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DRONE. Attacks to be continue ,USA! what shall pakistan should do?


Jan 28, 2008
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United States
Drone attacks will be continue what ever happens , its the heading now on geo news, expressnews & all other major news channels , right now

Well, that's what was expected from USA , after all the gooD will gestures, & after all the anouncements by our so called , democracticly elected. Parliment?

Now what should we do as a nation?
how & who , is going to be able to stop drones?
Kindly explore your thoughts!
we can do nothingour military and government has sold us
Drone strikes to continue on Pakistani soil: US officials

WASHINGTON: The US officials have claimed that the United States has no intentions to stop drone strikes on Pakistani soil.

The US newspaper, citing officials, have claimed that drones strikes will continue against militants and their hideouts in Pakistan.

Meanwhile, the White House is considering to issue an official apology over Salala check post attack that resulted in the martyrdom of 24 Pakistani soldiers.

The joint sitting of the Parliament Thursday approved the recommendations presented by the Parliamentary Committee on National Security (PCNS) in connection with the terms of engagement with US and matters relating to the national security of Pakistan.

Earlier, reading out the 'revised report' of the PCNS from the floor of the Parliament, the Committee's Chairman Senator Raza Rabbani said: "The relationship with USA should be based on mutual respect for each other's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity."

He said Pakistan's sovereignty 'shall not be compromised'.

Rabbani said the US footprint in Pakistan must be reviewed, calling for an immediate cessation of drone attacks and infiltration into Pakistani territory on any pretext including hot-pursuit.

He said Pakistani territory including its airspace shall not be used for transportation of arms and ammunition to Afghanistan.

Pakistan nuclear programme and assets including their security will not be compromised, he continued.

"The US-Indo agreement on civil nuclear agreement has significantly altered the strategic balance in the region," he said, adding, therefore Pakistan should seek from US another similar facility.

"Pakistan reaffirms its commitment to the elimination of terrorism and combating extremism in pursuance of its national interests."

He said the government of Pakistan should seek an unconditional apology from the US on the unprovoked incident of Salala attack dated 25th-26th November 2011 in Mohmand Agency which claimed lives of 24 Pakistani soldiers.

"Those held responsible for the Mohmand Agency attack should be brought to justice," he said, adding Pakistan should be given assurances that such attacks or any other attacks impinging on Pakistan's sovereignty will not reoccur.

He said no verbal agreement regarding national security shall be made with any foreign government or authority and all such agreements and understandings shall cease to exist forthwith.

Raza Rabbani said no overt or covert operations inside Pakistan shall be committed.

Source: Drone strikes to continue on Pakistani soil: US officials - geo.tv
Drone strikes to continue on Pakistani soil: US officials

WASHINGTON: The US officials have claimed that the United States has no intentions to stop drone strikes on Pakistani soil.

The US newspaper, citing officials, have claimed that drones strikes will continue against militants and their hideouts in Pakistan.

Meanwhile, the White House is considering to issue an official apology over Salala check post attack that resulted in the martyrdom of 24 Pakistani soldiers.

The joint sitting of the Parliament Thursday approved the recommendations presented by the Parliamentary Committee on National Security (PCNS) in connection with the terms of engagement with US and matters relating to the national security of Pakistan.

Earlier, reading out the 'revised report' of the PCNS from the floor of the Parliament, the Committee's Chairman Senator Raza Rabbani said: "The relationship with USA should be based on mutual respect for each other's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity."

He said Pakistan's sovereignty 'shall not be compromised'.

Rabbani said the US footprint in Pakistan must be reviewed, calling for an immediate cessation of drone attacks and infiltration into Pakistani territory on any pretext including hot-pursuit.

He said Pakistani territory including its airspace shall not be used for transportation of arms and ammunition to Afghanistan.

Pakistan nuclear programme and assets including their security will not be compromised, he continued.

"The US-Indo agreement on civil nuclear agreement has significantly altered the strategic balance in the region," he said, adding, therefore Pakistan should seek from US another similar facility.

"Pakistan reaffirms its commitment to the elimination of terrorism and combating extremism in pursuance of its national interests."

He said the government of Pakistan should seek an unconditional apology from the US on the unprovoked incident of Salala attack dated 25th-26th November 2011 in Mohmand Agency which claimed lives of 24 Pakistani soldiers.

