To politely reply. - QED - point proved, not from or by indiana or wherever else-
your trying to play games with the captions
Marrarastrian beat people who dont speak their launguage - isnt your national language Hindian?
some natinlaism that is.
- Shiv Sena party are at loggerheads with the RSS and other parties
- although the Shiv Sena ally with the Right wing than leftist pope parties like Con-g-RSS.
- They historically had a large number of Abyssianian mercanires helping their Empire (not Hindian nation)
I'm surprised no one quoted Sir Winston Churchill on this issue. comparing concept of IU to the equator.
- it seems in the current envronment there in IU
- if a Mr Jinnah ran in the next elections on issue of devolution and dissolution of IU Union
he would certainly win a large mandate if free & fair, and huge amount of the non-brahmin/non RSS protest vote ?
Afghania (not modern afghanistan republic) was historically around Pesh Khabur and is clearly documented as an outpost for the lost tribes of Israel who spoke Aramaic.
This includes
- Looks like someon bit off more vegan sugar-cane than they can suck or swallow ?
The additional nations are no lmited to but:
Turan- the Gokturk and Central Asian also hosted Lost tribes of Israel and formed Turkic and
- Genshis khan part of the hindian super race
balochistan - is colonial outpost of the Arabs and Baloch
- Are arabs part of the hindian super race.
As well as Greek-Macedoinian and some indegenous tribes.
- are Greeks part of the Hindian grand super race ?
Later in the day Oghus tribes, Mamlukes (circassians chenens etc) and Mongols expanded in this region.
- The manaic laugh on Putin's face when he hears this one joke of Circassains being part of Hindian super Race ..
As part of Brexit there are delusional people in FCO who think that there is a chance to rule a Greater Hindia.
The concept of Hindia was created there in the FCO office (colonioal office) and resisted by greats like Churchill.
The pseudo concept of idea of sub continent is flawed - there is no such thing a s sub-continent as homogenous ethnic people:
- this is an
english game play by Hindian academics to desperately hypehate Pakistan and Indian as one polity
..eventualy simply refering to it as indian sub contiment for ease and create a psychological concept
- e.g 1 cultural colonisation - most pakistanians refer to their culture and cuisine as indian:
- e.g 2 all tanned people including israelis italians & Greeks sometimes being referred to as bollywood !
In the minds of people to make them accept the domination of RSs type expansionist rather th
Modern Pakistan is actually the overspill of old afghania...
The actual argument should be why is afghania split into three - 4 countries
- in this regard the Obama hyphenation is more correct - Af-Pak
The most justifiable concept for the Indian Union is the Maha-Bharat chronicles and epics of Ashoka
This has been recognised bt the forces of the RSS who ibn their various manifestations use this as the basis, of synthesising racism with relgion and colour and caste supremacy
(ie disgusting idology like Hitler.)
- Lighter skinned straighter haired Brahmin/babylonian from Iraq needing to conquered darker skin tamils/ curly haired dravids.
Pseudo-Religious - Ethno-supremacist cult movement not the same as an Ethnically homogenous Nation state movement.
The issue here is the Colonial patronised oligarchy in Pakistan Punjab and Sind , Bhutto dynsty and their likes forming the Civil establishment- buraucracy/Feudal class
- this clique use sindi and punjabi natinalism to brainwash people into the RSS ideology - and they are very anti-semetic, they are the most favourable elements to an enosis to form greater Hindian.
They have been unreliable to both their state, their neighbours and colonial patrons..
This is the reason why pakistanians are not able to de-hyphenate themselves from H-Indian Union
nor shake off their image.
This is why they srpread anti-semitism to distract you from their disinformation campaign.
Since this being the case they use the idea of and hyphenated india-pakistan conlict and dispute to keep the idea of indian alive
same way they stop israel from becoming a Religious country, and keeping secular israel alive by hyphenating israel with secualr palestine... hency Benjy franklin bills, lover bibi is happy for this designation.
We are Religous states of Israel Judea and Samaria not some russian secular h*m*sexuals hiding behind the state.
Pradoxiacally - ironaically - The idea of Hindian is kept alive by Pakistanan.
these conspiracies of holy cruade of hindian is also proporaged to ensure the term hindian is spread far and wide.
as soon as pakistanian identify with central asia and middle east Centric, you will start to see that the more disntergrations of the hindian union will occur as Nations tend to rise up for their ethnic rights.
Rajiv Gandhi got his dose of Hindian Nationalism from the Tamils, as did the Sikhs.
Sind = was the originally location of indus valley civilisation, wiped out by nature/act of G-D.
very small region compared to today. alsmost micro province.
Gangetic region = seperate civilisation. again not homogenous.
However Sankrit scripture and Santa Darma made its homeson the Ganges in Varanasi.
this led to cultural appropriation and religous appropriation of various pagan rituals, being referred to by outsiders as hindian
- as the invasions in general came from the western passes toward the east ie encoutered sind river first before the ganges rivers
via linguistic domination pro-colonial/hindian Imeprialists used the english language techniques
In media, and international legal sphere to bind together and Indian union by a hyphenating it to a Pakistanian boogeyman.
No boogey man no need to "..unite.."
thats enough for now otherwise risk another ban for talking about feudals..