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Dr Shakil Afridi claims ISI regards US as "worst enemy"

Why is this guy still alive... ISI is still lenient to him...Just cigs burns and electric shocks..I hope they cut his balls and feed him raw...:D

I am not shooting the messenger, nor did i said anything which suggests that. I just said Fox news, since i don't take fox news seriously nor they are worth it.

And as for that Afridi guy, we all have said it before, he deserved it and should rot, simple. Nothing more to be said about him and as how whatever he said in the above article, it seems he has nothing else left other then to bring in such BS to get attraction and keep alive in the news media section.
As for wot for pakistan---it was due to the job that the americans left incomplete that pakistan got suckered into it and noe left to take the blame for it as well.

What had stopped the american troops from killing al qaeda and taliban leaders and operators in afg when they had the oppurtunity----. The only thing that stopped them was no american troops on the ground---. The united states pushed this war on terror into pakistan by forceful bombing runs of the B52's---.

Pkistan was forced into becoming a reluctant partner---and when these fundos got into pakistan---they turned upon pakistan---.

People claim that the most wanted terrorists were captured in pakistan---yes indeed---after they were pushed by the u s military into pak borders---.

Pakistan and pakistanis have done a very poor job of defending their identity in this issue---rather their idiotic non response or stupid responses have re-directed the fire back at them---. They are the cleverest most people on the face of the planet---when when it comes to thinking intelligent---they got no brains to get hold of----the brain that has been used for deceit and deception and corruption all the time---the brain that has been used for hatred and discord can only respond in a certain manner only---.

If they had used their brains to build their character and resource---and used their brains to be better and lawful citizens of the nation---their brains would have worked out thing differently under these circumstances.
Pkistan was forced into becoming a reluctant partner---and when these fundos got into pakistan---they turned upon pakistan---.

People claim that the most wanted terrorists were captured in pakistan---yes indeed---after they were pushed by the u s military into pak borders---.

Epic cop out. Why were the bad guys not forced into Iran? Why only Pakistan?

And if Pakistan is so inept at taking care of the bad guys, assuming it has the will and inclination, what stopped the Pakistanis from allowing the ISAF troops cross-border access to chase down the bad guys across the non existent border?

Sacrosanct safe havens? Rats coming home to their lair?
I am not shooting the messenger, nor did i said anything which suggests that. I just said Fox news, since i don't take fox news seriously nor they are worth it.

And as for that Afridi guy, we all have said it before, he deserved it and should rot, simple. Nothing more to be said about him and as how whatever he said in the above article, it seems he has nothing else left other then to bring in such BS to get attraction and keep alive in the news media section.


Just like Osama was pushed into pakistan and let escape from afg---in a similar manner---Dr Afridi was left behind intentionally---. The powers to be knew what would happen to him afterwards. Why did the doctor stay behind himself whence his family left to the u s---. If the u s was sincere---why was he not taken away forcefully. The u s knew that pak would arrest him--it will become a matter of ego for the pak and the u s wll make a political issue out of it.

The u s had all the time to take this man out----leaving him right there in A'abad---and then the u s president slamming pakistan on world tv---what was the u s govt expecting pak to do----. Obama made a mockery of the help pak provided---he insulted and humiliate pakistan in front of the world---for what---to hide the failures of his 3 1/2 years of govt---of what he did not do---.

The u s is openly talking about this doctor helping them out---and they are openly degrading pakistan every chance they get----and this doctor is the root cause of humiliation that pakistan is being forced to endure---what deceit is this.
Sad that a man who helped take down the biggest scum is treated so badly.

And before quoting me the article, read it first yourself also, Dawn is also quoting the Fox News, plus also read what else Dawn had to say:

" The news channel broadcast only the transcript of the purported exclusive, but did not indicate whether it was a video or audio interview. It also does not say how its reporter managed to enter the jail or meet Dr Afridi. "
Epic cop out. Why were the bad guys not forced into Iran? Why only Pakistan?

And if Pakistan is so inept at taking care of the bad guys, assuming it has the will and inclination, what stopped the Pakistanis from allowing the ISAF troops cross-border access to chase down the bad guys across the non existent border?

Sacrosanct safe havens? Rats coming home to their lair?


Let me make something clear---you are on my forum----check the language that you use---this is not bharat rakshak forum---.

