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Download this pdf Document : Comprehensive refutation of Indian Dossier against Pak !

The Indian report is a good script for Rambo 5, they should sell it to hollywood.

10 men storming into the hotel killing 200 people, while 400 commandos couldn't handle them.

Whats so surprising here? Cant 10 guys armed with grenades and AK 47 kill 20each on a crowded place in Mumbai?

Cant handle them? They were all killed, excpet for one !!!
Why dont India first go and read Indian dossier.

:cheesy: Mountain Dew, shaving cream, medicame toothpast all made in Pakistan recovered from Mumbai attackers :lol: so this is Indian solid proofs.

So the well trained sophisticatedly trained attackers and their preparators were so much fool to carry Rs10 Meicame toothpast made in Pakistan with them to show the world "Hey buddies take us we are from Pakistan".

:rofl: Indian dossier another classic documented proof of Indian claims.

Did India ever claim it as proof?(to be submitted in court)

It is for Pakistan to find this proof or disproof(either of them comprehensively).
Why dont India first go and read Indian dossier.

:cheesy: Mountain Dew, shaving cream, medicame toothpast all made in Pakistan recovered from Mumbai attackers :lol: so this is Indian solid proofs.

So the well trained sophisticatedly trained attackers and their preparators were so much fool to carry Rs10 Meicame toothpast made in Pakistan with them to show the world "Hey buddies take us we are from Pakistan".

:rofl: Indian dossier another classic documented proof of Indian claims.

Not to forget the "Made in Pakistan" Cleaning broom. I'm sorry, but were they going for a holy war against the Indians or to clean the garbage infested streets of Mumbai? :woot:
You Indians on this forum have explained about the band what about those terrorist speaking perfect Marathi and pronouncing Julm and not Zulm and jardari and not Zardari and many more.

i will discus this further but let us see you have to say about the language those terrorist spoke.

who killed 70 Pakistanis in Samjhota train, it has been proved who did it, why than India did not arrest this colonel and put him behind the bars, where he belonged.

And yes, i see sudden rudeness in your language when it comes to Indian lies and cheating. and yes what a name you guys have.



AK47 u r sum kind of rifle, why not machine gun

Are you guys trying to impress or scare people. by your strange names. that is not how it works in life. You impress people by good work, gentle behavior and truthful language.

If u guys have any decency left u will write to your Govt. to pull out of Kashmir and for once act like a civilized country. Watch this u tube video. it should change your mind. If u have any soul. Other wise like usual u will knit pick

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* Indian channel says New Delhi preparing second dossier with more evidence
* Will not hand over Kasab DNA samples to Islamabad​

NEW DELHI: India is putting together an ‘exhaustive’ second dossier on the Mumbai terrorist attacks for Pakistan, because the first one contained ‘hardly any evidence’, CNN-IBN reported on Wednesday.

The previous dossier of evidence New Delhi had shared with Islamabad earlier this month contained only 11 pages of information, compared with the 69 pages it had shared with other countries including the US, the report said.

It said New Delhi had decided not to hand over the DNA samples of Ajmal Amir Kasab – the only surviving gunman captured during the November 26 terrorist attacks – to Pakistan “until Islamabad promises to actually match them with Kasab’s family members”.

“Officially, the second dossier to be given to Pakistan will have some extensive evidence,” the report said.

The evidence includes proofs found from the trawler boat that India says the 10 gunmen made their Karachi-Mumbai journey in, and the articles they had used – including shaving cream, a diesel container, a match box, detergent powder, wheat flour, toothpaste, a milk powder packet “which were all made in Pakistan”, CNN-IBN reported.

The new dossier also contains notes in a log book that the gunmen left on the boat – which it said had been written in Urdu language, and 9-mm pistols they were using – which it said were marked ‘Diamond Nedi Frontier Arms Company, Pehshawar’.

The dossier also includes details of the phone calls between the gunmen and their alleged Lashkar-e-Tayyaba (LT) handlers in Pakistan, made through the US-based Callphonex service, CNN-IBN said. “The payment to Callphonex was made via Western Union by a person called Javaid Iqbal, who gave a Pakistani passport number KC092481,” it said. “The payment of $238.78 on November 25, 2008 was made to Western Union agent Nizar Alsharif.”

LT commanders Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi and Zarar Shah would be named the main planners, according to the report.
Yoy Indians on this forum have explained about the band what about those terrorist speaking perfect Marathi and pronouncing Julm and not Zulm and jardari and not Zardari and many more.

i will discus this further but let us see you have to say about the language those terrorist spoke.

who killed 70 Pakistanis in Samjhota train, it has been proved who did it, why than India did not arrest this colonel and put him behind the bars, where he belonged.


