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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

The people in the egyptian army have stood against god and slaughtered thousands of innocent Muslims

Their brutal and cruel nationalism will get them hellfire

We have the quran for guidance and people like the egyptian soldiers and liberals are clearly described

The egyptian soldiers will now face judgement, better get your excuses ready boys for betraying god, & they better be good

I hope they enjoy what's waiting for them
The burning happened in One or two Days at most , the MB have been there for 80 years n they never harmed a christian church, we all know who bombed the "2 saints" church just before the revolution, in fact they protected the churches in Jan 25 so what ur saying is that they decide to turn into terrorists in one day ?? n why they were no casualties in human life amongst the burned churches ??
The police left their positions purposely to allow the thugs to attack n that is one of ur own admitting that they authorized Pisi and he sent them thugs to burn their churches
and after the burning , Pisi promises to fix the churches with state money, but he has no money for the burning Masjids, bc kuffars r more important for him
Islamists have been attacking and discriminating against non Islamists, especially Christians for decades in Egypt now.
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Well, F*** your "God" then, if he is that evil!!

Spoken like a true egyptian liberal or are you a egyptian Christian

Your heading to the same place as them and the egyptian people will take back their nation from you scum, you will pay for your word's
Spoken like a true egyptian liberal or are you a egyptian Christian

Your heading to the same place as them and the egyptian people will take back their nation from you scum, you will pay for your word's
I could worship Amun-Ra, its none of your darn bossiness.
Dude, Islamists don't even consider themselves Egyptian!! We are the Egyptian people, get your facts right.
I could worship Amun-Ra, its none of your darn bossiness.
Dude, Islamists don't even consider themselves Egyptian!! We are the Egyptian people, get your facts right.

The egyptian people is not your kind the same with the traitor copts

The egyptian people will overcome and take back their nation from the liberals and army

Your dirt poor let's see you fix and run the nation after the mess you have created
The egyptian people is not your kind the same with the traitor copts

The egyptian people will overcome and take back their nation from the liberals and army

Your dirt poor let's see you fix and run the nation after the mess you have created
Basically what you guys been doing for almost 3 years now. Calling us Kaffirs, Christians, Jews, non Muslims, infidels, ect.. But you know what ? The Egyptian people don't buy this stuff anymore. So, try another one
Basically what you guys been doing for almost 3 years now. Calling us Kaffirs, Christians, Jews, non Muslims, infidels, ect.. But you know what ? The Egyptian people don't buy this stuff anymore. So, try another one

Oh they buy it alright, no one will forget what you liberals and Christians have done to the Egyptian people

They will pay you back
seculars n christians just canceled 2 main articles from the constitution, can u guess what r they about ?

Article 2
Islam is the state’s religion, and Arabic is its official language. The principles of Islamic law (sharia) form the main source of legislation.

Article 219
The principles of Islamic law (sharia) include general evidence, the foundational principles of Islamic jurisprudence (usul al-fiqh), the reliable sources from among the Sunni schools of thought (madhahib).
In elections that are to be held every three years, half of the council’s seats are to be opened to election.

Don't forget this not a war on islam, it's just a political conflict or/and a " war on terrorism "
Egyptian ‘Liberals’ Are Out for Blood

They have lost all moral high ground by supporting the military's violent crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood

August 14 2013

Last month, General Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, head of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces and Egypt’s new military strongman, asked Egyptians to “come out to give me the mandate and order to confront violence and potential terrorism.” What al-Sisi sought was a green light from the Egyptian street to put down the Muslim Brotherhood, whose supporters were still protesting on behalf of the country’s first elected President, Brotherhood member Mohamed Morsi, whom al-Sisi removed from office and jailed on July 3.

Yesterday, al-Sisi put his mandate to work when security forces attacked demonstrators in Cairo, Alexandria and other cities and villages throughout Egypt. At this point, 575 people are confirmed dead nationwide. Only time will tell if al-Sisi has eradicated the Muslim Brotherhood and its allies, but the death knell is already ringing for another of Egypt’s famous political movements: liberalism.

