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'Drunken row' between two friends sparked Pakistan's anti-Christian riot


Jan 10, 2013
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LAHORE: A drunken row
between two friends was the
trigger for blasphemy allegations
that prompted a mob of angry
Pakistani Muslim protesters to
burn more than 100 Christian homes, police and witnesses said. More than 3,000 Muslims
rampaged through Joseph
Colony, a Christian area of the
eastern city of Lahore, on
Saturday after allegations that a Christian had made derogatory remarks about
the Prophet Mohammed three days earlier. Blasphemy is a hugely sensitive issue in Pakistan,
where 97 per cent of the 180 million population
are Muslims, and even unproven allegations can
trigger a violent public response. Police said they had arrested more than 60
people over Saturday's attack and Pervez Rashid,
spokesman for Punjab provincial government,
told Geo television that "culprits would be tried in
anti-terrorist courts". Sawan Masih, a Christian sanitary worker, was
arrested on Friday after his Muslim friend Shahid
Imran complained he had made blasphemous
remarks about the prophet. The arrest prompted
many Christians to flee, fearing a backlash. The senior police official for the area, Multan Khan,
said Masih and Imran had been friends for many
years. "They used to sit together and drink together
almost every evening. They were drunk on
Wednesday when they had some arguments,"
Khan told reporters on Saturday. It was during the argument that Masih allegedly
made the blasphemous remarks, Khan said. Local resident Altaf Masih, also a sanitary worker,
said "while they were drunk they had an
argument over discussion on religious issues". Spokeswoman for Punjab police Nabila Ghazanfar
said four senior officers including Khan had been
removed from their posts for "negligence" and
"failure to control" the mob. No-one died in Saturday's violence but it is the
latest in a series of attacks on minority
communities in Pakistan this year, following four
bloody bombings targeting Shiite Muslims that
killed more than 250 people. Those who lost their homes stayed in makeshift
camps overnight and protested on Sunday
outside the charred wreckage of their homes. Rights campaigners say Pakistan's strict
blasphemy laws, which can carry the death
penalty, are often used to settle personal disputes
and should be reformed. The legislation came under international scrutiny
last year after 14-year-old Christian girl Rimsha
Masih was held for three weeks in a high
security prison for allegedly burning pages from
the Koran. The case against her was eventually
thrown out. Punjab government spokesman Rashid said the
families affected by Saturday's violence would
each receive 200,000 rupees ($2,000)
compensation, and the authorities would pay for
repairs to their homes. Tahir Ashrafi, president of Pakistani Ulema
(religious scholars) Council, condemned the attack
saying Islam did not permit such violence. "Resorting to arson on mere speculations is
immoral, illegal and Islam does not allow this," he

see this what secularism Get you Had the alcohol would have been Banned in the country this would have never Happened instead they would have Gotten High with marijuana and would have turned them into HIppies and they would have been Alright, a night out with friends and alcohol can get you killed

see this what secularism Get you Had the alcohol would have been Banned in the country this would have never Happened instead they would have Gotten High with marijuana and would have turned them into HIppies and they would have been Alright, a night out with friends and alcohol can get you killed


if you hate secularism & alcohol so much, then why are you in the u.s ? why don't you go back to your country ? i am in no way defending what sawan masih has said, i condemn it & if he has committed blasphemy then let the courts handle it . now as a common sense its well known fact that when people are drunk they are not in their senses, & whatever they say they might not actually mean it or might not even know for that matter, but what this shahid imran did was backbiting, knowing full well that in a drunk state people say many things because they are not in their normal state of mind or senses & being a drunkard himself this shahid imran guy should have known it
see this what secularism Get you Had the alcohol would have been Banned in the country this would have never Happened instead they would have Gotten High with marijuana and would have turned them into HIppies and they would have been Alright, a night out with friends and alcohol can get you killed


WOW such a brilliant justification for such a hideous at act can only come from a Pakistani...

Keep up the good work man...:enjoy:
You should go back to the land of the pure. Bigot.

see this what secularism Get you Had the alcohol would have been Banned in the country this would have never Happened instead they would have Gotten High with marijuana and would have turned them into HIppies and they would have been Alright, a night out with friends and alcohol can get you killed

GUYS my comment was not directed to defend the act or justify the act so please take a chill pill, And HERE IN USA ALCOHOL was banned for decades and when it was allowed the countries social life and moral factors took a dive to where now you have every thing from relating to child abuse women abuse Rape at parties(drunk get anally violated) Drunk Driving and Deaths and etc and Living in a place where alcohol is allowed gives you a clear Picture of that obviously the muslim guy that called blasphemy should be the last one to call that becuase he himself is a blasphemous B@stard because he is indulging in haraam activities while drinking and discussing REligion WOW you have to a TOOL of the century for that and then the Other muslims that without knowing that the accuser was drunk burned down Houses and True Christians dont drink alcohol at all here in AMerica they Follow their Book just like how allegedly(in case of the accuser) we suppose to follow ours In leveticus it is forbidden to drink any thing that causes disparity of judgement

SO BEFORE JUMPING The GUN Please know all the facts about american History and accussing others about it Pakistani AMEricans are more patriotic then most pakistani's becasue 90% of them want to leave the country and have a girlfriend and Drink and party in strip clubs etc SO please its better to meassure hundered times and cut once then cut hundered times

Thank you COme again :cheers:
You should go back to the land of the pure. Bigot.