I've read the document, abt terrorists speaking marathi, the brasstacks doc gives reference to an islamic blog famous for conspiracy theories. It gives no references / links to any credible sources. Can you pls give me some sources to prove this, as this is sounding like just a rumor spread by conspiracy theorists.

abt samzauta train blasts, investigators HAVE NOT indicted colonel purohit. pls get ur facts right, this is another lie being spread by the same rumor mongers. besides, who do u think arrested (and today chargesheeted) purohit??? UN sec council? you make no sense.
its obivious that Indians lack guts as we've seen in the past with the elite commandos they couldnt handle a bunch of terrorist who are drunk....and haha they were Trained my Israeli commandos oh GOD ! what the world has come to.
Whenever something is against you it is called a rumor if it does not suit Indian desire.

It may make perfect sense and maybe true, but as it is against India, therefore it has to be rebuffed. What a attitude of Indians.

To all Indian try to see the report if it sound like truth , than it is. For once use some common sense and not argue for the sake of argument. and the belief that in the whole worlds India is perfect country and can do no wrong. India is far from perfect.

On the other hand i see Pakistanis criticizing, making suggestions, being sympathetic and all the time answering from the heart and not the mouth. And all Indiasn have are questions questions and more questions.

Here is once again facts about samjhota train, cause i see that it has bees posted on this forum before, so u Indians keep asking the same question trying to create confusion and in doing so reflect from real culprits and the th truth of the story. Here is the story form an authentic source.

Pakistan to grill India over Samjhota train blast probe

* India says investigation indicates New Delhi acting without prejudice

By Iftikhar Gilani

NEW DELHI: Pakistan is preparing to question India over the probe into Samjhota train bombing at high-level meetings next week. India had initially blamed the 2007 train blast on individuals based in Pakistan and Bangladesh. But has recently arrested Hindu extremists, including a serving Indian army officer, with regard to the Samjhota blast as well as Malegaon attacks in the Indian state Maharashtra in September this year.

The foreign ministers and interior secretaries of the two countries are scheduled to meet next week.

India had initially named banned Pakistani organisations, Lashkar-e-Tayyaba and Jaish-e-Muhammad in collusion with Bangladesh-based Harkat-e-Jihad-e-Islami (HUJI), for the Samjhota train blasts that killed 68 people.

Indian officials had even handed over a suspect’s photograph and also mentioned the names of other suspects to their Pakistani counterparts.

Forensic evidence and the recent leads, found after the arrest of a serving Indian army officer and scores of Hindu activists, have now established a link between the Samjhota Express bombing, the May 2007 attack on Mecca Masjid in Hyderabad; and the October 2007 attack on the shrine of Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti in Ajmer. Police have now accused a Hindu group, Abhinav Bharat, for these bombings previously blamed on Muslim and Pakistani groups.

Prejudice: Sources in the Ministry of External Affairs said they are ready to face Pakistani queries on the incident.

“This is a perfect example to indicate that New Delhi did not act with prejudice but on the basis of available facts,” said an official.

for once India acted rationally.
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The reason I hear why India gave the partial dossier is because in the past successively and repeatedly, Pakistan's governments have been involved in using the evidence given in the dossiers to cover up the clues that were given. And so, India gave only the partial dossier and not the whole thing.... that's what we hear....
Also, please give me some time to go through the Brass Tacks dossier and I will try and give my feedback on it...
Comprehensive refuation, my foot. GOP has officially accepetd the Indian version atleast now stop living in denial. Close down this thread.
The reason I hear why India gave the partial dossier is because in the past successively and repeatedly, Pakistan's governments have been involved in using the evidence given in the dossiers to cover up the clues that were given. And so, India gave only the partial dossier and not the whole thing.... that's what we hear....

when a proof is handed how can someone else alter it or use it for its own purpose, Millions of Lawyers in India, and Pakistan can change the dossier, copies of dossier are not kept or the dossier is handed without signature of receiver, In this day and age a paper when u have video cameras to god knows what and u claim the dossier was changed, any proof u have to bavk up yhis claim
NEW DELHI: Pakistan today registered a case against Mohammed Ajmal Amir alias Kasab, the lone terrorist captured alive during the Mumbai carnage.

The media reports say charges have been filed against Kasab and 13 other people after the country's Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) conducted a probe into the Mumbai attacks.

Islamabad has ordered the FIA probe after India alleged that the Mumbai attacks were plotted in Pakistan.

Currently, Kasab is in the custody of Mumbai police.

- Indiatimes Feb11, 2009

Atleast now mods delete this thread. It has been proved beyond doubt that India's allegation were true and so this 'refuation ****' has no ground.
I agree. Why is this thread a sticky? Is Zaid Hamid more credible than the Pakistani Government itself?
I agree. Why is this thread a sticky? Is Zaid Hamid more credible than the Pakistani Government itself?

When did the forum transfer rights to members to decide which thread should be sticky and which should not be?

There is no official word from government of Pakistan yet. Your calling mr Durrani who is no more in government and who also has a tainted reputation, could not be amount to government’s stance.

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