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Double standards in fighting terror

The white color in Pakistani flag represents minorities :pakistan:


DANDA be vahein diya huwa hai..

Farooq Maududi....Maulana Maududis son... those are his words...
Who is "we" and what do you have against the author?
I'm against the hypocrite OP of this thread first do something for Palestinians at least criticize israel for banning azan first.
I'm against the hypocrite OP of this thread -
Does it really matter who the messenger is? What would you do if a Pakistani had posted this article?
Farooq Maududi....Maulana Maududis son... those are his words...
I didnt know and believe me i never heard of this guy
Than it would've made some sense at least.
A Pakistani wrote the article. It appeared in a Pakistani newspaper. That isn't enough "sense" for you?
A Pakistani wrote the article. It appeared in a Pakistani newspaper. That isn't enough "sense" for you?
But the problem is it is being posted by a guy who only see all faults in Pakistan only never speaks against the ongoing genocide of Rohingiyas. I don't understand why an american jew is so much concerned about our minorities yet never utters a word for Palestinians.
But the problem is it is being posted by a guy who only see all faults in Pakistan -
Explain exactly why that's an issue. Don't you want Pakistan to be rid of its "faults", as you call them?
Explain exactly why that's an issue. Don't you want Pakistan to be rid of its "faults", as you call them?
I see you've very conveniently ignored the rest of my post good good coming to your question of course i want to what kind of question is that?
I didnt know and believe me i never heard of this guy
Kamran shahids show.... marvi sirmad,bishop,orya maqbool,JUI leader,Hoodboyand sqd leader middlecoats daughter mary were guests on it
We will take care of our minorities don't need concern of a hypocrite.

Who is "we" and what do you have against the author?

Don't be that dumb my non gentile bro

N sandy i didn't get the notification .

But the problem is it is being posted by a guy who only see all faults in Pakistan only never speaks against the ongoing genocide of Rohingiyas. I don't understand why an american jew is so much concerned about our minorities yet never utters a word for Palestinians.
It's pretty obvious that he gets paid for it bro
I link to proof, whereas all you have is an unsupported assertion. Our words and statements are not equal. You and I are not equals in how we treat what we write.
What is the proof you are talking about ? Where did I not provided logical and factual support where it was demanded ? Stop living in oblivion.
Our words and statement can never be equal because you are the only person on earth who comes from the world's biggest apartheid regimes which kills innocent babies and women using high technology state machinery, which force local population out of their homes, which denies the right of country to a population who provided you asylum against persecution. And yet, after supporting all these war crimes, you manage the guts to talk from intellectual high grounds upon others and rant about so-called persecution of minorities inside their country denying or (being unaware at all) from historical and political aspects of the events.
@Solomon2 Listen silly old man sometimes you post some good stuff and sometimes your senility kick in.

You suffer from same syndrome Indians do, you live in complete denial and an eschewed moral compass. I don't even want to go into how many Palestinian children have died. You have blood on your hands. I would urge you to dedicate your life you have left to repent for your sins or you will take it to the grave. When you close your eyes at night don't let the dead children's faces haunt you. Nobody deserves that.

Thankfully Pakistanis are intellectually capable enough now to handle this myopic bullshit that is spewed by holier than thou individuals in this world who think they know better but in reality are covered in childrens blood.We see through it all now. Go look in the mirror and understand what your society has become and perhaps then the penny will drop and you will start focusing on your own misdeeds which pale in comparison. No better than the APS terrorists who gunned down those children and no better than the Indian soldiers blinding and raping Kashmiri children.
Why not? Do you think Pakistan was established for the sake of Islam, or for peoples who called themselves Muslims?
Because Pakistan was created for Islam and people who are muslims ... Islam gives complete liberty to non.muslims to practice their religion ... However islam strictly forbit to malign itself ... I will have no objection with ahmadis if they stop calling them muslim and practice as a new religion ...

There are some basic beliefs of islam ... Very very basic ... Someone cant be muslim if dont believe on them ... One of them is Muhammad SAW is last prophet and Islam and Allahs relevation ends on him ... Contrary to this basic belief ahmadis belief that there leader Ahmad was prophet ... So how could they be muslim ...

It is similar if someone says i dont beleive in prophet moses but i am jew .. Or a chrisitan believing jesus is prophet but i am a jew ... Will you accept that ???

If not then why the whole world is forcing us to call ahmadis as muslims ?
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Because Pakistan was created for Islam and people who are muslims ...
The idea that Pakistan "was created for Islam" is a Zia-mandated perversion. Is it still being taught in Pakistan's schools?

What is the proof you are talking about ? Where did I not provided logical and factual support where it was demanded ?
Readers can check the thread record and see for themselves.

Our words and statement can never be equal because you are the only person on earth who comes from the world's biggest apartheid -.
These assertions are what's being called into question. Asserting them again gets you nowhere. Leaders who resort to this are either given the boot in democracies or targets of attempted assassination in dictatorships.

@Solomon2 Listen silly old man sometimes you post some good stuff and sometimes your senility kick in.
Um, thanks?

You suffer from same syndrome Indians do, you live in complete denial and an eschewed moral compass. I don't even want to go into how many Palestinian children have died. You have blood on your hands.
Of course I don't. Furthermore, it's very rare for ANY Zionists to have innocent blood on their hands, and those that do are sought out and prosecuted by Zionists themselves. If it wasn't for anti-Zionist crap spewed into your minds day and night from birth to death you'd probably wake up and realize that

I would urge you to dedicate your life you have left to repent for your sins or you will take it to the grave. When you close your eyes at night don't let the dead children's faces haunt you. Nobody deserves that.
I do think of the Jewish babies who have been blown up or had their heads smashed in by terrorists, accompanied by the indifference of many and the cheers of supremacist Muslims.

Thankfully Pakistanis are intellectually capable enough now to handle this myopic bullshit that is spewed by holier than thou individuals in this world who think they know better but in reality are covered in childrens blood.
How can you be confident of that when Pakistanis are forbidden by their educational establishment to counter any demeaning lies told about Israel?

We see through it all now. Go look in the mirror and understand what your society has become and perhaps then the penny will drop and you will start focusing on your own misdeeds which pale in comparison. No better than the APS terrorists -.
How can you pass moral judgments when you are determined to remain ignorant of the facts?

M2S, it is remarkable that this thread - which started from an article that has nothing to do with ZIonists or Israel - has become so Israel-focused. The author's point is for Pakistanis to look at their navels. Guys like you will do anything but. Why should you and your opinion, or your leadership., be respected in the slightest?
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