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Download this pdf Document : Comprehensive refutation of Indian Dossier against Pak !

When did the forum transfer rights to members to decide which thread should be sticky and which should not be?

There is no official word from government of Pakistan yet. Your calling mr Durrani who is no more in government and who also has a tainted reputation, could not be amount to government’s stance.

If i had the right, i wouldnt have been 'posting my idea' to close this thread, im would have just gone and closed it.

You have a lot to learn about rights.
Brasstrack report fails to make any impression. I went through the report, hoping to read a professional analysis. I can agree that foodstuff, tooth paste etc can be planted, or can be obtained from arrested Pakistani fishing Boats. But more pages were used harping on issues with are not part of the Mumbai attack or the dossier and it does noth help to offer any credibility to Brasstrack report. As an Indian, I am aware of certain ( non 22/11) issues highlighted. The details are far from truth. Hence, based on the comments and analysis of non 22/11 issues highlighted and harped upon in Brasstrack report and analysis, I am forced to treat the Brasstrack report as wishful thinking, and not worthy of professional previews. It sounded like coming from a Pakistani nationalist, crying out to be accepted in the Pakistani society.

What a bunch load of crap is this?. I don't know how other incidents are related to Mumbai attack and why they included in this. Seems to be the whole document is BS. While GoP has aleady accepted Kasab is a Pakistani, why these morons are still harping that he is not. And then they also write about RAW abducting Kasab from Nepal, while Nepal govt. unequivocally rejected this BS. And then they talk about Kalava thread, which many Pakistanis have been spotted wearing it (the likes of Shoaib Akthar).

People should come out of denial for their own sake.

Here one can clearly understand that Why Indian can not have mutual understanding with the Pakistan because they always said crap and false information provided by Pakistan.
Where as there believe that their words are like 100% tested.

Come on this is not the why.........
Hey man
Dont close this thread.
It is fun to read. And keep it sticky too.

"Comprehensive refutation of Indian Dossier"!
Put that Rehman malik in jail. He is also a RAW agent.

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