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Dr Shakil Afridi claims ISI regards US as "worst enemy"


The bottom line is that there is a major communication gap over here---the u s says something----pakistan hears something else---. When pakistanis talking the u s is not understanding what pakistan is saying---when u s is talking pakistanis don't understand what the u s is saying----.

They both are letting each other talk---but neither of them is listening to the other. The tragedy is that neither of them has learnt or tried to learn to understand what the other want to say---even though they talk and conversate inthe same language---.

Have you people ever used the phrase---' you are allowing me to talk---but you are not listening to what I am saying '----. That is the irony of pak u s relationship---. There have been small misunderstandings that have turned into big issues.

If it is a communication problem---I would blame it on my brethren---pakistanis don't know how to talk to the americans---the problem with the americans is that they don't want to beleive that the pakistanis are having a very difficult time---.

I blame the americans less----because the idiots that I have heard of coming to the table and talking to the americans are absolutely pathetic---.

All these problems that pak has with the u s---90% of these are created by pakistan itself---. Americans have their own operational failures---but they can afford to live with their failures---pakistan on the other hand keeps digging a deeper hole with every issue and can't even take advantage of things throw its way.

Just like this writer who has a book come out state that an ISI colonelwalked up to the american embassy and gave them the info about Osama---. Why woukld ISI deny that---are they imbeciles----God has given you an oppurtunity to rub it in----why not just keep silent---smile and say no comment---but remember we always support you----why an all out denial---. Why not get mileage out of this issue---why not create some confusion---it is beyond understanding---.

The problem with pakistan is that it has no one listening to the us media all the time in the u s and neither does it have anyone who can really really decipher what is being said out here in the u s about the wot and pakistan and afg---and then how to counterit----paks have seriously failed in this department.

The bottom line is that there is a major communication gap over here---the u s says something----pakistan hears something else---. When pakistanis talking the u s is not understanding what pakistan is saying---when u s is talking pakistanis don't understand what the u s is saying----.

They both are letting each other talk---but neither of them is listening to the other. The tragedy is that neither of them has learnt or tried to learn to understand what the other want to say---even though they talk and conversate inthe same language---.

Have you people ever used the phrase---' you are allowing me to talk---but you are not listening to what I am saying '----. That is the irony of pak u s relationship---. There have been small misunderstandings that have turned into big issues.

If it is a communication problem---I would blame it on my brethren---pakistanis don't know how to talk to the americans---the problem with the americans is that they don't want to beleive that the pakistanis are having a very difficult time---.

I blame the americans less----because the idiots that I have heard of coming to the table and talking to the americans are absolutely pathetic---.

All these problems that pak has with the u s---90% of these are created by pakistan itself---. Americans have their own operational failures---but they can afford to live with their failures---pakistan on the other hand keeps digging a deeper hole with every issue and can't even take advantage of things throw its way.

Just like this writer who has a book come out state that an ISI colonelwalked up to the american embassy and gave them the info about Osama---. Why woukld ISI deny that---are they imbeciles----God has given you an oppurtunity to rub it in----why not just keep silent---smile and say no comment---but remember we always support you----why an all out denial---. Why not get mileage out of this issue---why not create some confusion---it is beyond understanding---.

The problem with pakistan is that it has no one listening to the us media all the time in the u s and neither does it have anyone who can really really decipher what is being said out here in the u s about the wot and pakistan and afg---and then how to counterit----paks have seriously failed in this department.

with all respect ...this is very pro US reply from your side.....you knows better what US are doing in Pakistan....very simple and clear answar....they are provking pakistan

Just like this writer who has a book come out state that an ISI colonelwalked up to the american embassy and gave them the info about Osama---. Why woukld ISI deny that---are they imbeciles----God has given you an oppurtunity to rub it in----why not just keep silent---smile and say no comment---but remember we always support you----why an all out denial---. Why not get mileage out of this issue---why not create some confusion---it is beyond understanding---.

The problem with pakistan is that it has no one listening to the us media all the time in the u s and neither does it have anyone who can really really decipher what is being said out here in the u s about the wot and pakistan and afg---and then how to counterit----paks have seriously failed in this department.

Is that the book by the navy seal who was on 60 minutes the other day?
Mastankhan, maybe it would help if long time Pakistani Americans like you who understand both sides would come to the fore and do the talking and listening between the two sides.

Rather than being an ineffectual crusader on the net.

Of course that would then put you in a tight spot with US Pakistan relations at their nadir.

Who do you speak for?

Do you speak for the Pakistanis and bring attention to yourself in the US.

Or do you speak for the US and get labeled a sell-out by the country and countrymen you left behind.

Easier to lecture on the net in such a case I guess.

Much tougher to do what the Indian lobby in the US does.

Maybe you could learn a trick or two?
Isn't it funny how others know so well what I should or should not do? :lol:
Even funnier is when my "frail and ailing" arguments turn out be be correct every time. :rofl:


Sorry, I will be back later after I stop laughing. :D

I had hoped against hope that at least one of your arguments would turn out to be correct, but even you know very well that hasnt been the case.

The only person laughing here is you - because the rest of us are watching a crazy man console himself.... keep laughing and we will keep watching you... you give us ample entertainment :P

I don't think the public opinion here of dr. afridi will ever be strong enough to warrant some kind of extreme actions against Pak. Yeah he is sympathized with, but he is Pakistani after all, remember.

