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'Drunken row' between two friends sparked Pakistan's anti-Christian riot

Alcohol and religion both do wonders...
people are not in their senses when they get into it.

Certainly alcohol put you out of your senses, as this is the property of alcohol.

But any religion in the world does not teach you any non-sense; these are the people who interpret it according to their IQs.
You say Chiristains dont do anything to other People Dude they have a license to buy liqour and They sell it to anyone that does not have a license openly in pakistan hence both parties are to blame One being Extremist and the other being Profitier

How exactly did you see this thread appropriate for freedom or secularism and what should be allowed or not ! Answer me that ? Go read your first post and then see what got us started on ...
Oh please don't come back... why not go to Saudi Arabia directly, there is where your people originated anyways. Btw, you'll get way MORE anally violated there... :cheers:

if i can buy a house In pakistan i will move their but its very expensive to buy it in pakistan

thank you come again:cheers:

dude you live in canada right????? do you have a sister ?????? Does she have a boyfriend ???????? If yes then its cool if no then you probably dont know about her and no I dont have any sister but i know some pakistanis here that gaurd their Sisters from the preying eyes of these @55holes that should not be drinking and converging into such activities

And If you have a girlfriend and your not going to marry her and your parents dont know about ur the same as the guy that was drunk and started a religious conversation

thank you come again:cheers:
Certainly alcohol put you out of your senses, as this is the property of alcohol.

But any religion in the world does not teach you any non-sense; these are the people who interpret it according to their IQs.

fair enough.. its about people who interpret it. but even alcohol does you good when taken in the right quantities just like religion
@Secur, keep it up. Keep targeting the two bigots, need any support, ping me. The new one is very sneaky, he writes lenghty posts and hides his true nature behind smiling emoticons.. :angry:

I thought I was talking to a American version of Zarvan here honestly , see how quickly he's changing his stance and meaning of posts ... Look at his first post and then look at the last he posted just now ... I mean seriously !
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Alcohol really does wonders...

How could people beleive a drunken guy and get so angry that they attacked a whole community?

Really we need to get our priorities right
Ask the same vigilantes to drag themselves out of the bed for fajr and they cant...
Is that being good muslim?
Exactly brother, you know what one does after 2 pints of sminroff forget about 4 pints of lager.....I have worked at various bars around birmingham city center for 3 years as a Door man, so i know what happens when alcohol gets into one's body.

SOme one ask these Mullah terrorirst why do they go for shopping in Europe, US , canada.....these are the biggest terrorists
Alcohol really does wonders...

How could people beleive a drunken guy and get so angry that they attacked a whole community?

Really we need to get our priorities right
Ask the same vigilantes to drag themselves out of the bed for fajr and they cant...
Is that being good muslim?

These purest and finest '79 Muslims actually looted the houses before burning them perhaps they were hoping for mal-e-ganimat there !
I am seriously very disturbed by the actions of my dear countrymen ! A single allegation which isn't proven ( the meaning of the word goddammit ) and these bastards can make a whole family leave its job and city or burn 100 of homes of Christians who had nothing whatsoever to do with it ! I studied in a missionary school , I know what they are like ...
So am I sir, if I am given a choice whom would I shoot, I would love to put a bullet in the head of the one who is making allegations......
One thing I can't just seem to understand, why no one is questioning this goon about conspumtion of an illegal substance, Mullahs who followed him should give fatwa against him because he is not even a muslim as of now.
Things are looking bad, protests have turned violent......just saw few clips on tv.
So am I sir, if I am given a choice whom would I shoot, I would love to put a bullet in the head of the one who is making allegations......
One thing I can't just seem to understand, why no one is questioning this goon about conspumtion of an illegal substance, Mullahs who followed him should give fatwa against him because he is not even a muslim as of now.

Mate , they will walk free after a bearded Mullah holds a rally ! Welcome to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan :)

What do you expect from people who burned houses on a mere allegations and looted them before doing it ? Harassed a whole community residing under our protection and equal citizens of the state ... Do you think these extremist have the brains to question that " You yourself were drunk and you couldn't even tell your own name then , how are you so sure ? " and " why shouldn't you be punished " ?

Things are looking bad, protests have turned violent......just saw few clips on tv.

Do not expect better , mate ... This is nothing new or the first time ... The Blasphemy act is being abused to ad infinitum ! Remeber how Qadri became a hero after killing Salman Taseer and how protests were held to release him despite knowing that it was a first degree murder to which he confessed himself ? And he killed on what , just because Taseer said the laws were abused ?
Very Sad that this personal fight became the reason of such inhumane crime !

Its very easy kill anyone in pakistan : just accuse him of blasphemy against 'true' prophet.
@Hyperion @Secur Why is a certain poster posting incessant gibberish? Whats with the "thank you come again"? You got him in your reticle?

How does it matter whether they were intoxicated or riding high on fine Afghan maal? The point is that 2 drunken men can't burn down scores of houses but a few 100 (or whatever the actual no. is in this case) people forming up a mob and intoxicated by religious zealotry can and do burn down houses and lynch "blasphemers". People should refrain from indulging in logical fallacies and trying to prop up false equivalencies between alcohol consumption related crimes and religious hate crimes. Either that or refrain from posting.
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Ok , are we justifying the act of burning of Chrisitan houses because of an allegation by any chance ? :azn:

I know what sort of state a drunken person is in , thank you !

Now tell me , how old are you ? That you haven't learned until now where to post what and in what conditions , the nation's ( sane people ) are in mourning ... How exactly was this a thread for a debate on allowance of Alcohol or secularism or anything ? I dont see Christians burning Muslim houses or tagetting Muslims without getting prosecuted in Vegas and California so perhaps the error lies not with freedom but with the extremism mentality and laws , right ? How exactly are the HIV-AIDS carriers hurting you , how exactly is a drunk person hurting you , how exactly is a gambler hurting ! On the other hand suicide bomber or self appointed God's viceroy for Islam are daily killing dozens here and getting their virgin 72's ! :azn: Nobody made a single comment about secularism ! We aren't forcing non Muslims to Sharia or whatever we follow ...

About time we should stop the sale of knives , they are used to kill people !!!!

Its 72,000 virgins..not just 72 virgins...
Ok.. so two drunken lads started fighting each other in the name of God ... or we ca say for the name of God...

Now this is not looking a very serious matter that can draw alot attention...:what:

But after that thousand of people gathered in mob & start to burn every thing they found in the area...

Yaaro ... people find it funny to destroy earning of lifetime of 100s of another people they are living with? Or Is it a frustration in the people cos of incapable governance

Every mob has a leader or two to lead them, find them & punish...
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