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Durand Line Conflict | Exclusive Interview of Suhail Shaheen

Dont like idea of getting pak into afgganistan we cant let our children live under gun culture

Thede fanatics taliban are piwer hungry they have nothing to do with islam they are jyst like another isis forcing there idea of islam which is islam is against

Pak should start striking these talibans they want our future tolive under gun culture not accepted

Message to these fanatics

Till date you won because you were fightin GB non muslims

If you fight war for land despute with another muslim country you will going to loose because you lied to ALLLAH BETRAY TO ALLAH


YOU ARE MAKING FASAD YOU WILL GET WHAT U D DESERVE TALIBANS shoukd get act together pak zindabad
I have not seen the video.

We have done through this a million times.

The Durand Line treaty does not have an expiry date. We owe the Afghanistanis nothing.

However if you want to unite Afghanistan and Pakistan into one country, I have no problem with that.
Afghanistan and Pakistan should become one country.
Durand line is not disputed territory according to the United Nations.

You are the same guy that claims he is "Pathan" and can't even speak a lick of Pashto.

Have a step into Afghanistan and see how they treat you.

You are the definition of a GUL KHAN
Dont like idea of getting pak into afgganistan we cant let our children live under gun culture

Thede fanatics taliban are piwer hungry they have nothing to do with islam they are jyst like another isis forcing there idea of islam which is islam is against

Pak should start striking these talibans they want our future tolive under gun culture not accepted

Message to these fanatics

Till date you won because you were fightin GB non muslims

If you fight war for land despute with another muslim country you will going to loose because you lied to ALLLAH BETRAY TO ALLAH


YOU ARE MAKING FASAD YOU WILL GET WHAT U D DESERVE TALIBANS shoukd get act together pak zindabad

They don't see Pakistan as muslim country

They see Pakistan as Israel for them that is stealing their land and culture.
I have not seen the video.

We have done through this a million times.

The Durand Line treaty does not have an expiry date. We owe the Afghanistanis nothing.

However if you want to unite Afghanistan and Pakistan into one country, I have no problem with that.
Afghanistan and Pakistan should become one country.
Durand line is not disputed territory according to the United Nations.
I would only say - very little interest in mixing the two countries. If they want to give us the 11MM or so odd Pusthuns alongwith 40% of the land of Afghanistan - that could be considered. Especially since they bitch about Pushtuns being split. Last time I had my demographics there are 3 times as many Pashtuns in Pakistan as they are in Afghanistan. If the Durand line is to move it will move in the other direction. So be careful of what as an Afghani you ask for.
Pathans make 60% of Afghanistan population.

I would only say - very little interest in mixing the two countries. If they want to give us the 11MM or so odd Pusthuns alongwith 40% of the land of Afghanistan - that could be considered. Especially since they bitch about Pushtuns being split. Last time I had my demographics there are 3 times as many Pashtuns in Pakistan as they are in Afghanistan. If the Durand line is to move it will move in the other direction. So be careful of what as an Afghani you ask for.

LMFAO there's no point in even having this convo with this guy. He is LARPing as Pashtun and genuinely thinks a confederation of Pakistan and Afghanistan is gonna make both countries into supapowah.
I believe during Z. A. Bhutto's time such a proposal was made, but never materialized.

Cuz bhutto said they were too poor and it would be a strain on Pakistan.
I know Kashmiris have quite in common with Pathans as well.


2 different cultures and languages, just because you see us both of us wearing Pakol doesn't mean we are sem2sem, love to Kashmiri bros tho.
View attachment 805615@MultaniGuy
Here our waziristani brothers want to give away Punjab under indian occupation and you are trying to say that we should unite with Afghanistan. Ever thought what will we do then?

You are from Waziristan?

LMFAO there's no point in even having this convo with this guy. He is LARPing as Pashtun and genuinely thinks a confederation of Pakistan and Afghanistan is gonna make both countries into supapowah.

Cuz bhutto said they were too poor and it would be a strain on Pakistan.


