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ECC approves revival of Karachi Circular Railways: $2.57 Billion project

transport mafia as in mini bus mafia, it has nothing got to do with KCR

KCR didnt fail because of transport mafia

transport mafia doesnt involve taxis, rickshaws etc

If KCR does become a reality then commuters will choose KCR as a means of transportation. This will hit these buses owned by the mafia the most. The transport mafia played a huge role in the destruction of KCR and eventually KCR became history in 1999.
If KCR does become a reality then commuters will choose KCR as a means of transportation. This will hit these buses owned by the mafia the most. The transport mafia played a huge role in the destruction of KCR and eventually KCR became history in 1999.

i dont think that KCR was destroyed by transport mafia, over all pakistan train system is been hit by absence of maintenance and funding

well japan is investing 2.5 bilion for nothing, i dont think that KCR will be stopped

but 5 year time is too big time, it should take maximum 2.5-3 year to get built, atleast should start functioning in 1.5 years, if development goes fast
Blast from the past:
As children we brothers and cousins used to take KCR from the North Nazimabad Railway Station near our house. It was so safe, uncrowded then. The train station was about one KM from our house but to us it seemed like many miles away. Anyway, we went to Landhi (I think) toward one way and SITE or Baldia to the other way--just for the heck of train travel. We would go and then turned right back in the next available train back home.
Ticketing was relatively strictly enforced.
I remember the seats and the signs used to say 'PWR' for Pakistan Western Railways--because they were part of the then West Pakistan.
I loved train travel--and even now I love train travel. KCR should be revived asap.
the big question is the fesibility, it shouldnt be revived if it has no fesibility i mean no profits just losses

its hard to imagine how with 27 stations with a city as big as karachi they gonna manage to lure people in?? a guy with a house very far wont even use it

so it all comes down to feasibility

and many experts are raising question marks on its feasibility
well i did some research

this is the link to dehli metro cost

DMRC : Project Update

10,571 corore indian rupees

55 indian RS = 1 dollars

10,571 corore = 2 billion dollar roughly(even less)

so i converted them and it came out roughly 2 billion for phase one

where as

i think 2.4 billion dollars are more than enough price to build KCR on modern lines provided the cost of building is the same as in india

ur missing 2 imp things in ur calculation here :
1. DMRC phase I was completed in year 2006 (i.e. Ex. rate 1USD=44INR now that will bring down the total cost to $2.4 billion)

2. Infliation in cost of last 6-7 years:coffee:

besides the project is yet to be executed that would mean further cost escalation...

i have 2 question here:

1. what is the expected deadline for the project?
2. is there a source to support ur claim that its a metro style project?

Anyways best of luck to Pak n Karachi...:pakistan:
1. what is the expected deadline for the project?
2. is there a source to support ur claim that its a metro style project?

Anyways best of luck to Pak n Karachi...:pakistan:

1) not released yet

2) the cost tells it cant be anything short of the metro system, also there are 26 kms of elevated ways, 10 km of underground ways so it must be metro
the big question is the fesibility, it shouldnt be revived if it has no fesibility i mean no profits just losses

its hard to imagine how with 27 stations with a city as big as karachi they gonna manage to lure people in?? a guy with a house very far wont even use it

so it all comes down to feasibility

and many experts are raising question marks on its feasibility

very true feasibility is very imp for any project
the big doubt that i have is regarding the the very basis of the project i.e. circular system
as it will lead to all of wastage in travel time

here u can easily compare KCR with Delhi metro



a circular track would mean less trains on track n more time to travel...:undecided:
very true feasibility is very imp for any project
the big doubt that i have is regarding the the very basis of the project i.e. circular system
as it will lead to all of wastage in travel time

here u can easily compare KCR with Delhi metro



a circular track would mean less trains on track n more time to travel...:undecided:

thats just the phase one, i see the dehli ring railway circular

nothing is finalised, it will take quite a while to release all the data
thats just the phase one, i see the dehli ring railway circular

nothing is finalised, it will take quite a while to release all the data

brother Delhi Ring Railways is a 1975 project
n it has lost its importance over the time

thats why i said its ring rail is a flawed concept of the 70s
it'll soon loose its imp as soon as its implemented in Pak...:coffee:
brother Delhi Ring Railways is a 1975 project
n it has lost its importance over the time

thats why i said its ring rail is a flawed concept of the 70s
it'll soon its imp as soon as its implemented in Pak...:coffee:

i understand your concerns, hope they dont be foolish to waste 2.5 billion in a failed unfeasible project
brother Delhi Ring Railways is a 1975 project
n it has lost its importance over the time

thats why i said its ring rail is a flawed concept of the 70s
it'll soon its imp as soon as its implemented in Pak...:coffee:
KCR had been operational since 1969 too but it was later shut down in 1999, they are thinking about relaunching it and making it modernized.
KCR had been operational in karachi since 1969 too but it was later shut in 1999, they are thinking about relaunching it and making it modernized.
the last line was a typo i forgot to add "loose"...:lol:
it'll soon loose its imp as soon as its implemented in Pak...

check my post no.37
even Delhi ring rail is running since 1975 but its lost imp bcoz 2 main reasons:
1. due to expansion of city
2. introduction of metros

my point is since its a circular track that means a person a person travelling from Drigh Road to Hill View will have to travel a lot of distance due to circular track
secondly, it covers only the outer part of the city leaving the middle portion

in general straight tracks crossing each other r preferred more over circular paths in modern times

here is the track of my own city's under construction metro
Jaipur Metro

this is just my POV, i maybe wrong but i m just telling u the normal trend in intercity rail track system these days...:coffee:
it was making money losses, so much so that people were traveling ticket free

not many karachiites were interested in using KCR

this is what i read in the articles

as i said feasibility is very important, i wont like to walk one or two mile to catch the stations, they need to increase number of stations and route must be changed as indicated by @Yogi

5 year duration is too big for my liking

the last line was a typo i forgot to add "loose"...:lol:
it'll soon loose its imp as soon as its implemented in Pak...

check my post no.37
even Delhi ring rail is running since 1975 but its lost imp bcoz 2 main reasons:
1. due to expansion of city
2. introduction of metros

my point is since its a circular track that means a person a person travelling from Drigh Road to Hill View will have to travel a lot of distance due to circular track
secondly, it covers only the outer part of the city leaving the middle portion

in general straight tracks crossing each other r preferred more over circular paths in modern times

here is the track of my own city's under construction metro
Jaipur Metro

this is just my POV, i maybe wrong but i m just telling u the normal trend in intercity rail track system these days...:coffee:

i agree circular track is a big no no for a good metro, it will indeed take too much time
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