Now as for the al qaeda and taliban forced into pak---let your stupidity not hit you on the back on your way out----the bombing runs were made by the u s air force from behind and from the flanks----the taliban and al qaeda were coralled and then pushed in a certain direction by continuous bombardment----if you cannot understand that---ask some of the indian ex service personal on this board---.

Next---the escape to pak was also convenient for the escapees---due to high altitude of the mountains where the americans did not have any troops to follow and no acces for millitary---whereas towards the border of iran---the mountain ranges not as high and not many places to hide---indeed Osama's family did go to iran where they were under house arrest and may still be be---..
he should goo & sit on obama's feet ......

BTW with strick security still fox news manage to get the "desired" words from his mouth amazing.....:D

Let me make something clear---you are on my forum----check the language that you use---this is not bharat rakshak forum---.

Now as for the al qaeda and taliban forced into pak---let your stupidity not hit you on the back on your way out----the bombing runs were made by the u s air force from behind and from the flanks----the taliban and al qaeda were coralled and then pushed in a certain direction by continuous bombardment----if you cannot understand that---ask some of the indian ex service personal on this board---.

Next---the escape to pak was also convenient for the escapees---due to high altitude of the mountains where the americans did not have any troops to follow and no acces for millitary---whereas towards the border of iran---the mountain ranges not as high and not many places to hide---indeed Osama's family did go to iran where they were under house arrest and may still be be---..

I won't get into who owns what on this forum and let it pass, but what language of mine offended you mister?

Your explanatory post still reads like a cop out.

O the sorry plight of victimized otherwise peaceful Pakistan.

So many alien terrorist foreigners on their soil to take care of.

So much so that they are being swamped and diverted from their permanent perches to the east.

The fact of the matter is that you were allies with your country of residence. While the Iranians were US enemies.

If an corralling had to be done, you think the Americans would push the bad guys towards their allies or their enemies?

And if you knew of this corralling, what were your forces doing at your border?

Resisting or providing safe passage?
And before quoting me the article, read it first yourself also, Dawn is also quoting the Fox News, plus also read what else Dawn had to say:

" The news channel broadcast only the transcript of the purported exclusive, but did not indicate whether it was a video or audio interview. It also does not say how its reporter managed to enter the jail or meet Dr Afridi. "

I am aware of where The Dawn quoted from.

My point remains, look & contest the contents of the article(s) in question not the messenger.
Noe the WOT is for ocntrol of Afghanistan ..ISI and PA is still tryingto preserve the afghan element loyal to it....in the process restricted from cutting the tentacles that has spread into Pakistan............
Well there is no doubt that US is Pakistan’s worse enemy, everybody knows it well & this guy is showing that he is a complete sold out US’s dog. Even now he is continuing to read the US script.

He had to be interrogated by the Intelligence Agency because the Intelligence Agencies knows that there was no OBL in Pakistan & this was all planned by the US to hurt Pakistan & build Pakistan as the new enemy of the world.

But if all this is true that Pakistan see's US as the enemy then it is good because US is Pakistan’s No.1 enemy.
I am aware of where The Dawn quoted from.

My point remains, look & contest the contents of the article(s) in question not the messenger.

Sometimes, the messenger is also very important and needs to be pointed at, since the messenger can be bringing wrong / fabricated / half true half false kind of news items.

I am myself wondering, that with so much security, police presence, intel agency ppl presence, how did the Fox News correspondent enter the jail and then had such a detailed interview. And why Fox, why not CNN or BBC, why not Christiane Amanpour interviewed him.
I won't get into who owns what on this forum and let it pass, but what language of mine offended you mister?

Your explanatory post still reads like a cop out.

O the sorry plight of victimized otherwise peaceful Pakistan.

So many alien terrorist foreigners on their soil to take care of.

So much so that they are being swamped and diverted from their permanent perches to the east.

The fact of the matter is that you were allies with your country of residence. While the Iranians were US enemies.

If an corralling had to be done, you think the Americans would push the bad guys towards their allies or their enemies?

And if you knew of this corralling, what were your forces doing at your border?

Resisting or providing safe passage?

Sir- you are out of your league. I don't blame you-.but your media is out of control and a far ways from reality. If you wish to engage mkhan, then that is of your own free will, but you have to understand that your media is ****. Follow my words or not, but by following your own media on Pakistan limits your scope on the understanding of our nation. For me, it is almost a shame.
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