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Each MiG-35 to cost only $30 mil for the Russians. Is the IAF listening?

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Dec 20, 2009
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MOSCOW, August 17 (RIA Novosti) – The Russian Defense Ministry has postponed the purchase of 37 MiG-35 fighter jets until 2016, Kommersant daily reported Saturday.

The ministry was originally due to sign the purchase agreement with MiG in June, but last month the aircraft corporation's general director Sergei Korotkov told RIA Novosti that the contract had still not been signed.

The ministry will now sign the contract in 2016, thereby putting off spending about 37 billion rubles ($1.1 billion) from the state armament program budget to a later payment period, as requested by the Finance Ministry, Kommersant said.

The newspaper cited a Defense Ministry source as saying that the ministry had not been able to issue the order over delays in drawing up the design.

“At the same time as that was going on, we received a proposal from the Finance Ministry to delay spending until 2016 part of the funds allocated within the state arms program for 2014-2016,” the newspaper quoted the source as saying.

“After analyzing [the situation] we made the decision to put back the purchase of the MiG-35s,” the source said, adding that the number of jets the ministry plans to buy – 37 – remains unchanged.

The Mikoyan MiG-35 (Fulcrum-F) is a 4++ generation fighter jet and a modification of the MiG-29M. It is equipped with air-to-air and air-to-surface guided missiles, as well as the Zhuk-A radar system.

Kommersant also reported that MiG may soon receive an order for MiG-29SMT fighter jets from the Defense Ministry, citing the source as saying that both sides were “ready to consider the purchase of such planes for delivery by 2016.”

Russian Defense Ministry Delays Deal on MiG-35 Jets

Time to ditch the overpriced Rafale and save money for the people of this country!
First fund grain silos so millions of tonnes of food doesn't become a criminal waste, which is what is happening every year! Are the idiots in congress listening?
Now what??

And the best part is that sooner or later they will get this radar........it goes into testing in 2014

i already gave details here

MOSCOW, August 17 (RIA Novosti) – The Russian Defense Ministry has postponed the purchase of 37 MiG-35 fighter jets until 2016, Kommersant daily reported Saturday.

The ministry was originally due to sign the purchase agreement with MiG in June, but last month the aircraft corporation's general director Sergei Korotkov told RIA Novosti that the contract had still not been signed.

The ministry will now sign the contract in 2016, thereby putting off spending about 37 billion rubles ($1.1 billion) from the state armament program budget to a later payment period, as requested by the Finance Ministry, Kommersant said.

The newspaper cited a Defense Ministry source as saying that the ministry had not been able to issue the order over delays in drawing up the design.

“At the same time as that was going on, we received a proposal from the Finance Ministry to delay spending until 2016 part of the funds allocated within the state arms program for 2014-2016,” the newspaper quoted the source as saying.

“After analyzing [the situation] we made the decision to put back the purchase of the MiG-35s,” the source said, adding that the number of jets the ministry plans to buy – 37 – remains unchanged.

The Mikoyan MiG-35 (Fulcrum-F) is a 4++ generation fighter jet and a modification of the MiG-29M. It is equipped with air-to-air and air-to-surface guided missiles, as well as the Zhuk-A radar system.

Kommersant also reported that MiG may soon receive an order for MiG-29SMT fighter jets from the Defense Ministry, citing the source as saying that both sides were “ready to consider the purchase of such planes for delivery by 2016.”

Russian Defense Ministry Delays Deal on MiG-35 Jets

Time to ditch the overpriced Rafale and save money for the people of this country!
First fund grain silos so millions of tonnes of food doesn't become a criminal waste, which is what is happening every year! Are the idiots in congress listening?

the best thing is that we can spend another 20-30 million dollars to integrate better systems and still it would cost quite less!!
@Abingdonboy @BlueDot_in_Space @hinduguy
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Mig-35 is a headache the IAF doesn't need. Either go for the Rafale or scrap the requirement all together and go all in on the LCA and AMCA.

The Rafales will be in IAF service by 2017 so stop harping on about things that will NEVER happen ie the EFT/F-18/Gripen/Mig-35 in IAF service.
Mig-35 is a headache the IAF doesn't need. Either go for the Rafale or scrap the requirement all together and go all in on the LCA and AMCA.
The Rafales will be in IAF service by 2017 so stop harping on about things that will NEVER happen ie the EFT/F-18/Gripen/Mig-35 in IAF service.
That would be a real threat to IAF . Other aircrafts will get the fate of Mig21s .
That would be a real threat to IAF . Other aircrafts will get the fate of Mig21s .

EXACTLY and that's why I ruled this option out and said the IAF will be getting the first Rafales by 2017. To stem the falling SQD strength and more importantly get those effing -21s and -27s out if service ASAP.
EXACTLY and that's why I ruled this option out and said the IAF will be getting the first Rafales by 2017. To stem the falling SQD strength and more importantly get those effing -21s and -27s out if service ASAP.

