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Dubai police arrest ‘shock video’ uploader

Let us be a bit more descriptive.

NO Pakistani national has any protection from the law compared to a non Pakistani. 0 % !

You are from Hijaz. You take a lot of pride in your tradition and history. Which is fine and it is your right.
I want to know what fraction does Islam have in that pride and tradition ?
Is the tradition and history that you take pride in start from Islam or does it go before Islam ?

then I asked you, what is the concept of Watan in Islam ?
I also ask you that in the ideal society raised by our prophet, was there any difference at all between people ?

Well, I take your word for it then. I was not talking about protection. I was talking about some RIGHTS that are only shared by citizens worldwide, INCLUDING in Pakistan. Do you agree with that notion? Why are UAE supposed to be any different then? Look, I have no beef in supporting UAE. My only ties to that country is having a older sister that married a very friendly and educated Emirati man. Besides them being fellow Muslims, Arabs, neighbors and having a beautiful country and admirable government/system that many Arab countries could learn from.

I am not sure what we are discussing. I already voiced my criticism for that behavior and I already said that people should be treated equally under a criminal law in all countries but that is not the case in most of them whether we two like it or not.

Why suddenly the talk about Islam? UAE does not claim to base their rules solely on Islam. Ideally I would like to see no corruption, no mistreatment etc. in the Muslim world but I know that this is not the case.

Also I fail to understand why you are talking about differences? That person in the video has been arrested from what I hear.
I was a consultant for a "NORWEGIAN" oil firm working with the YANKS.... doing something the illiterate local shepherds were incapable of understanding or doing... :D

You don't represent Pakistan nor you own this forum, and I'm here only to follow up latest updates and practice my English writing, I read as well posts. However, that doesn't mean I give a crap about you, I only want you to wake up, just picture how long Arabs would luagh if they see a Pashtun openion of them :D And what the fvck were you doing in Arab states? Sucking up to them there and whine about them here?
I was a consultant for a "NORWEGIAN" oil firm working with the YANKS.... doing something the illiterate local shepherds were incapable of understanding or doing... :D

I doubt that to be honest with you;), and look who is talking about being illiterate and shephards!!:woot: A Pashtune :lol:
Well, I take your word for it then. I was not talking about protection. I was talking about some RIGHTS that are only shared by citizens worldwide, INCLUDING in Pakistan. Do you agree with that notion? Why are UAE supposed to be any different then? Look, I have no beef in supporting UAE. My only ties to that country is having a older sister that married a very friendly and educated Emirati man. Besides them being fellow Muslims, Arabs, neighbors and having a beautiful country and admirable government/system that many Arab countries could learn from.

I am not sure what we are discussing. I already voiced my criticism for that behavior and I already said that people should be treated equally under a criminal law in all countries but that is not the case in most of them whether we two like it or not.

Why suddenly the talk about Islam? UAE does not claim to base their rules solely on Islam. Ideally I would like to see no corruption, no mistreatment etc. in the Muslim world but I know that this is not the case.

Also I fail to understand why you are talking about differences? That person in the video has been arrested from what I hear.

now, you have to learn to talk very accurately.
You are debating with no clear line. I want you to take a stand.

Are you an Arab before muslim ? or other way around ?
Do you think Islam leaves ANY room for regional and tribal interpretations ?
I think i have been to UAE when you were in your School..............And I am Sure that Driver(Taxi) whom the UAE National is Thrashing is a Pakistani...............Watch that Video and comment..........and see whose @ss is deprived from Protein...........

over playing your hand !

spend a little more time on the forum before you start making statements like that.
If you were half the age you claim to be, your post would have had at least some logic.

Now, look closely at the video; who does the victim look like ?
now, you have to learn to talk very accurately.
You are debating with no clear line. I want you to take a stand.

Are you an Arab before muslim ? or other way around ?
Do you think Islam leaves ANY room for regional and tribal interpretations ?

What clear line? I have been consistent all the way through. You on the other hand are putting words in my mouth because you misunderstood the post that you first quoted by me where I said that citizens and non-citizens don't enjoy ALL the same rights ANYWHERE and that should neither be the case because otherwise there would be no point of having a citizenship of country y or x in the first place.

