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Drone attack targets Hakeemullah Mehsud

CIA got its revenge. :usflag::usflag:
Another Reason why I support the Drone Attacks and why the people who live in these areas support them as well.

These Drones have been absolutely devastating.

Keep up the Good Work USA. :usflag:

I would only be happy if I also read mangal bagh, fazlullah and other names who dont operate near afghan border killed in drone attacks.
Pakistani Taliban says leader escapes US drone strike

Pakistani Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud escaped a US drone strike on a militant camp Thursday that killed 10 people, the militia said after reports he may have been among the dead. Skip related content

Hakimullah Mehsud, who has led the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan since August, had been in the lawless tribal area bordering Afghanistan where the missiles hit but he left before the attack, a TTP spokesman told AFP.

"Hakimullah Mehsud was present at the same place in Shaktoi where the drone attack took place," the spokesman Azam Tariq said from an undisclosed location.

"But he had left the area already when the drone attack took place. He is alive and completely safe."

His comments came after local television stations carried unconfirmed reports that Mehsud may have been killed in the strike on the border of North and South Waziristan, the seventh on Pakistan's lawless northwest tribal belt this month.

"We are receiving reports about his death but we are not 100 percent sure," a senior security official told AFP, requesting anonymity.

Tariq did not say when Mehsud left the area, which Pakistan security officials described as "very remote".

Hakimullah Mehsud assumed leadership of the group blamed for the deaths of thousands of people in attacks in Pakistan after his predecessor Baitullah Mehsud was killed in a US drone strike on August 5.

The TTP denied Baitullah Mehsud's death for weeks, apparently amid fierce infighting over his succession.

On January 9, Hakimullah Mehsud appeared in video clip alongside a Jordanian who blew himself up on a US military base in Afghanistan last month, killing seven CIA agents and his Jordanian handler.

The Jordanian claimed the attack was to avenge the death of Baitullah Mehsud, and sources close to intelligence services said US efforts to track down Hakimullah Mehsud had been stepped up since the CIA bombing.

Thursday's assault took place in Pasalkot village in a remote area of North Waziristan close to the border with South Waziristan, where Pakistan's military are battling Taliban fighters.

"It was a US drone strike... At least 10 people, mostly militants, have been killed in the missile strike," said a local intelligence official. "The targeted site was a militant training camp."

A senior security official confirmed the death toll, and said four missiles were fired from unmanned planes in the remote area.

All seven strikes this year have hit North Waziristan, a bastion of Al-Qaeda fighters, the Taliban and the Haqqani network which launches attacks on the 113,000 US and NATO troops fighting the Taliban in neighbouring Afghanistan.

The administration of US President Barack Obama has put Pakistan at the heart of its fight against Al-Qaeda and Islamist extremists and says the war in Afghanistan cannot be won without Islamabad's help, but tensions simmer.

The strikes fuel anti-American sentiment in the Muslim nation and draw public condemnation from the government, but a US senator on Wednesday scolded Islamabad for privately supporting strikes while publicly denouncing them.

"What troubles me is the public attack on these drone attacks when at the same time they've privately obviously not told us that we must stop," said Senator Carl Levin, chairman of the US Senate Armed Services Committee.

Pakistan's leaders "not only understand and acquiesce, but in many cases privately support the drone attacks," Levin said, adding that "the minimum we should expect is a silence on their part rather than a public attack on us."

On Wednesday, Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi said that the controversial drone strikes were a source of tensions with Washington.

The United States is increasing pressure on Islamabad to tackle militants who use its soil to launch attacks in Afghanistan and American officials have said that the highly secretive drone programme has eliminated some top fighters.

More than 700 people have died in drone strikes since August 2008

Pakistani Taliban says leader escapes US drone strike - Yahoo! News UK
US drone strike kills '10 militants' in Pakistan

Two US drone missile strikes have killed 10 suspected militants in a tribal region of north-west Pakistan, Pakistani officials say.

Reports say Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud may have been the target. Officials say his fate is unclear.

The missiles struck a compound in the Pasalkot area in North Waziristan, a major sanctuary for militants.

Hundreds of people, many of them civilians, have been killed in drone attacks since mid-2008.

Top Taliban leader Baitullah Mehsud, killed last August, was among them.

Reports suggest his successor, Hakimullah, may have been in the Pasalkot area when the missiles struck on Thursday.

Officials said the missiles landed early on Thursday morning in a sprawling compound which was used as a religious school in the past.

It is the fifth suspected US drone attack in North Waziristan since the beginning of the year.

Pakistan has publicly criticised drone attacks, saying they fuel support for the militants. But observers say in private the authorities have given the go-ahead for the strikes.

The US military does not routinely confirm drone attacks, but analysts say the US armed forces and CIA in Afghanistan are the only forces capable of deploying drones in the region.