2 different cultures and languages, just because you see us both of us wearing Pakol doesn't mean we are sem2sem, love to Kashmiri bros tho.
I would seriously propose to the Afghan government. If they have an issue with the Durand line, lets do something simple. Lets propose a referendum on both sides of the border where villages are split. Lets ask both sides - go to Pakistan or go to Afghanistan. If they decide Afghanistan then good luck we wish you the best move the border closer to us and let them go. If they say Pakistan great welcome to the family and constitution and federation of Pakistan. This way their bitching of villages/tribes being split is over and done with, problem solved. I wonder how those referendums will go. LOL!!!!
There are bad people in every community.
In the case of Afghanistan, it's the opposite, there are good people in the community of bad people. I haven't seen any of them (good) myself personally, but I'm sure an anomalous and miniscule amount exist.

No offence, but I don't know if you've been living under a rock, but it's quite a well known and widely accepted issue regarding the deep rooted hatred and ethno-racism Afghans hold against Pakistanis. It's a fact at this point. Go all over social media, in real-life (will be a little less as they have to control themselves), or any Afghan platform and you'll see that hostility first hand. According to them we are the cause of all of their issues, and worse than the Jews, "daal khors".

Even, hypothetically, if Pakistan and Afghanistan were to merge, it wouldn't last long and a civil war would erupt due to the things I mentioned earlier and a conflict of interests. Bangladesh part 2.

Encouraging progression and modernisation is already hard enough currently in Pakistan because of a negative mentality, but it's thousands of times worse in Afghanistan. It would be a conflict of mentalities and would hinder development. Their mentality is generally backwards and regressive, it's pretty evident, especially towards women. It would be a disaster with more decades wasted.

All I wish for is peace at the international border we currently have, and a neutral relationship with Afghanistan at the very least, and a Pakistan that doesn't look at castes/tribes/ethnicities, but simply a person's merit. That's enough. Maybe in the far future if things progress in aforementioned areas, a merger can be considered, but currently it would make the situation worse. All the best to them.

But it's scary to me how a Pakistani is unaware or refuses to accept the elephant in the room considering everything that has been going on.
I would seriously propose to the Afghan government. If they have an issue with the Durand line, lets do something simple. Lets propose a referendum on both sides of the border where villages are split. Lets ask both sides - go to Pakistan or go to Afghanistan. If they decide Afghanistan then good luck we wish you the best move the border closer to us and let them go. If they say Pakistan great welcome to the family and constitution and federation of Pakistan. This way their bitching of villages/tribes being split is over and done with, problem solved. I wonder how those referendums will go. LOL!!!!

Rora all these referendums will end up in a mess because some will say oh we wanna join Afg, some will say we want FATA back, and others want option for Pashtunistan.

People from Waziristan just want to be left alone, they aren't gonna choose Afghanistan.

They call us pro pak Pashtuns as "Gul Khan" they say Waziriyan are the most "ghairatmand" due to their anti pak stance.

With this mentality, one can expect delusion and complete absence from reality. They just want to regain some valor and glory and Pakistan is an easy target because we take this sh*t from them. They will never accept any referendum
I would seriously propose to the Afghan government. If they have an issue with the Durand line, lets do something simple. Lets propose a referendum on both sides of the border where villages are split. Lets ask both sides - go to Pakistan or go to Afghanistan. If they decide Afghanistan then good luck we wish you the best move the border closer to us and let them go. If they say Pakistan great welcome to the family and constitution and federation of Pakistan. This way their bitching of villages/tribes being split is over and done with, problem solved. I wonder how those referendums will go. LOL!!!!
Nice suggestion, the border is already in its rightful place, so this would solve the family split issue.

(To me, personally, I still think this issue goes deeper than a border, and a war/conflict is inevitable sooner or later unless you fall to their feet at every command.)
Rora all these referendums will end up in a mess because some will say oh we wanna join Afg, some will say we want FATA back, and others want option for Pashtunistan.

People from Waziristan just want to be left alone, they aren't gonna choose Afghanistan.

They call us pro pak Pashtuns as "Gul Khan" they say Waziriyan are the most "ghairatmand" due to their anti pak stance.

