Baku Shipyard
first contract from Russia for 10 crew boats 2nd contract from BP for $450mil
3rd contract for construction of a rig for $750mil
It was indicated that the enterprise covers an area of 620,000 square meters. A quayside 1,630 meters in length, a five-storey office building, a training center, various offices and warehouses, workshops, a repair yard, a canteen, a first-aid station, a compressor building and a substation to ensure reliable power supply of the plant have been built on the premises.
It was mentioned that the production capacity of the plant is 25,000 tons of steel structures a year. Theenterprise, unique for the Caspian Sea basin, is capable of producing four 15,000-ton tankers, two 70,000-tontankersand four supply vessels each year. It can alsoconduct repairs of 80-100 vessels of different profiles. In parallel with the construction of the plant, the longest floating dry dockin the Caspian Sea, which is highly important for the operation of the plant, has been built as well. As part of the second phase of the construction project there areplans to build a new dry dock, an additional production workshop and a bridge area.
development in the last decade
Gilan Seramik Park
creation of 500 jobs and The plant will manufacture 1,815,000 square meters of floor slabs, 1,798,000 square meters of facing slabs and 165,000 linear meters of decorative slabs per year. In the near future, the enterprise will manufacture slabs of all sizes in accordance with demand.