Mohamed ElBaradei, former head of the International Atomic Energy Agency and the face of Egyptian liberalism, resigned on account of Wednesday’s violence, but the reality is that many of those Egyptians who define themselves as liberals supported the July coup as well as today’s crackdown. “Egypt’s liberals are trying to ignore the fact that people are being murdered,” says Samuel Tadros, an Egypt expert and a fellow at Hudson Institute’s Center for Religious Freedom. In doing so, Tadros told me in a recent interview, they have lost any claim to a moral high ground. “For liberalism to succeed, it needs to explain why this political worldview is superior to others. It’s not just about the material benefits of economic liberalism, but why it’s better for man. Man, after all, does not live by bread alone. Here, Egyptian liberalism has failed completely. The liberals in support of the coup and the violent crackdown have abandoned morality for short-term political gains.”

It’s understandable that many Egyptians are concerned about the Muslim Brotherhood’s religiously fundamentalist and paranoid worldview. But the fact that people who describe themselves as liberals want to see their neighbors’ blood shed suggests that their liberalism isn’t what we typically mean by a political doctrine that prizes individual freedom and seeks as little interference from the state as possible. The reality is that Egypt’s liberals have aligned themselves with the military — the very same regime that they protested against during the 2011 uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak.

Why have liberals turned from democracy, albeit a very imperfect one, back to the military? As Tadros explains in his new book, Motherland Lost: The Egyptian and Coptic Quest for Modernity, Egypt’s liberals have always depended on the state for their advancement, for education, employment and social status. “In Egypt,” Tadros tells me, “liberalism didn’t start as it did in Europe with the emergence of an independent bourgeoisie that sought to limit the powers of the state and other entrenched institutions. In Egypt, liberalism was born with the rise of the civil-servant class in the mid–19th century. Since civil servants are a part of the state, this liberalism is not at all interested in limiting the role of the state.”

Moreover, whereas Western liberals have historically seen it as their role to educate their fellow citizens in liberal values, Egyptian liberals have always seen this as the job of the state. Should the state prove incapable of inculcating others with the same ideas and ambitions, then it is up to the state to protect the liberals from what they perceive as the unwashed masses, i.e., their neighbors. And right now it is the Muslim Brothers and their Islamist partners whom the liberals see as a threat that needs to be put down.

In addition to acting in bad faith, the liberals have made a bad deal by siding with the army. Because the liberals never prepared the ground for liberalism, they left it wide open for the Islamists, who over 80 years built a grassroots network that combined political indoctrination with social services that earned them respect and admiration — which is why Morsi won the presidential election in June 2012. In spite of al-Sisi’s crackdown, the Muslim Brotherhood will almost surely return — and next time better organized and, holding a vendetta against the army and the millions who clamored for the Brotherhood’s blood, much angrier. In the meantime, as Tadros argues, “it’s the Muslim Brotherhood, and not the liberals, who can claim the moral high ground.”

Out for Blood, Egypt's 'Liberals' Lose Moral High Ground | TIME.com
Oh they buy it alright, no one will forget what you liberals and Christians have done to the Egyptian people

They will pay you back
You live in a parallel universe. You really have no idea how much hate Egyptians have toward Islamists now!! Why do you think so many people came to the street against Morsi ? Even Islamists protests don't have that many people. The Egyptian people untied against tyranny, extremism, and terrorism.

seculars n christians just canceled 2 main articles from the constitution, can u guess what r they about ?

Article 2
Islam is the state’s religion, and Arabic is its official language. The principles of Islamic law (sharia) form the main source of legislation.

Article 219
The principles of Islamic law (sharia) include general evidence, the foundational principles of Islamic jurisprudence (usul al-fiqh), the reliable sources from among the Sunni schools of thought (madhahib).
In elections that are to be held every three years, half of the council’s seats are to be opened to election.

Don't forget this not a war on islam, it's just a political conflict or/and a " war on terrorism "

While i wish these stupid articles would be canceled, but unfortunately article 2 will not be canceled while article 219 will most definitely be canceled since no Egyptian constitution in the past carried such a retarded article.

Again, stop spreading lies
This is the senario that has been agreed on between the Police and thugs since Pisi's coup.