BBC News - Pakistan Taliban deny US drone strike killed top leader
I would only be happy if I also read mangal bagh, fazlullah and other names who dont operate near afghan border killed in drone attacks.

What do you think USA is? God?

USA is fighting a war half way around the world in a land locked country and Pakistan has been unable to take out these guys in its own country. And you are complaining why USA hasn't taken them out. :usflag:

Just last week 7 of their Agents were killed by a suicide bomber.

USA is trying very hard to take out these guys.

Stop making everything into a conspiracy.

When USA kills members of the Pakistani Taliban, you wonder why did it take them so long to take them out.

When they fail to do so, you wonder why they don't take them out.

This Zaid Hamid type nonsense should be confined to illiterate Pakistanis.

You need to do a full spectrum analysis of the situation and stop turning every bit of news into this grand conspiracy against Pakistan.
I'll be glad if he die (Right S-2 :) ). Nice work US. :usflag:
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Succinctly and beautifully put.:agree:

"I am glad he is dead."

Don't be so certain yet.

Pak Taliban chief Mehsud killed in US drone attack?
Thu, Jan 14 03:53 PM

A massive US missile strike in Pakistan's lawless Waziristan tribal region today killed at least 15 militants and triggered speculation that new Tehrik-e -Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud could be among the dead.

The intense speculation by Pakistani media came as Mehsud, according to Taliban, was in Basalkot village, 70 km south of Miranshah, the main town in North Waziristan agency, which was hit by four missile fired by US drones.

Military authorities neither confirmed nor ruled out the possibility that Mehsud was among the dead. Several other key commanders were also reported to have been killed in the strike, the seventh this month in the area said to be infested with fighters of Haqqani network of the Taliban.

At least four missiles were fired early this morning at a house and the compound of a seminary in Basalkot village, which is located in an area along the boundary between North and South Waziristan.

Reports said some key militant commanders and foreigners were among the 15 dead. Several others were also injured.

A security official, who spoke on condition of anonymity as he was not authorised to talk to the media, said there were reports about Mehsud's presence in the area targeted in today's drone attack.

However, Taliban spokesman Azam Tariq claimed Mehsud, who became the chief of the outfit after the killing of his predecessor Baitullah Mehsud in a US drone attack in August last year, was safe and had left the area minutes before the missile strike.

The house targeted in the attack was destroyed. The compound that was struck was reportedly being used by the Taliban as a training camp.

Local residents said they had seen four to six drones hovering over the area after the strike.

Militants cordoned off the area after the strike and prevented people from approaching the site, local residents said.

This was the seventh drone strike in North Waziristan this month. The US has intensified drone attacks in North Waziristan after a suicide strike in the adjacent Khost province of Afghanistan killed seven CIA operatives on December 30.

A video of the suicide attacker beamed on Pakistani and Arabic TV channels showed him in the company of Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud.

However, Pakistan has warned that any increase in drone attacks or ground operations by US forces inside its territory could undermine relations between the two countries.

Following a meeting with US Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan Richard Holbrooke yesterday, Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi said: "I said despite the partnership that we enjoy... Pakistan feels that it will undermine our relationship if there's expansion of drones and if there are operations on ground."
Whats the point?? some new ----ullah mehsud would stand up to fill in his shoes.
Whats the point?? some new ----ullah mehsud would stand up to fill in his shoes.

Didn't you know what happened to the Nazis after Hitler's death. Not everyone can fit in to this b@st@rd's shoe.
It's amazing to see Pakistanis hailing a death of fellow citizen and a Muslim.

If in some other country kills a terrorist then they make hue and cry. And see it's from the prism of religion.

It's called hypocrisy.:sick:

And no I'm not happy by his death because he is fighting for his principles, and Islam (in his point of view) and he's not done anything against India.
It's amazing to see Pakistanis hailing a death of fellow citizen and a Muslim.

If in some other country kills a terrorist then they make hue and cry. And see it's from the prism of religion.

It's called hypocrisy.:sick:

And no I'm not happy by his death because he is fighting for his principles, and Islam (in his point of view) and he's not done anything against India.

Quite fair on your part.
It's amazing to see Pakistanis hailing a death of fellow citizen and a Muslim.

If in some other country kills a terrorist then they make hue and cry. And see it's from the prism of religion.

It's called hypocrisy.:sick:

And no I'm not happy by his death because he is fighting for his principles, and Islam (in his point of view) and he's not done anything against India.

Well your happiness doesn't matters to us or means anything.

So go and enjoy your sadness somewhere else.
Is there a confirmed news that Mr. Hakeemullah Mehsud is dead ?

If the attack was a failed attempt and he escaped with his life then be rest assured that there will be more attacks on pakistan's cities.

Pakistan security forces should be on alert.
More than likely the bastard is dead and is scattared around in bits and pieces even though ttp is claiming he escaped. But those bastards are liars anyway, remember BM death and how long they kept the chrade up that he's alive.
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