What kind of question is that? Why do I need to choose? Can't I be a proud Muslim and a proud Arab like most of my ancestors were and nearly all Islamic figures of importance before me? Is being a Muslim and Arab not mutually eligible?

I believe that Islam is one but I also can see that people have chosen to interpret parts of it as they wish hence all the different sects and different interpretations. I am not a lawmaker or a official so I have no say in such decisions either.
What clear line? I have been consistent all the way through. You on the other hand are putting words in my mouth because you misunderstood the post that you first quoted by me where I said that citizens and non-citizens don't enjoy ALL the same rights ANYWHERE and that should neither be the case because otherwise there would be no point of having a citizenship of country y or x in the first place.

What kind of question is that? Why do I need to choose? Can't I be a proud Muslim and a proud Arab like most of my ancestors were and nearly all Islamic figures of importance before me? Is being a Muslim and Arab not mutually eligible?

I believe that Islam is one but I also can see that people have chosen to interpret parts of it as they wish hence all the different sects and different interpretations. I am not a lawmaker or a official so I have no say in such decisions either.

You are feisty.... I like that.
but you are not saying everything;
you are paraphrasing and trying to be diplomatic about it.

I will not push your further.

However to close the debate, in my opinion a Muslim is a Muslim, nothing more than that.
His identity is Islam and nothing else nor does Islam allow any identity or association with any culture but itself.
a Muslim gives up his culture, his liking , his belief in return for Allah's reward.
After becoming a Muslim there is no need to associate with any thing else.

I also believe that we should only strive to be anything which will get us reward from Allah.
Anything which does not result in reward from Allah is futile. ( this is where the definition of nationalism gets into trouble ).
I'll tell u the difference...

In the video, the Indian guy is pretty much defenseless and not fighting back while the fat fck is hitting him again and again like a crazed ram. Indian knows this very well, if he fights back..even a push means instant deportation. Its one of those laws many Arab govts have to boost ego in their citizens turning them into one of these lunatics.

Have this road rage in Pakistan..hell even America, u'll clearly see no racist issues holding a person back, only his patience or weakness.

If the Indian feels reverse racism that's not the fault of UAE. The Indian was well within his rights to defend himself.
You are feisty.... I like that.
but you are not saying everything and you are trying to hold words and be diplomatic about it. I will not push your further.

However to close the debate, in my opinion a Muslim is a muslim, nothing more than that.
His identity is Islam and nothing else.
he gives up his culture, his liking , his belief in return for Allah's reward.
After becoming a muslim there is no need to associate with any thing else.

I also believe that we should only strive to be anything which will get us reward from Allah.
Anything which does not result in reward from Allah is futile. ( this is where the definition of nationalism gets into trouble ).

Well, I respect you as a fellow Muslim, human being and user here. I have always liked your contributions and regard you as respectful and wise member. I try to be as civil was possible but if anything has learnt me on this forum then it is not to stay silent when countering ignorants and anti-Arabs that are spreading nonsense. And trust me, there are quite a few of them although it is the same usual suspects.

Besides you already know that I am not claiming UAE to be a perfect society, or that racism is not present in the Arab world or the Muslim world. What I am against is such a thread where the usual 4-5 individuals a year are used as scapegoats for a whole country and people and then one user after the other will tell themselves how racist, bad and evil Arabs are while forgetting that this is only a tiny minority. Ironically forgetting that their people and countries have similar incidents and people. Why should I tolerate that as an Arab? Is that even Islamic?

That is a simplistic view my friend. That's how it SHOULD be but just look at this forum. It is a PAKISTANI forum. For Pakistani nationals. Discussing mainly Pakistani issues. How many users here have the picture of Muhammad Ali Jinnah as their avatar or other Pakistanis? If that is not nationalism what is it then?

Saying that Muslims should not have ties to anything else than Islam is having too big expectations. Prophet Muhammad (saws) was a conscious Arab. Islam did not forbid people to be conscious of their ancestry, past, culture, people, region, area. Just to treat fellow Muslims equally regardless of origin and I believe that all Muslims deep down inside, when we leave all the petty discussions between ethnic group x and y or country x or y that this is the wish for all.

