forget indian companies seeking bailouts from china, the way the indian debt is rising, china will have to bailout the entire indian economy.
i mean we are being asked to bailout europe, we have been bailing out the american economy with over $1.1 trillion over the past decade. next will be bailing out india.
not to mention we have lent more money to the developing world than the entire world bank(which is their main reason to exist).
the world need our financing, our consumer markets, our direct investments, our tourists.
in a few years, the world will be asking for chinese civilian technologies, in fact already in some areas(renewable, high-speed rail, shipbuilding, etc), many countries want our technology. then the world will be asking to hold our currency(renminbi). We already export our military technology.
our financing, consumer markets, direct investments, tourists, civilian technology, currency and military technology will increase our power and political influence in the world.