"Those held responsible for the Mohmand Agency attack should be brought to justice," he said, adding Pakistan should be given assurances that such attacks or any other attacks impinging on Pakistan's sovereignty will not reoccur.

He said no verbal agreement regarding national security shall be made with any foreign government or authority and all such agreements and understandings shall cease to exist forthwith.

Raza Rabbani said no overt or covert operations inside Pakistan shall be committed.

Source: Drone strikes to continue on Pakistani soil: US officials - geo.tv

and you think an apology to pak army and its justified to kill our citizens again??
Excellent USA !!!! U guyz are really serious to do the population planning of Pakistan through the drones as ure best tool for the 21st century....cuz I guess our govt failed to control our population......:what:
Why don't Pakistani Army shoot them down?
Obama is playing with fire!
We could always threaten to shoot them down or do an Iran style on the drones, however I believe my original viewpoint of arresting CIA personnel and to threaten to hold them for war crimes and crimes against humanity as even in International law these drone strikes are deemed illegal, the US will immediately cease all operations as it will be the first time it's personnel will be on trial for war crimes.
Unfortunately, the US Foreign Policy is devised by hawks sitting in the Pentagon. There is a clear mismatch between what the Congress want, & what the Pentagon wants. The US Foreign Policy is being controlled by the hawkish military elements that do not want to exit Afghanistan, who do not want to wind down/wrap up the war; & who do not want to 'admit defeat' like the Congress wants. The drones have done little to stem the momentum of the militants, & the current development shows that there is a lack of a clear strategy from the US military in Afghanistan. They want to play the same games they perceive the Pakistanis to be playing, but then become frustrated that their war "strategy" (or lack of it) is failing badly.

If the PNCS has any skin, they will not open the supply routes till the drone strikes come to a complete halt.
Q: What should Pakistan do to stop drone attacks?

A: Extend the writ of the government into North Waziristan and other tribal areas to eliminate all terrorist sanctuaries without any distinction, so that there is no reason for the drones to do what the Pakistan Army should be doing on its own territory.
Unfortunately, the US Foreign Policy is devised by hawks sitting in the Pentagon. There is a clear mismatch between what the Congress want, & what the Pentagon wants. The US Foreign Policy is being controlled by the hawkish military elements that do not want to exit Afghanistan, who do not want to wind down/wrap up the war; & who do not want to 'admit defeat' like the Congress wants. The drones have done little to stem the momentum of the militants, & the current development shows that there is a lack of a clear strategy from the US military in Afghanistan. They want to play the same games they perceive the Pakistanis to be playing, but then become frustrated that their war "strategy" (or lack of it) is failing badly.

If the PNCS has any skin, they will not open the supply routes till the drone strikes come to a complete halt.

the US military budget gets approved from the congress, isnt it??,
from: Drone strikes will go on in Pakistan: US officials | DAWN.COM

WASHINGTON: The White House has no intention to end CIA drone strikes against militant targets on Pakistani soil, US officials say, possibly setting the two countries up for diplomatic tensions after Pakistan’s parliament unanimously approved new guidelines for the country’s troubled relationship with the United States.

US officials say they will work in coming weeks and months to find common ground with Pakistan, but if a suspected terrorist target comes into the laser sights of a CIA drone’s hellfire missiles, they will take the shot.

It is not the first time the US has ignored Pakistan’s parliament, which demanded an end to drone strikes in 2008. What is different now is that the Pakistani government is in a more fragile political state and can continue no longer its earlier practice of quietly allowing the US action while publicly denouncing it, Pakistani officials say.

All officials spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss the high stakes diplomatic jockeying.

The parliament approved on Thursday recommendations intended to guide Pakistan’s government in its negotiations to reset the US relationship. The guidelines allow for the blockade on US and Nato supplies to be lifted. The lawmakers demanded a halt to CIA-led missile attacks but did not make that a prerequisite to reopening the supply lines.

The relationship between Pakistan and the US faltered after a series of incidents in 2011 that have damaged trust on both sides _ from the controversy over CIA security officer Ray Davis, who killed two Pakistani alleged assailants and was later released, to the US Navy SEAL raid that killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan in May, without Pakistani permission.

