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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

I couldn't believe secular egyptians were such haramies
khaled abdu nasser Mecanical engineer


Russian bullets to kill peaceful protesters

Yousef Khafagi 11 years old killed in alexendria



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trolling in response to trolling.
this is with no doubt fitnatul duhayma' that the prophet spoke of , Egypt and Sham appearently r the battleground, the Almighty is parting them up into 2 sides , the side of iman and the side of kuffr . as the hadith said :"if people become to parties, a party "phustat" of iman where there is no room for nifaq , and another party of kuffr where there is no room for iman , then expect Dajjal Today or Tommorrow "
More then 700 injuries and 10 deads in 3 hours

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more then 200 shahid





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As if it's going worse. Pro democracy supporters like the unscarved lady video I posted and pro Morsi is increasing more and more after the army exposed themselves to be murderers or should I say Gen El Sisi?

Now, those Nasserist and athiest Frogman is going to say terrorist men only were killed only blabla etc fault without providing proof but to post useless propaganda articles. It's because they are Nasserist, similiar to Socialist and it is dicatorship. I don't trust socialist d*cks. No more excuses. The army did kill hundreds of people and brutally wounded thousand and what now? civil war? Gen Sisi stated he'll crush them then go ahead.
220 killed in army attack on pro-Morsi sit-in

Unconfirmed reports by Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood claim 220 protesters were killed, 4,500 injured in army attack on pro-Morsi sit-in. Army claims only 38 dead, 500 wounded

Al Jazeera's Egypt television station showed medics desperately trying to revive casualties arriving at a Brotherhood field hospital at a sit-in at Rabaa al-Adawiya, a mosque in northeast Cairo.

Brotherhood spokesman Gehad El-Haddad said the shooting started shortly before pre-dawn morning prayers on the fringes of a round-the-clock vigil being staged by backers of Morsi, who was ousted by the army more than three weeks ago.

"They are not shooting to wound, they are shooting to kill," Haddad said. "The bullet wounds are in the head and chest."

Report: 220 killed in army attack on pro-Morsi sit-in - Israel News, Ynetnews

"To Allah we belong and to Him is our return." (Inna lillahe wa inna ilayhe rajeoon)
@Cheetah786 is it also a shia bloodbath because i remember you taking egyptian army pro stance and deplored MB
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Anti protesters backed by force



The real spring has just begun. Now let's see what happens next.

RIP..... to the departed....
There is pictures and updates on Egypt's disussion thread
EGYPT is bleeding
the army is trying to wipe out the Muslim Brother hood
MB is really good they did not turn it in to civil war or fighting

i use to respect the Army of Egypt but no more

they want ask about Hamas and killing of protester by Morsi which is both make up case
just then how about the killing right now who will answer it

there is no government in Egypt
Pig Butchering time.:devil:


Well done Egyptian Army.

Sorry could not resist the temptation to troll.Apologies to anyone whom i may have offended except my target

Only a mentally challenged person can celebrate human misery in this fashion. Whats up with the Admins they on vacation or what. Ban this troll.
220.. my god.. this is truely a bloodbath..
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