Well, I agree fully. But we are all humans and were a committing sins each day. All the time. Everywhere. Muslim and non-Muslim.

Look I have always been a proponent of Muslim unity. But I first say, let me try to unite my own backyard first (Arab world) before we can talk about the rest of the Muslim world. That alone is a big challenge.

That is fine, those are your thoughts. You are entitled to form your own opinion.
You are younger than I am, I want you to learn a lesson here.

You were trying to defend a very very difficult case; you should have not taken that line even if you wanted to.
In life you should learn to pick your battles. There are no points in choosing an extra hard battles.
Sometimes when you see some thing bad, it is best to admit, and acknowledge the facts;

We need education, we the Muslims represent the most ill educated, the most deprived and most uncultured lot.
We can wear fine white clothes, starched to perfection like the emarati did.
We may be very well groomed, even had the periodic manicure and en-vogue.
We may be fasting in the name of Allah and trying to weaken the beast inside us.

YET my small brother, nothing stopped the animal to come from all the layers of apparent culture and sophistication.

What hurts me most, is imagining if i was that emarati.
What if Allah held me responsible for this act on the final day, and then held me responsible for many thousands of people not becoming muslims after seeing this animal culture !

We as muslims have ruined his name, we the muslims have shamed his prophet.
and we have done it even Allah's holy month.
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That is fine, those are your thoughts. You are entitled to form your own opinion.
You are younger than I am, I want you to learn a lesson here.

You were trying to defend a very very difficult case; you should have not taken that line even if you wanted to.
In life you should learn to pick your battles. There are no points in choosing an extra hard battles.
Sometimes when you see some thing bad, it is best to admit, and acknowledge the facts;

We need education, we the Muslims represent the most ill educated, the most deprived and most uncultured lot.
We can wear fine white clothes, starched to perfection like the emarati did.
We may be very well groomed, even had the periodic manicure and en-vogue.
We may be fasting in the name of Allah and trying to weaken the beast inside us.

YET my small brother, nothing stopped the animal to come from all the layers of apparent culture and sophistication.

What hurts me most, is imagining if i was that emarati.
What if Allah held me responsible for this act on the final day, and then held me responsible for many thousands of people not becoming muslims after seeing this animal culture !

We as muslims have ruined his name, we the muslims have shamed his prophet.
and we have done it even Allah's holy month.

7abibi, I already condemned that incident. What I am against is generalizing a whole country and people in this case UAE and Arabs due to the actions of a tiny minority. Much worse things have happened in the Muslim world today and will continue to happen even during the holy month of ramadan.

Besides I am not here to "win" any battles. I am just voicing my opinion like I always do. I don't represent anybody here apart from myself. I am not a spokesman. I am a Muslim and Arab though. But so are many millions of others.

Regarding the state of the Muslim world and Muslims then what you say is partially right but you are also wrong. It depends on what you want to focus on. Where and what your criteria are.

Regarding that single Emirati then you, if you were an Emirati, should not take the blame for that individuals actions. If so then you will have a hard time taking the blame of fellow Pakistanis when they do something bad.

There are many good Muslims across the world. You just have to encounter them. They are around you all the time. Some don't make themselves noticeable while others do. Even that man who did this could be a excellent Muslim. We don't know. One bad sin is not going to change that. Besides we don't know that happened in that incident, what happened before, what was said etc. To make a judgment we need to know the full history and statement of both. If we follow Islam.
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What in the world are you talking about ? and what "racism" has to do with this ? i think it's clear that both the Indian and the Emirati had a car accident, it's a case of Road Rage from the Emirati not racism, he could go in a fight with anyone inside the other car, be it an Indian or a Pakistani or an Irani or a local or any other nationality out there it doesn't matter.

Would he, the perpetrator, who was inflicting the blows, had he acted the same way had it been a White guy?!
Or, furthermore, had he acted in the same manner had he been in someone else's country?!Say, Western Europe or North America & for this matter, in India?!
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