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Each MiG-35 to cost only $30 mil for the Russians. Is the IAF listening?

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Cost isn't a criteria even today. IAF has a set of pre-defined parameters and cut off values and they conducted trials as per that. Rafale and EFT made it and then Rafale beat it on lower cost of ownership as simple as that. Since we are dragging our feet for so long on signing the deal, it gives an impression (mostly media created) that something is wrong.

btw EADS, Grippen and US competitiors who didnot win contract expressed their regret of loosing the contract and moved on and have started to focus on future deals that may come from India, why do you think Russia is pitching so hard for Mig 35 even though there is almost no chance for it now.

Because its dirt cheap considering current scenario...............and frankly i don't even care as its my feeling that we should focus more on our AVIONICS than on fighters like tejas,just like israel.

This deal is good considering potency of rafale but whether u admit it or not scuttles the funds that would have gone to mk2 or AMCA and thats how it is.

Contrary to popular belief we have earmarked no funds for the deal till now and if the deal is announced it will be paid from the subsequent defence budgets which will again

1)be mainly utilized for acquisition like these
2)NOT for r&d on stuff like avionics and engine

Thats hoe it was 20 years ago and thats how it is now,,,,actually nothing has really changed,,,,every 20 years we start a new acquisition

The only change is that now we are gonna acquire 2 costly platforms at the same time without even an iota of our contribution.

Not a chance with Mig-35. Indians like to buy the most expensive white elephant and Mig-35 is not it.

unfortunately i agree with u

rafale is awesome indivisually but for the growth of indian aviation,,,,it will be a blot
we should buy MIG 35. It is best value for money. It is best replacement for MIG 21.We can get it change according to our requirement. We can develop its engine. We shall get full TOT of Engine and AESA technology. Not at all bad idea to induct 3 to 5 squadron.
we should buy MIG 35. It is best value for money. It is best replacement for MIG 21.We can get it change according to our requirement. We can develop its engine. We shall get full TOT of Engine and AESA technology. Not at all bad idea to induct 3 to 5 squadron.

Actually as in my analysis i have already pointed out that UNLESS we are willing to give it a deep modernization and at least get fga-35 radar,,,,its JUST NOT GOOD ENOUGH
MOSCOW, August 17 (RIA Novosti) – The Russian Defense Ministry has postponed the purchase of 37 MiG-35 fighter jets until 2016, Kommersant daily reported Saturday.

The ministry was originally due to sign the purchase agreement with MiG in June, but last month the aircraft corporation's general director Sergei Korotkov told RIA Novosti that the contract had still not been signed.

The ministry will now sign the contract in 2016, thereby putting off spending about 37 billion rubles ($1.1 billion) from the state armament program budget to a later payment period, as requested by the Finance Ministry, Kommersant said.

The newspaper cited a Defense Ministry source as saying that the ministry had not been able to issue the order over delays in drawing up the design.

“At the same time as that was going on, we received a proposal from the Finance Ministry to delay spending until 2016 part of the funds allocated within the state arms program for 2014-2016,” the newspaper quoted the source as saying.

“After analyzing [the situation] we made the decision to put back the purchase of the MiG-35s,” the source said, adding that the number of jets the ministry plans to buy – 37 – remains unchanged.

The Mikoyan MiG-35 (Fulcrum-F) is a 4++ generation fighter jet and a modification of the MiG-29M. It is equipped with air-to-air and air-to-surface guided missiles, as well as the Zhuk-A radar system.

Kommersant also reported that MiG may soon receive an order for MiG-29SMT fighter jets from the Defense Ministry, citing the source as saying that both sides were “ready to consider the purchase of such planes for delivery by 2016.”

Russian Defense Ministry Delays Deal on MiG-35 Jets

Time to ditch the overpriced Rafale and save money for the people of this country!
First fund grain silos so millions of tonnes of food doesn't become a criminal waste, which is what is happening every year! Are the idiots in congress listening?

I think IAF should go ahead with their plan of 126-200 MMRCA that will be Rafale.

Also MiG-35s are good option to replace the MiG-21s and even MiG-29s IAF has as both have been not performing well.
The upfront price of a jet isn't the only thing one has to consider.

It is a good aircraft but for fleet reasons, IAF has rejected it.

I think IAF should go ahead with their plan of 126-200 MMRCA that will be Rafale.

Also MiG-35s are good option to replace the MiG-21s and even MiG-29s IAF has as both have been not performing well.

MiG-29 of IAF is being replaced by Rafales.

Tejas will replace MiG-21. That is the point of it all in the first place.
The upfront price of a jet isn't the only thing one has to consider.

It is a good aircraft but for fleet reasons, IAF has rejected it.

MiG-29 of IAF is being replaced by Rafales.

Tejas will replace MiG-21. That is the point of it all in the first place.

As i pointed out earlier

If we are truly fucked in economic terms and decide to go for this cheap alternative we will have to do a deep modernization for it to be any good
MIG -35 if i recall are an upgraded 4.5 gen version of MIG-29.

Rather than going for MIG -35 why not upgrade MIG-29s to 4.5 gen level.
MIG -35 if i recall are an upgraded 4.5 gen version of MIG-29.

Rather than going for MIG -35 why not upgrade MIG-29s to 4.5 gen level.

Exactly the same thing i have been barking in mig-29k forum.We opted for cheap quick fix solution there

1)poor irst.............(only 45 km tail chase range and 15 km head on range(whats even use of such thing?)

2)Bad radar in the form of zhuk-m( a simple slotted array)

3)no sensor fusion............ok this one cannot be implemented

4)No dedicated sensors for air to ground mode except external pod
Just wait..We will soon see Rafale in action again after Afghanistan, Libya and Mali. We should always go for time tested equipment. And as far the price goes it can be bargained if our people want. I am not a fighter expert but from a layman points of view we are (should be) expert in bargaining, but if everybody in the room wants some commission then.....
Just wait..We will soon see Rafale in action again after Afghanistan, Libya and Mali. We should always go for time tested equipment. And as far the price goes it can be bargained if our people want. I am not a fighter expert but from a layman points of view we are (should be) expert in bargaining, but if everybody in the room wants some commission then.....

Rafale is the best option but we are discussing a what if situation here!!
OK, You all discuss and I am reading..but then we are going for rafale..no change in plan?

Who knows man..............all indications point that it may be signed b/w november and march.
india will then be entirely dependent on russia (combat aircrafts)and dats not a good situation.
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