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Effectiveness of Air-Air-Missile Comparison

Secondly, you dont have to, but trust me it is a joint-venture and Pakistan has funded the program. If it doesn't get posted on Einsteins website, it will not change the fact.
Relook at your link now.. It has been 'credibly' edited by me to remove all reference of pakistan from the page.
This is how credible the info in the link is.


The SD-10 is a BVRAAM (Beyond visual range Air to Air Missile) developed for the People's Liberation Army Air Force. The early versions are speculated to be at least equivalent to United States' AIM-120B AMRAAM system. BVRAAMs have become a very important weapon in modern air-to-air combat & have become a requirement of every Air Force.

The countries which were denied AIM-120 AMRAAMs by the US have gradually become interested in the concurrent JF-17 program because of the SD-10, but both China is reluctant to sell it. Egypt for one became interested in JF-17 because of SD-10. They are also interested in Technology transfer of JF-17 it self. Earlier China had agreed technology transfer of K-8 advance trainers to Egypt. However it is speculated that Egypt too like North Korea, Bangladesh, Nigeria & Zimbabwe would be denied SD-10 early on.

Besides JF-17 Thunder the SD-10 will also be mounted on China's J-10 fighters. Some F-7 PG versions may also be mounted with it, however it would still not save F-7s from being grounded & mostly be replaced by JF-17s.
ajaybhutani said:
Relook at your link now.. It has been 'credibly' edited by me to remove all reference of pakistan from the page.
This is how credible the info in the link is.


What do u guyz want, or wanna prove something. Yeah go and claim that JF-17 has'nt been developed by both China and Pakistan. think some1 cares:rolleyes: . Truth is u guyz cant stand all this.:flag:

It is your choice to accept it or not. I will leave it up to you, and i dont really care if you dont agree with it.
melb4aust said:
What do u guyz want, or wanna prove something. Yeah go and claim that JF-17 has'nt been developed by both China and Pakistan. think some1 cares:rolleyes: . Truth is u guyz cant stand all this.:flag:
omg.... i am just asking you to support ur claims .. is that too much to ask for..??
WebMaster said:

It is your choice to accept it or not. I will leave it up to you, and i dont really care if you dont agree with it.
I will not accept it unless i get a credible link.. or of course cases like " i have an insider info that" are given due consideration..
this is general protocol i have seen in many other forums i visit and i prefer to follow the same.. to shred out speculations being made by a person on an incredible link being given due consideration..
you are WebMaster of this forum.. amongst all I expect you not to give a publicly editable website for a credible link.. If you think you have an internal info on this.. at least say it.. if you dont have a link and neither internal info.. If just wikipedia is your reference for this info.. then dont you think that someone might just have added those speculations as a fact on wiki.. Shoule you even take it sireously.. ?
if you say that pakistan will get SD10 or will get a TOT for SD10.. i can take it as a good possibility.. but a statement like SD10 as a jointdevelopment .. i do want a link for it...
Man you are crazy:idiot: from inside, we dont have enough time to go to locate a link for you then to find out whether its credible or not. The info we have given you, we think thats enough.

I will personally provide you some thing cridible, when i will go through one, that could fulfill your expectations, would that be enough for now.
melb4aust said:
Man you are crazy:idiot: from inside, we dont have enough time to go to locate a link for you then to find out whether its credible or not. The info we have given you, we think thats enough.

I will personally provide you some thing cridible, when i will go through one, that could fulfill your expectations, would that be enough for now.
if expecting a credible link before beliving in something is crazy.. then i bet assuming that someone will take ur word from granted( how much do i know you man.. if it was neo posting it, i wouldnt have considered a link as a necessity.. ) is equally idiotic.. and yes taking wikipedia as a credible link is as foolish....
comeon as if the people in this forum took my word for granted when i said indian Mirage 2000 carried SUPER 530D missiles.. i wasnt told to give a link .. but give photographs confirming it.. you can understand whats harder..
If you guys expect me to show photos of planes to confirm my statements .. whats wrong with me expecting a credible link( not a publically editable one).. for believing in your statements.
Dont expect me to ask you these kind of questions, cause i know its not easy. Its good to ask questions but from a reliable person, who has the knowledge, or has enough time to look for your answers. Thats what i forum is ...... source of info and then a debate on that, doest matter where its coming from......... cheers :thumbsup:

Should get back to the topic know i guess
melb4aust said:
Dont expect me to ask you these kind of questions, cause i know its not easy. Its good to ask questions but from a reliable person, who has the knowledge, or has enough time to look for your answers.
i meant "i have been asked.. and have given out the info.. i dont mind if one doesnt have the info or read somewhere and now dont have the source... but just a mere mention like " read somewhere but dont have links now " etc makes life easier for others..
Thats what i forum is ...... source of info and then a debate on that, doest matter where its coming from......... cheers :thumbsup:

thats the whole point it starts with a source of info.. thats all i asked for..
Where is SD 10 ? Can someone give detailed info about sd10
melb4aust said:
There was a lot of talk about US AIM 9X Sidewinder, but "Python 5" is some thing. Highly menouverable and deadly can even be fired at the fighter behind the tail. The fighter dont actually have to face the enemy fighter to fire it (at angle of around 360 degree) :rolleyes: .
Do you have any simulation or video to show pythons capabillities.
visit this page and watch NOTHING COMES CLOSE.
The missile is IRIS. and knocks out an SU 35 coming from behind.

The weapon was to be named, IRIS-T, Infra Red Imagery Sidewinder Tail-controlled with workshare arrangements thus; Germay 46%, Italy 19%, Sweden 18%, Greece 13% the remainder split between Canada and Norway. The system would build upon BGT's involvement in production of the existing AIM-9 Sidewinder as well as its seeker work. As with ASRAAM the IRIS-T retains complete interoperability with AIM-9. Any aircraft capable of carrying and firing Sidewinder will be capable of launching IRIS-T.

BGT/SAAB/Alenia-Marconi IRIS-T

Although based on the AIM-9 design IRIS-T improves upon it quite substantially in practically every area. The missile consists of basically five sections; guidance, fuze, warhead, motor and tail control. The guidance section contains a BGT designed scanning imaging Indium-Antimonide infra-red sensor. The array has a resolution of 128 by 128 pixels which combined with digital signal processing (provided by a SAAB built DSP) gives the missile an ability to see its target and even aim for certain specific sections. In addition the seeker offers an off-boresight capability of 90 degrees in all directions. This gives it the ability to be launched over the shoulder via an appropriate cueing system (eg. a Helmet Mounted Sight), targetting data can also be taken from the launch platforms radar. Initial guidance is provided by a strap-down inertial navigation system built by Litton Italia. Behind the sensor sits an active radar based fuze built by Alenia-Marconi. This provides both range and range-rate information allowing the missile to detonate its warhead at a pre-determined distance form the target.

Next in line is a dual-layer High Explosive fragmentation warhead designed and built by Greece's GPCC. Behind this sit the main propulsion and control systems. A new motor built by FiatAvio of Italy and Nammo of Norway is included which utilises a smokeless propellant arranged in a star-shaped formation within the combustion chamber. This section also provides the attachment point for four wings providing additional lift. The rear most section, the responsibility of Canada's AlliedSignal contains the thrust vectoring nozzle as well as four fins. The nozzle, which provides for flight control utilises four vanes placed within the exhaust. By directly controlling the position of these the thrust can be vectored in any required direction. Such an arrangement provides a large increase in achievable manoueverability, turns in excess of 50g are made possible.

The Swedish Air Force has already commited to purchasing IRIS-T for its JAS-39 Gripen fleet when deliveries begin in 2002. To enable deployment SAAB-BAE Systems have already carried out test flights of a Helmet Mounted Sight for the Gripen allowing IRIS-T to be fully utilised. Beyond Germany and Sweden, Norway is also expected to purchase the weapon as a replacement for AIM-9 aboard its F-16's. In addition both Denmark and Belgium are interested in purchasing the weapon.

In October 2000 the first air launched firings of the missile occured from F-16's of the Hellenic Air Force. This was followed first in March 2002 by a pre-programmed launch against a drone target and later by a seeker guided firing in April 2002. The missile, launched from an F-4 Phantom flying off the coast of Sardinia successfully tracked and brought down the drone. According to BGT development remains on track and initial production versions of the missile are due to be made available by mid-2002 with full production occuring in late-2002/early-2003. IRIS-T is set to gain full operational clearance before the end of 2005. This date should mirror the first fully operational Eurofighter Typhoon squadrons in Luftwaffe service, IRIS-T being the primary short range weapon for German Eurofighters.
Whats a difference between SD-10 and US made AMRAAM, as Pakistan is going for AMRAAM with F-16's instead of SD-10. Surely AMRAAM would be a more capable missile and some reason for selection.

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