Thugs go first corrupt in the land, and terrorize the innocent people , then the Police comes after

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Hosni Mubarak to be freed as Army tightens its grip on Egypt

Hosni Mubarak, the man whose 30-year tyranny as Egypt’s leader triggered a revolt which shook the Middle East, will be freed from prison by the end of the week, his lawyer claimed.

Many Egyptians, plagued by violence and insecurity, will welcome the return of the former President; others will greet his release with indifference. For some, the development will mark the most obvious confirmation yet that the military establishment still reigns supreme and the gains of the Egyptian revolution are being lost.

Mubarak, who was arrested shortly after being toppled in February 2011, is currently being held in the Tora Prison in south Cairo.

Among his fellow inmates are senior Brotherhood figures rounded up since the 3 July popular coup .

Following an appeal against his original conviction for involvement in the killing of protesters, the only grounds for the former President’s continued detention rest on a separate corruption case relating to gifts he received during his time in power. But Mubarak’s lawyer, Farid el-Deeb, said that case would soon be resolved.

“All we have left is a simple administrative procedure that should take no more than 48 hours,” Mr Deeb told the Reuters news agency. “He should be freed by the end of the week.”

There was speculation, however, that further charges could be brought against Mubarak, or else authorities would find another reason to keep the former air force chief detained. A judicial source, speaking to Reuters, said Mubarak would spend at least two more weeks behind bars before the criminal court made a final decision in the outstanding case against him.

In an ironic twist, the ruling on Mubarak’s fate came as it was announced that new charges were being brought against his successor, the Muslim Brotherhood’s Mohamed Morsi, for inciting violence.

As the battle over the fate of Egypt’s former presidents went on, the Egyptian news bulletins were filled with yet more examples of brutal violence.

In North Sinai, a largely lawless region which has long been plagued by Islamic militancy, 25 policemen were killed after their minibuses were ambushed by gunmen. Egyptian officials said the men were ordered off the vehicles and then shot dead in a mass-execution style killing.

The attack followed the deaths of 36 prisoners who had been rounded up following the weekend violence in Cairo. There were conflicting accounts of exactly how the prisoners died, but they had been on their way to a prison north of the capital in a large convoy containing hundreds of detainees.

Following last Wednesday’s state-led massacre of several hundred Islamists – an event which Human Rights Watch described yesterday as the “most serious incident of mass unlawful killings in modern Egyptian history” – the worsening security situation has fed into an impression of a nation at war with itself.

Muslims and Christians – who in Tahrir Square were once declared to be “on one hand”, in the words of the famous revolutionary chant – are now more fearful of each other than ever, especially since the wave of church attacks carried out by Islamists since last week.

Some activists are attempting to tread a pathway through the deepening fear and polarisation. The recently established Masmoua, or “Heard” campaign, aims to encourage Egyptians against veering to the extremes of either the Brotherhood or the military.

One Egyptian writer, speaking to The Independent yesterday, expressed a cynicism felt by many Egyptian activists after the events of recent days. “Everything I worked for over the past two and a half years has gone down the drain,” he said.

Hosni Mubarak to be freed as Army tightens its grip on Egypt - Africa - World - The Independent
This is the senario that has been agreed on between the Police and thugs since Pisi's coup.

Thugs go first corrupt in the land, and terrorize the innocent people , then the Police comes after

See how nice the Police is ?! They saved an Islamists from the people and this has been going for a while :-)
Saying that, i condemn violence unless its being used for self defense. I think the people should have called the cops and not use violence at all against anybody who isn't armed or being violent.

Can you condemn attacking churches, security forces, government buildings ? I doubt it!!
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By the way,
these so called 'secular liberals' tend to be the type who swear upon liberalism but have 13 year-old maids working 60 hour weeks for peanuts.

They're the same 'secular liberals' who swear upon liberalism yet believe the 'unwashed masses' [masses of Egyptian poor support the MB] don't deserve the vote.

They're the same 'secular liberals' who want a system where their elitism and exorbitant privilege is secured and maintained.

They are miles off the classical Western liberalism, we understand in the West. If anything, the Brotherhood are more liberal than these 'liberals'.
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