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Drinking liqour is not Haram - Federal Shariat Court

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That is your absolute truth and you have to share the world with other people who consider you as a liar. So the best way would be that you have your truths and let others have theirs. How much more simpler can life be.


No smoking is NOT just as bad...

Smoking is hurtful for ur person mostly,,, drinking mostly hurts society other than ur person ,,, Rapes & driving accidents & murders ... individual cases don't count, rather we have to look at statistical data. Watch western local channels, every day ppl die from alcohol related incidences...

and what about the passive smokers??there are rules/laws for rage driving,drunk and drive etc but no laws for passive smoking??why??smoking kills 100 times more ppl than drinking does..if u have problm with drunk and drive related accidents why not ban driving..:cheesy:
This ad was recently plastered all over Express Tribune and Daily Times.


Presenting Saudi Champagne (100% Halam) from Al-Hilal Industries.

I guess drinking is legal now, :lol:.

Their is Absolute truth and that is truth of ISLAM which is spread fast

Wrong.. This is Your Truth, My truth is different from yours and How hard you try, you cant change my truth.
There are many such ahadith too, but they are not regarded as robustly as many others indicating Muhammad PBUH himself did not partake.

Indeed - but why is it so important that we must find that the beloved prophet did not partake? Is Islam the totality of the prophet's behaviors, likes and dislikes?, So what if on that occasion he did partake, how does that alter the debate? For instance, consider the 4 wives business, should we not look at the CULTURAL and HISTORIC context of that, even as we compare that prophet had more than four? Shall we follow that example??

Should we not take greater care to filter out the cultural context of 7th century Arabian society, to arrive at a universal Islam?
Should we not take greater care to filter out the cultural context of 7th century Arabian society, to arrive at a universal Islam?

Yes as good Muslims we should try to emulate the Prophet PBUH..... His whole life was emulating the Quran... If you are a Muslim you should know that

Yup having 4 wives is wrong, old and 7th century Arabic custom .... having 50 gfs instead is modern hip, chic and the in thing today
Yes as good Muslims we should try to emulate the Prophet PBUH..... His whole life was emulating the Quran... If you are a Muslim you should know that

Yup having 4 wives is wrong, old and 7th century Arabic custom .... having 50 gfs instead is modern hip, chic and the in thing today

Who's got 50 GF's?
Who's got 50 GF's?

Usually the people who make fun of the four wives issue ...
OK 50 was an exaggeration ..... but do you know the average partners a person has in the west ....
If Bill Clinton could marry more than once ... would he have been stuck in the scandal he was a victim ?
Usually the people who make fun of four wives issue ...
OK 50 was an exaggeration ..... but do you know the average partners a person has in the west ....
If Bill Clinton could marry more than once ... would he have been stuck in the scandal he was a victim ?

Clinton didnt have more than one wife, where did you get this?
Clinton didnt have more than one wife, where did you get this?

That is not what I meant ..... re read what I typed ..... the context and all.... you will figure it out
If you are a Muslim you should know that

Why so belligerent Varigeo ?? So we should all have more than one wife?? What if this is in conflict with the law? Should we not historicize Quran and the life of the beloved prophet?
Why so belligerent Varigeo ?? So we should all have more than one wife?? What if this is in conflict with the law? Should we not historicize Quran and the life of the beloved prophet?

Why not if one can afford to and has the need why not have more than one wife ?

Well yes I would think twice if it conflicts with law of the land but I will definitely consider it my right.

And is it not the whole point of to be a Muslim ? Trying to emulate the Prophet PBUH.
Usually the people who make fun of the four wives issue ...
OK 50 was an exaggeration ..... but do you know the average partners a person has in the west ....
If Bill Clinton could marry more than once ... would he have been stuck in the scandal he was a victim ?

But most people in the west do not even know of the 4 wives thing, why would they make fun of it?

As for Billy C, I don't know.
But most people in the west do not even know of the 4 wives thing, why would they make fun of it?

As for Billy C, I don't know.

Have you ever tried to talk about Islam to any of your friends .... one of the first things they ask is that (apart from terrorism)?
Have you ever tried to talk about Islam to any of your friends .... one of the first things they ask is that (apart from terrorism)?

Like I said, they don't know much about Islam and only know a few negative things like 72 virgins, terrorism and whatever else they see or read in the media.
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