But the arguable nadir in relations came in November, when US forces returned fire they believed came from a Pakistani border post and killed 24 Pakistani troops. Those incidents led to the ejection of US military trainers who had worked closely with Pakistani counterinsurgent forces, slowed CIA drone strikes, and joint raids and investigations by Pakistan’s intelligence service together with the CIA and FBI.

The border incident led to the shutdown of border supply lines into Afghanistan, more than doubling the cost of shipping in supplies for the war effort.

A recent series of high-level US military and State Department visits have produced backroom understandings on almost every issue except the drones, one former US official briefed on the talks explained, with US officials offering to negotiate some sort of payment to use the border crossing points, for instance.

The White House also is considering issuing an official apology for the deadly border incident, two senior US officials say, which would help ease Pakistani outrage and demonstrate the Pakistani government wrested at least one major concession from the US.

And while the US has no intentions of stopping its CIA and FBI counterterrorist activities on Pakistani soil, the White House could take the step of withdrawing some of the staff for a few months until the spotlight is off the controversy, as it did last year after the Ray Davis incident, and again after the Bin Laden raid.

Still, neither side is budging on the drone issue, both US and Pakistani officials say.

The White House has raised the bar on whom the CIA is allowed to target, applying new limits and all but curtailing so-called ”signature strikes” where CIA targeters deemed certain groups and behavior as clearly indicative of militant activity.

The White House also explored whether giving Pakistan advance notice of the strikes could become the basis of a compromise to keep the operation going.

In exploratory counteroffers, Pakistani officials have suggested the US ”transfer ownership” of the drones to the Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence, flagging them as Pakistani aircraft, taking off from Pakistani air bases, two Pakistani officials say.

The Pakistanis argue their public would react with less venom to errant strikes that hit Pakistani civilian targets than they do when such strikes are carried out by a foreign force.

They point out the drone transmissions have to travel via US-controlled satellites, giving US officials a failsafe to terminate the Pakistani strikes at any time. An alternate proposal put forward is that the US better arm Pakistan’s F-16 fleet, enabling the Pakistan air force to attack the targets.

While Pakistani officials insist the jets have proven successful in the past, US officials claim their shots flew wide of the mark, allowing some of the militant targets to escape.

There is little chance of that, with the mountain of evidence the US has built up showing the Pakistani intelligence service’s support of Afghan militants. A secret Nato report published in January obtained by The Associated Press, concluded that ”the government of Pakistan remains intimately involved with the Taliban.” Derived from interviews with captured Afghan militants, the report says ”in meetings with Taliban leaders, ISI personnel are openly hostile to ISAF (the US coalition, with ISI officers touting the need for “continued jihad and expulsion of ‘foreign invaders’ from Afghanistan.”

“We’re floundering” on how to restore the relationship, said Bruce Riedel, former CIA official, and the man who helped the White House craft its policy to reconnect with Pakistan when President Barack Obama took office in 2009. The ISI’s support of the Taliban shows that “engagement with the Pakistani government hasn’t produced the change we’d hoped for.”
If the PNCS has any skin, they will not open the supply routes till the drone strikes come to a complete halt.
Why?Aren't the drone strikes good for pakistan?
In your own words:

Originally Posted by Nitin Goyal:
and what about the non terrorists ? but questions still remain regarding the sovereignty of pakistan
According to estimates, about 1-2% of the people killed in the drone strikes are civilians. If drones are killing terrorists, it is good for Pakistan.

---------- Post added at 12:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:02 AM ----------

Originally Posted by karan.1970.
This is not what your leaders (both civilian and military) say.. Are they lying to the people of Pakistan??

What they say to the people of Pakistan is immaterial.
Where is the sovereignity in the first place when Pakistani citizens in north wazeeristan are completely under the rule of various armed factions who have the power to rule and tax and enforce their tribal version of (in)justice they posses?Arent the pakistani citizens living there entitled to get justice and protection from pak govt rather than some armed bandits with AKs?Unfortunately there is no writ of govt in those areas and to kill the terrorists holed up there(arabs,uzbeks,chechens,ughuirs and what not..),the only plausible way is by drone strikes.So the pak govt should continue supporting drones,give them necessary intel and raise voices of concern in public.
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