The guy who is putting allegations against the blasphemer was drunk himself so i have my doubts if his statement stands a chance in the court, and bigger are the idiots who listened to this idiot, the guy himself was out of the circle of islam, so whats point of blasphemy
GUYS my comment was not directed to defend the act or justify the act so please take a chill pill, And HERE IN USA ALCOHOL was banned for decades and when it was allowed the countries social life and moral factors took a dive to where now you have every thing from relating to child abuse women abuse Rape at parties(drunk get anally violated) Drunk Driving and Deaths and etc and Living in a place where alcohol is allowed gives you a clear Picture of that obviously the muslim guy that called blasphemy should be the last one to call that becuase he himself is a blasphemous B@stard because he is indulging in haraam activities while drinking and discussing REligion WOW you have to a TOOL of the century for that and then the Other muslims that without knowing that the accuser was drunk burned down Houses and True Christians dont drink alcohol at all here in AMerica they Follow their Book just like how allegedly(in case of the accuser) we suppose to follow ours In leveticus it is forbidden to drink any thing that causes disparity of judgement

SO BEFORE JUMPING The GUN Please know all the facts about american History and accussing others about it Pakistani AMEricans are more patriotic then most pakistani's becasue 90% of them want to leave the country and have a girlfriend and Drink and party in strip clubs etc SO please its better to meassure hundered times and cut once then cut hundered times

Thank you COme again :cheers:

Da fug come again :woot:
GUYS my comment was not directed to defend the act or justify the act so please take a chill pill, And HERE IN USA ALCOHOL was banned for decades and when it was allowed the countries social life and moral factors took a dive to where now you have every thing from relating to child abuse women abuse Rape at parties(drunk get anally violated) Drunk Driving and Deaths and etc and Living in a place where alcohol is allowed gives you a clear Picture of that obviously the muslim guy that called blasphemy should be the last one to call that becuase he himself is a blasphemous B@stard because he is indulging in haraam activities while drinking and discussing REligion WOW you have to a TOOL of the century for that and then the Other muslims that without knowing that the accuser was drunk burned down Houses and True Christians dont drink alcohol at all here in AMerica they Follow their Book just like how allegedly(in case of the accuser) we suppose to follow ours In leveticus it is forbidden to drink any thing that causes disparity of judgement

SO BEFORE JUMPING The GUN Please know all the facts about american History and accussing others about it Pakistani AMEricans are more patriotic then most pakistani's becasue 90% of them want to leave the country and have a girlfriend and Drink and party in strip clubs etc SO please its better to meassure hundered times and cut once then cut hundered times

Thank you COme again :cheers:

You are laying the case suggesting you would not like to live in the US?.. when are you moving from such an insecure and horrible place where you get sexually abused if you go out drinking??
You are laying the case suggesting you would not like to live in the US?.. when are you moving from such an insecure place??
if i can buy a house In pakistan i will move their but its very expensive to buy it in pakistan

thank you come again:cheers:

Da fug come again :woot:

dude you live in canada right????? do you have a sister ?????? Does she have a boyfriend ???????? If yes then its cool if no then you probably dont know about her and no I dont have any sister but i know some pakistanis here that gaurd their Sisters from the preying eyes of these @55holes that should not be drinking and converging into such activities

And If you have a girlfriend and your not going to marry her and your parents dont know about ur the same as the guy that was drunk and started a religious conversation

thank you come again:cheers:
Alcohol really does wonders...

How could people beleive a drunken guy and get so angry that they attacked a whole community?

Really we need to get our priorities right
Ask the same vigilantes to drag themselves out of the bed for fajr and they cant...
Is that being good muslim?
yes it does number one cause of destruction of moral values , HOW does it sound when a man is Drunk and Blame Some one else with which he had one too many shots of blasphemy and then the Idiots that Without Knowing the Facts Listened to him and i know that you know that i know In Pakistan People know about each others character very well and To Trust a SHarabi and burn houses In the name of Blasphemy from the Guy who is a Sharabi(hence a Blasphemour) lol Price less, Its like Saying Bismillah before eating pork ribs and fried rice ahahahahahahahahahah
Alcohol really does wonders...

How could people beleive a drunken guy and get so angry that they attacked a whole community?

Really we need to get our priorities right
Ask the same vigilantes to drag themselves out of the bed for fajr and they cant...
Is that being good muslim?

Alcohol and religion both do wonders...
people are not in their senses when they get into it.
Both are drunk, so they can barely remember what they talked..... So bad.... when i am studying B.tech , 2 of my classmates went to Bar. both are good friends... Don't know what happen. one get killed by his own friend...
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