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Dr Shakil Afridi claims ISI regards US as "worst enemy"

Fine I will blame the rest of it on you, with him taking some of the share. Why are u so blind that you cant even understand what other is trying to say. But then its you dude. So nough said.

Blame anyone you like; it will not change reality. And the one who ends up in the proverbial ditch is the one who is likely to be blind. Right?
Insisting on his prolonged incarceration jeopardizes the wider picture, and just like blocking the NATO supply routes, it will come to naught for Pakistan, only after besmirching itself further.

Please enlighten us all what exactly is the wider picture that ALL of us have missed out on?

Fine I will blame the rest of it on you, with him taking some of the share. Why are u so blind that you cant even understand what other is trying to say. But then its you dude. So nough said.

May be he understands but does not want to admit?

It takes a lot of courage to let go of what you know is wrong - I think it's called blind arrogance. But Aslan remember that, you can blow the trumpet as hard as you want to, if there really is no substance in that tune, everyone will know it.

Then their types run away and hide.
Please enlighten us all what exactly is the wider picture that ALL of us have missed out on?...........

Dr. Afridi's cases is only small aspect of the overall situation between USA and Pakistan. At least that is the way I see it.

Whose views carry substance and whose do not will be borne out by events, as before.

"Strength of character means the ability to overcome resentment against others, to hide hurt feelings, and to forgive quickly." - Lawrence G. Lovasik

I am still here, amn't I? :D
Dr. Afridi's cases is only small aspect of the overall situation between USA and Pakistan. At least that is the way I see it.

Whose views carry substance and whose do not will be borne out by events, as before.

"Strength of character means the ability to overcome resentment against others, to hide hurt feelings, and to forgive quickly." - Lawrence G. Lovasik

I am still here, amn't I? :D

You still evaded the larger situation? Pls enlighten us all!

Actually, so far none of your "views" what the US is and has to offer have borne out at all - all have fallen flat, and even you know that very well.

Who exactly are you forgiving here? No one here needs your forgiveness, and surely no one on this thread has asked for it.

Sometimes accepting you are wrong is the right way to go. We will surely forgive you.

And before you accuse us of anything, no we are not jaaloos (read: jealous) of you! :P
You still evaded the larger situation? Pls enlighten us all!

Actually, so far none of your "views" what the US is and has to offer have borne out at all - all have fallen flat, and even you know that very well.

Who exactly are you forgiving here? No one here needs your forgiveness, and surely no one on this thread has asked for it.

Sometimes accepting you are wrong is the right way to go. We will surely forgive you.

The wider picture and the shortsightedness of Pakistan condensates to the following; Their thugs(the CIA and it's associates) can afford to walk out in broad daylight even after cold-blooded murder as they come under the the protection of the United States, whereas your thugs(ISI and it's splinter terror group affiliations)can only afford to engage the US in shadow games without realizing it's pretty much game over if the Americans choose to turn the lights on.

CIA= Daywalkers

ISI= Yesteryear vampires
Denials aplenty, but stories like this will only serve to keep Dr. Afridi's plight in the forefront of public opinion here. That is the real audience that matters.

Aaaah... so it's Dr Afridi's plight that concerns you so much that you want to keep it at the forefront when there are so many better issues, such as poverty and education, that can be taken up and actually make a difference in the lives of millions of Pakistanis.

I mean use your status as an American-Pakistan for far better purposes Mr VCheng. You can talk the walk, but every time fail to walk the talk.

The wider picture and the shortsightedness of Pakistan condensates to the following; Their thugs(the CIA and it's associates) can afford to walk out in broad daylight even after cold-blooded murder as they come under the the protection of the United States, whereas your thugs(ISI and it's splinter terror group affiliations)can only afford to engage the US in shadow games without realizing it's pretty much game over if the Americans choose to turn the lights on.

CIA= Daywalkers

ISI= Yesteryear vampires

No, let VCheng answer what he thinks is the "larger picture" in his own words.

Let's see whether he really has to say something to back his frail ailing arguments.
No, let VCheng answer what he thinks is the "larger picture" in his own words.

Let's see whether he really has to say something to back his frail ailing arguments.

My apologies for cutting in. Rest assured, the crafty Zen master never fails to deliver :tup:.
Aaaah... so it's Dr Afridi's plight that concerns you so much that you want to keep it at the forefront when there are so many better issues, such as poverty and education, that can be taken up and actually make a difference in the lives of millions of Pakistanis.

I mean use your status as an American-Pakistan for far better purposes Mr VCheng. You can talk the walk, but every time fail to walk the talk.

Isn't it funny how others know so well what I should or should not do? :lol:

No, let VCheng answer what he thinks is the "larger picture" in his own words.

Let's see whether he really has to say something to back his frail ailing arguments.

Even funnier is when my "frail and ailing" arguments turn out be be correct every time. :rofl:


Sorry, I will be back later after I stop laughing. :D


To stay on topic for now, please consider that the easiest way to frustrate someone is to put them in a situation when they think they are doing everything correctly, and yet the results turn out badly for them every time.

Pakistani policies are in that rut right now, and the leadership is failing to understand why that is so. Feeling let down by allies despite serving them well, feeling victimized despite loyalty to the cause, vilified for actions taken justifiably, increasingly isolated, the list goes on and on.

Dr. Afridi is only a small part of all that.
So ISI and GOP told him all that while he was smooching with CIA? garbage news just like a garbage person.

Why is this scumbag still alive? and why allow him to be interviewed?
Denials aplenty, but stories like this will only serve to keep Dr. Afridi's plight in the forefront of public opinion here. That is the real audience that matters.

I don't think the public opinion here of dr. afridi will ever be strong enough to warrant some kind of extreme actions against Pak. Yeah he is sympathized with, but he is Pakistani after all, remember.

On the other hand, I think stories like his will only make matters worse for the doctor. Americans are not helping this man with these stories. If I were ISI this man would be in a world of hurt after this news,and I'll leave it at that.
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