a war they have only bought Egypt shame and failure

Time to send the kaffir to hell
Just for the sake of argument lets just say that Liberals, Kaffirs, Christians are the ones to blame for Morsi's ouster. Doesn't that make them the majority ?!!
Now, if you are really planning to exterminate us, can you get it done with as soon as you can ? You guys have basically disappeared from the streets the past 2 days, let alone exterminate us, so please show up and exterminate us, tough guy. Unbelievable i swear smh. Do you watch a lot of cartoons ?

so once a military dictatorship always a military dictatorship?
once a lying ruler from military who suppressed his people always a lying ruler from the military who suppresses his people.
what logic you bud lol.
You win again, good job!!
Decades of brutal liberal haramii dictatorship

What have they done, what wars did they win, how did they help the egyptian people,

They are useless they grew rich at the expense of the egyptian people

Mubarak was a billionaire for gods sake

The M.B won 5 elections in a row talk about a friken mandate

Under a year and the same liberal haramii are back killed thousands

About to forgive and release mubarak

The party who won 5 elections in a row being rounded up

This is beyond injustice

This if nothing else means that the only path to peacefor eEgypt is that the liberals and copts are destroyed and the military purged

Otherwise you will have Pharaoh's forever
Just for the sake of argument lets just say that Liberals, Kaffirs, Christians are the ones to blame for Morsi's ouster. Doesn't that make them the majority ?!!
Now, if you are really planning to exterminate us, can you get it done with as soon as you can ? You guys have basically disappeared from the streets the past 2 days, let alone exterminate us, so please show up and exterminate us, tough guy. Unbelievable i swear smh. Do you watch a lot of cartoons ?

You win again, good job!!

Don't worry sunshine

Egypt won't be successful
Your economy is a basket case

You can't beg for aid forever and the turmoil is hitting you hard

Without the brotherhood whivh represents a massive portion of Egypt your government will always be illegitimate

After the M.B the salafists are strong party especially if some M.B supporter's vote for them, they are also supported by Saudi

Major liberal figures have abandoned you

The world mocks and pity's you

Nothing is going to improve anytime soon and unless your massive under pressure population sees major improvements jobs and a better life your new joke government will be screwed

The M.B will be back the salafist are already here

Next time

And mark my words their WILL be s next time when either the M.B or salafists get into power they will know that the liberals and copts need to be exterminated in order for them to rule

You have had it lucky with the moderate M.B
Victim muslims my ***... They are firing againts police forces killing and here in PDF sharia lovers playing victim muslim card(as always) god knows what would happen if we were to bring guns to Gezi Park and shoot againts anti-riot forces.

get your alawi *** out of here.

Just for the sake of argument lets just say that Liberals, Kaffirs, Christians are the ones to blame for Morsi's ouster. Doesn't that make them the majority ?!!
Now, if you are really planning to exterminate us, can you get it done with as soon as you can ? You guys have basically disappeared from the streets the past 2 days, let alone exterminate us, so please show up and exterminate us, tough guy. Unbelievable i swear smh. Do you watch a lot of cartoons ?

You win again, good job!!

how do i win? its not about winning, your people are dying by the hundreds and your acting like your head is up your *** bud, your country will turn into another syria if this bs the military started doesnt stop. i have Egyptian friends so i know they are good people and they tell me that this military is at fault so the military needs to stop and sisi put on trial for treason and murder.
Muslim Brotherhood names interim leader after supreme guide Mohammad Badie arrested
By Richard Spencer, Cairo 2:00PM BST 20 Aug 2013


The interior ministry triumphantly released pictures of a disconsolate-looking Mr Badie, 70, sitting on a sofa beside a table as the police prepared to take him away in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

But the Brotherhood declared that Mr. Badie was just "one individual" and that his arrest would make no difference to their campaign against the new military-backed rulers.

"Mahmoud Ezzat, deputy leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, will assume the role of supreme guide of the group on a temporary basis after the security forces of the bloody military coup arrested supreme guide Mohamed Badie," the website of the Brotherhood's political front, the Freedom and Justice Party, said.

At a press conference, the Brotherhood-led "National Coalition for Legitimacy" said there would now be a campaign of civil disobedience and a boycott of state-linked companies and media.

Mr. Ezzat is one of a number of deputy leaders of the Brotherhood. He is part of a faction led by the most powerful deputy, and the organisation's chief strategist, Khairat al-Shater, who is already under arrest.

Mr. Shater and Mr. Badie both face charges of incitement to murder over allegations that Brotherhood supporters killed protesters attacking the organisation's headquarters during the demonstrations that led to Mr Morsi's removal on June 30.

Mr Badie was discovered in an apartment in Nasr City in north-east Cairo near the Rabaa al-Adawiya Mosque, the centre of a six week-long protest against the military's intervention to remove the former president, Mohammed Morsi, from office, until it was cleared by force last week.

Mr Badie spent the protests hiding out in one of the mosque's inner rooms with other Brotherhood leaders for whom arrest warrants had been issued, emerging once to give a speech to supporters. They were all spirited away as the police and army assault got under way.

Egypt crisis: Muslim Brotherhood names interim leader after supreme guide Mohammed Badie arrested - Telegraph


Muslim Brotherhood leader arrested in Egypt
By Abeer Allam in Cairo

Mohamed Badie, leader of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, has been arrested and ordered detained for 15 days in Cairo as the country’s security forces continue their crackdown on the Islamist group.

Meanwhile on Tuesday a Cairo court set a September trial date for Mohamed ElBaradei, Egypt’s recently resigned interim vice-president for foreign affairs, on charges of “breaching National Trust”, according to the state-owned Al-Ahram newspaper.

Mr ElBaradei resigned last week in protest at the killing of hundreds of Islamists by the security forces during the clearing of two sit-ins by Mohamed Morsi’s supporters. Since then he has been the target of what appears to be an orchestrated smear campaign in the Egyptian media. He is now in Austria, where he travelled after his resignation.

Mr Badie and Khairat el-Shater, his deputy who is also detained, are accused of instigating the killing of eight protesters outside the Brotherhood’s Cairo headquarters in June.

“Clearly, the arrest is part of the effort to decapitate the Muslim Brotherhood. Badie is perhaps not as powerful as Shater, but destroying the organisation’s leadership could lead to increased violence,” said Steven A. Cook, Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations.

Muslim Brotherhood leader arrested in Egypt - FT.com
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