With this mentality, one can expect delusion and complete absence from reality. They just want to regain some valor and glory and Pakistan is an easy target because we take this sh*t from them. They will never accept any referendum
I know you are right. But I think this proposal will take away the little bit of human sentiment and argument. After this they come after us and our lands we take a ruthless stand.
Also I think one thing the GOP should start doing. Any Afghan official who proposes, causing issues or threatens our lands/borders openly, we should confiscate all of theirs and their families financial assets in Pakistan (upto 2 degrees removed), and two deport any of their relatives and family members (upto two degrees removed) to Afghanistan. Watch how things change in an instant. Pakistan needs to STOP being a push over government/country. This is the least any nation worth its salt would do.
I have not seen the video.

We have done through this a million times.

The Durand Line treaty does not have an expiry date. We owe the Afghanistanis nothing.

However if you want to unite Afghanistan and Pakistan into one country, I have no problem with that.
Afghanistan and Pakistan should become one country.
Durand line is not disputed territory according to the United Nations.

Well, even if Afghanistan is given in a plate to any neighboring country, no one will ever take that unless its minus all the warlords, minus taliban, minus all militants. With Afghanistan comes all its troubles. No one really wants it even for free.

Forget Afghanistan and Pakistan into one country. The Afghanistan as of now will not remain one country for much longer. People are getting at their extreme limits under totally illiterate mullah regime of Taliban. Economy has nose dived, hunger is wide spread, IS-K is another threat.
I know you are right. But I think this proposal will take away the little bit of human sentiment and argument. After this they come after us and our lands we take a ruthless stand.
Also I think one thing the GOP should start doing. Any Afghan official who proposes, causing issues or threatens our lands/borders openly, we should confiscate all of theirs and their families financial assets in Pakistan (upto 2 degrees removed), and two deport any of their relatives and family members (upto two degrees removed) to Afghanistan. Watch how things change in an instant. Pakistan needs to STOP being a push over government/country. This is the least any nation worth its salt would do.
Just need to reiterate a firm stance that the borders will never change and they are exactly how they should be. And if anyone feels they've possibly been separated from their families, as the Taliban/Afghanistan claim, we'll gladly escort you to where you belong. But the borders will remain in their rightful place.

Either accept and shut up, or leave.
In the case of Afghanistan, it's the opposite, there are good people in the community of bad people. I haven't seen any of them (good) myself personally, but I'm sure an anomalous and miniscule amount exist.

Never met a good Afghan.
No offence, but I don't know if you've been living under a rock, but it's quite a well known and widely accepted issue regarding the deep rooted hatred and ethno-racism Afghans hold against Pakistanis. It's a fact at this point. Go all over social media, in real-life (will be a little less as they have to control themselves), or any Afghan platform and you'll see that hostility first hand. According to them we are the cause of all of their issues, and worse than the Jews, "daal khors".

I as a Pakistani Pashtun have been told countless times that I accept life of ghulami because I call myself Pakistani. They don't see as Muslims, but as an Israel 2.0 that they need to get rid of in order to come back to glory.
But it's scary to me how a Pakistani is unaware or refuses to accept the elephant in the room considering everything that has been going on.

You can thank Taliban Khan and the ummah chummah Pakistanis for that!
You can thank Taliban Khan and the ummah chummah Pakistanis for that!

This "ummah" idea that Pakistanis have is toxic and cancerous because it doesn't exist anywhere else, we are essentially boot licking people for nothing. Hopefully can get rid of this ASAP. It should always be Pakistan and Pakistanis first. Unity is key to development and internal stability.

As for Taliban Khan, unfortunately he's probably still the best out of all options.

I remember reading somewhere that all Afghan refugees were going to be sent back but I don't know how true that is. But I do think it's in our national interest, before they spread their mentality like a plague, which would be a whole new BLA. India would jump at this opportunity. They are national security risks.

Can someone tell me,
What the bleeding heck is durand line,
Is it some sort of an afghan fantasy?

There is a Pakistan/Afghanistan border, and far as the real world is concerned there is no conflict.
However, we do get millions of Afghans crossing over begging for protection.
Extreme rude to create problems for the very nation that gives you protection. Extremely rude.

I had heard Afghans were suppose to be the best of friends, this attitude doesn't seem so friendly, more hypocritical then friendly.
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