On the other hand, I think stories like his will only make matters worse for the doctor. Americans are not helping this man with these stories. If I were ISI this man would be in a world of hurt after this news,and I'll leave it at that.

Not extreme action, but it will serve to raise anti-funding sentiment at the correct time. That alone is enough to give him sufficient importance.

Ironically, the more his plight worsens, the better he serves the US goals. That is why he was left behind in the first place.
what we are being led to believe that the good doctor did what he did for the 'love' of the US in his heart - if you believe that then i've got a bridge to sell you in the thar desert. he did it for the 'money' - all US$25m of it. !!!what the PK govt is doing to him is another thing!
what we are being led to believe that the good doctor did what he did for the 'love' of the US in his heart - if you believe that then i've got a bridge to sell you in the thar desert. he did it for the 'money' - all US$25m of it. !!! what the PK govt is doing to him is another thing!

That is exactly my point: What the GoP is doing to him now is the more important thing for future consequences.
The more I re-read the Fox News story, the more genuine it seems. You can read in the story several opportunities for Dr. Afridi to be interviewed and get his story out, despite pervasive surveillance. Furthermore, I can't see why Fox News would bother mentioning a court record unless they really had one and had reason to think it was genuine.
The more I re-read the Fox News story, the more genuine it seems. You can read in the story several opportunities for Dr. Afridi to be interviewed and get his story out, despite pervasive surveillance. Furthermore, I can't see why Fox News would bother mentioning a court record unless they really had one and had reason to think it was genuine.

the same outlet that was instrumental in peddling myths and propaganda about "WMDs in Iraq" right?

The more I re-read the Fox News story, the more genuine it seems. You can read in the story several opportunities for Dr. Afridi to be interviewed and get his story out, despite pervasive surveillance. Furthermore, I can't see why Fox News would bother mentioning a court record unless they really had one and had reason to think it was genuine.

It would be a tried-and-true stratagem to let the denials get increasingly vehement, and then present the proof of authenticity.
Is that the book by the navy seal who was on 60 minutes the other day?

no the author is Richard Miniter , an investigative journalist.
its he who wrote a book about Obama's presidency and suggests that Mr president is in fact confused and indecisive.

that book is called "Leading from Behind"

while there is one interesting reference of ISI Colonel walking over to CIA with leads about OBL on the other hand there is a hilarious claim that Osama's house was built over a land specially carved out of the PMA's boundary. the significance and meaning of that is lost to me, if he was to be kept in a secret place then why give him a place to live that will show out as a mole on the face?

I have been to Abbotabad recently and seen the place, he actually lived in a residential area and his house was in the middle of many houses.
PMA just happens to be the biggest landmark of Abbotabad and every resident, Church, Mosque and petrol station can claim to be its neighbour.
OK so he is under ISI arrest and he was "allowed" to give this interview and say "all these things too" ...and the source is Fox News?


Why didn't you stop reading at FOX News ? :lol:

This is ISI we are talking about , what do these people think ? :azn: ... That this traitor has means to communicate with the world specially the Western media ? :D

Sad that a man who helped take down the biggest scum is treated so badly.

What is the treatment meted out to traitors in your country ? :azn: ... Are they kept in Presidential suites and served Vodka ?

This doctor should be commended for helping kill him.

The next time you see a terrorist in Toronto , notify CIA to get him and then we will see if you are commended by the Canadian Govt :azn:

If Pakistan does any harm to this doctor, the entire world will condemn it.

As Bond says in " Casino Royale "

Do I look like I give a damn **** ? :rofl:

Even we do not , Chillax !
So in your opinion Dr. Afridi's story and complaints merit no concerns, investigations, or follow-ups from ordinary Pakistani citizens?

Nah , the Pakistanis just want " hang till death " punishment for this traitor ... Afridi's a lucky man to be tried by the tribal court - the one in Islamabad ai'nt so lenient in cases of high treason ...

No concerns , investigation or any **** because nothing like that happened in the first place ...

The question of citizen loyalty is a judgment for the law and a representative jury to make. You've reduced it to an administrative procedure - turning citizens into subjects.

Our country - Our Law ... Who are you to tell us what to do with him ? :azn: ... The law has judged the person , it would have been worse if the one used in the rest of Pakistan had done that ...

I remember this one awesome 30 seconds trick employed by the SSG, used to work charms. Dr. Sahib needs some physical therapy session! :angel:

No need bro , there are plenty of pharmacological and psychological methods available which can work wonders than physical therapy :P ... If you know what I mean ...

I'll give Fox more credibility than the ISI.

Indeed , if you just activate your grey matter or even try to do so , it would become apparent that ISI would have under no circumstances allowed him to communicate with FOX , so how credible does your propaganda channel remain now ? :azn: ...

As a loyal employee of the ISI, you could at least provide some argument or evidence to back up your opinion.

Who's claiming this whole piece of **** in the first place ? :azn: ... If FOX and people like you , then the burden of proof lies upon you - the claimants ...

The more I re-read the Fox News story, the more genuine it seems.

Obsessive - Compulsive Disorder , perhaps ? :azn: ... I am pretty sure you have memorized it by now ...
Is that the book by the navy seal who was on 60 minutes the other day?


It is another book that came out just about that time---let me see if I can find the name of the writer and book.
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