Depends on the economy...........this quarter's growth rate was 4.4%(free to check) and manufacturing posted a negative growth of 1.6%

If the trend continues,,we will be forced to look for cheaper options like mig-35,,,however i do believe that after modifications in irst and fitting of the fga-35 radar it will be a very potent platform,,,,,,not comparable to rafale but very good for the cost

EXACTLY and that's why I ruled this option out and said the IAF will be getting the first Rafales by 2017. To stem the falling SQD strength and more importantly get those effing -21s and -27s out if service ASAP.

he was talking about lca and amca and not mig-35
Depends on the economy...........this quarter's growth rate was 4.4%(free to check) and manufacturing posted a negative growth of 1.6%

If the trend continues,,we will be forced to look for cheaper options like mig-35,,,however i do believe that after modifications in irst and fitting of the fga-35 radar it will be a very potent platform,,,,,,not comparable to rafale but very good for the cost

he was talking about lca and amca and not mig-35
He MMRCA deal will be signed this year or next come what may. I don't see the current econcomoc gloom lasting more than a few quarters.
He MMRCA deal will be signed this year or next come what may. I don't see the current econcomoc gloom lasting more than a few quarters.

u are sadly mistaken my friend as far as economy is concerned,,,,,,ask any indian living in india this question and u will get the same answer
Unless we have no money and opt for mig-35 without deep modernization, mig-35 actually is not a very good platform.

1)contains the same OLS-UEM as mig-29k and its detection is max 45km which is pretty bad

2)laser detector ,maws and rwr are pretty basic too

3)The initial aesa on offer fga-29 is having only 680t/r modules and only a very modest range and power of only 5-6 kw

We would need to spend good chunk on its upgradation,no doubt about it
u are sadly mistaken my friend as far as economy is concerned,,,,,,ask any indian living in india this question and u will get the same answer

I'd rather ask and listen to Ecomomomists and I have. The picture is nowhere near as bad as you've been making out for the past week or so.
I'd rather ask and listen to Ecomomomists and I have. The picture is nowhere near as bad as you've been making out for the past week or so.

Ask any economist................and post his views here,,,i seriously ask u to do so

If i am wrong i will gracefully accept it :cheers:,,,,but i am not.............not after land acquisition bill


and ols do read the comments of ppl below to know the situation here
1. Please don't read too much into current economic situation. The most worrying factor right now is Current Account Defeciet (CAD) and with govt left with very little choices, this will get corrected. Importing Gold is already becoming dearer and with talks of import of crude from Iran, we should see improvement (albiet slowly) from first quarter of 2014. If agriculture sector is able to take advantage of good monsoon, the growth rate should be back to 5.5-6 if not more.

ON Topic:

2. we've discussed in great detail about Mig 35 and its utility for IAF. There is no denying Russians have beefed up Mig 29 significantly, but at the end of the day, we must not forget it couldnot make cut in trials. Now if cost is all important criterion, why the hell we wasted so much time in trials, GoI could've straight away opened commercial bids and gave contract to lowest bidder. It is IAF's decesion to go with Rafale and we must respect that. Those guys know more than all of us combined.
1. Please don't read too much into current economic situation. The most worrying factor right now is Current Account Defeciet (CAD) and with govt left with very little choices, this will get corrected. Importing Gold is already becoming dearer and with talks of import of crude from Iran, we should see improvement (albiet slowly) from first quarter of 2014. If agriculture sector is able to take advantage of good monsoon, the growth rate should be back to 5.5-6 if not more.

ON Topic:

2. we've discussed in great detail about Mig 35 and its utility for IAF. There is no denying Russians have beefed up Mig 29 significantly, but at the end of the day, we must not forget it couldnot make cut in trials. Now if cost is all important criterion, why the hell we wasted so much time in trials, GoI could've straight away opened commercial bids and gave contract to lowest bidder. It is IAF's decesion to go with Rafale and we must respect that. Those guys know more than all of us combined.

because in 2009 cost was not a criterion,as simple as that

By the way yeasterday govt was planning to consider a decision to close petrol pumps from 8pm to 8am in order to reduce petrol consumption,,,,lol:cheesy:
because in 2009 cost was not a criterion,as simple as that

By the way yeasterday govt was planning to consider a decision to close petrol pumps from 8pm to 8am in order to reduce petrol consumption,,,,lol:cheesy:

Cost isn't a criteria even today. IAF has a set of pre-defined parameters and cut off values and they conducted trials as per that. Rafale and EFT made it and then Rafale beat it on lower cost of ownership as simple as that. Since we are dragging our feet for so long on signing the deal, it gives an impression (mostly media created) that something is wrong.

btw EADS, Grippen and US competitiors who didnot win contract expressed their regret of loosing the contract and moved on and have started to focus on future deals that may come from India, why do you think Russia is pitching so hard for Mig 35 even though there is almost no chance for it now.
Not a chance with Mig-35. Indians like to buy the most expensive white elephant and Mig-35 is not it.
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