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'Drunken row' between two friends sparked Pakistan's anti-Christian riot

Relax kid. I don't hold any ill-feelings towards you as a person! :cheers:

Dude the fact that they are not Answering me when i quote them shows you who the bigots are and I did not wanted to say it but you made me say it so its your fault for poking your nose in a way which cause division among people of same muslim background when clearly i explained that the thing caused by alcohol and the Guys that torched the houses were Idiots with the same mentality as the extremist Salafist Sects which include wahabi and deobandi and others and they failed to comprehend that but instead Grabbed the word Secularism that i used in my first post and waived it for You guys not know how Secularism permotes extremism, because of secularism Freedom we have Islamophobia in the western world because of the media but thats another Debate, Capatalism,Secularism, democracy are just a Stunt to keep people divided and figthing each other We should have called our government Elected government where every 3 years people choose their leaders in every section not one government which Dominates every thing ,Democracy the word is a sham DE-MOCRACY did you get it probably not

and the Veg Biryani i already Got Warning by the moderators so drop that

and yes Pakistan needs to Bring those that take Law into their hands no matter what the cause is either blasphemy or some thing else TO JusTICE and enforce law and order

LOL sorry i forgot
"thank you come again":tup:

wow how long it took you to make that, shows the mind set you posses you should know the forum rules i think no pornographic pics or pictures that show degragding photos related to pornography is allowed here MODerator will have Fun with this

"thank you come again":cheers:
Guys, the problem is not some one drunk caused the issue.
Its the 2000 idiots who believed the drunken idiot and went on a rampage.
Had there be religious tolerance towards blasphemy we would not see people taking joy in attacking the other community.
Zia Ul Huq made the greatest mistake by popularizing this stupid law and now people go to the extent that they garland a man who kills their own minister.
The first thing that Pakistan needs is to repel this Blasphemy law, the next thing is a big jail term for the one who takes law in his own hand.
wow how long it took you to make that, shows the mind set you posses you should know the forum rules i think no pornographic pics or pictures that show degragding photos related to pornography is allowed here MODerator will have Fun with this

"thank you come again":cheers:

10 sec but have a crappy @144Kbps connection so took time to upload.

see this what secularism Get you Had the alcohol would have been Banned in the country this would have never Happened instead they would have Gotten High with marijuana and would have turned them into HIppies and they would have been Alright, a night out with friends and alcohol can get you killed


this is the 90% Muslim mentality .....some show some don't ...

ban them from entering in all non-Muslim countries , send them back from Europe and America. it's a cancer to civilized world . there are people suffered from mental illness , they don't deserve to be part of civilized world.
if i can buy a house In pakistan i will move their but its very expensive to buy it in pakistan

thank you come again:cheers:

dude you live in canada right????? do you have a sister ?????? Does she have a boyfriend ???????? If yes then its cool if no then you probably dont know about her and no I dont have any sister but i know some pakistanis here that gaurd their Sisters from the preying eyes of these @55holes that should not be drinking and converging into such activities

And If you have a girlfriend and your not going to marry her and your parents dont know about ur the same as the guy that was drunk and started a religious conversation

thank you come again:cheers:

she can bang all she wants & whoever she wants, for all i care !
Is it possible to charge all of those f**k heads in the mob under blasphemy law?
see this what secularism Get you Had the alcohol would have been Banned in the country this would have never Happened instead they would have Gotten High with marijuana and would have turned them into HIppies and they would have been Alright, a night out with friends and alcohol can get you killed


Alcohol is banned in Saudi Arabia and the result = 9/11.
So your logic fails!
This "APU" guy is funny and bold he is taking on every one, people keep on coming at him and get knocked out, one by one........in an argument getting personal is a trait of the losers, this guy has clearly nailed ya all. Bigzgvr4 :tup:
Alcohol is banned in Saudi Arabia and the result = 9/11.
So your logic fails!

Alcohol is allowed in USA, result = engaged in several war theaters world wide and responsible for millions of casualities. Your stupid brain fart cannot even be called logic.
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