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Don’t delay Light Combat Aircraft project: Anthony to DRDO


Jun 24, 2012
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Don’t delay Light Combat Aircraft project: Anthony to DRDO


Defence minister A K Antony on Wednesday directed the DRDO to ensure that the operational deadlines for the Tejas Light Combat Aircraft, first sanctioned 30 years to replace the ageing MiG-21s, are not delayed yet again.

Addressing the parliamentary consultative committee on defence, Antony said the under-development indigenous fighter’s initial operational clearance (IOC) planned for next month and the final operational clearance (FOC) in December 2014 should be “completed on schedule”.

With DRDO currently handling as many as 532 projects, the minister asked DRDO to “mainly concentrate on high-end research, particularly in critical and strategic areas”. DRDO should invest more time and resources in fundamental research, lay more emphasis on major mission-mode programmes for the armed forces and pool together resources and talent available in academic and other R&D institutions, he said.

The long-running developmental sagas of the Tejas fighter and Arjun main-battle tank have come to symbolize the huge delays and cost-overruns dogging virtually all major projects of DRDO. While the MPs lauded DRDO’s success in the field of missiles, they were “bitterly critical” of the delay in such projects.

As earlier reported by TOI, the single-engine Tejas is unlikely to become fully combat-worthy anytime before end-2015. When the Tejas project was first sanctioned in 1983, the initial project cost was pegged at Rs 560 crore. The overall programme will now cost upwards of Rs 25,000 crore if the naval variant, trainer and the failed Kaveri engine are also taken into account.

It was in January 2011 that Tejas got IOC-I, which was initially heralded as the “full and final IOC” by the combine of DRDO, Aeronautical Development Agency and Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd till better sense prevailed. The fighter can be certified as fully airworthy only after it passes the IOC-II stage.

The light-weight Tejas will be ready to go to war only after the FOC, which will include integration of all weapons and other systems to ensure it can fire guns, rockets, laser-guided bombs and BVR (beyond visual range) missiles as well as undergo air-to-air refuelling.

Link - http://idrw.org/?p=29007
This project is so behind schedule its not even funny anymore. I am kind of surprised the LCA programe hasn't been scrapped in favour of the AMCA or more MMRCA purchases. Only time will tell if this fighter is ever inducted. Building this capability has cost allot of pilots lives and allot of time and money with few tangible results so far.
This project is so behind schedule its not even funny anymore. I am kind of surprised the LCA programe hasn't been scrapped in favour of the AMCA or more MMRCA purchases. Only time will tell if this fighter is ever inducted. Building this capability has cost allot of pilots lives and allot of time and money with few tangible results so far.
The problem is that they can't get out of the project because HAL doesn't want to accept the failure of the project and the IAF is on HAL's neck for their different views. At this point the project should be continued as a tech. demo. and the attention should be shifted towards probably MKII or for AMCA.
China has matured tech regarding DSI intake, how about ask help from us?
This aircraft will completely loose its utility when ready for induction, now DRDO shall utilize the experience gained in this aircraft on some other project. There would be token induction of Tejas in IAF at the most

Pathetic display by DRDO even after having foreign engine, its 3 decades and tejas not yet battle ready

and when enemies flourish?o_O

LCA mark-2 would be effective against many fighters like fc-1, j-10 etc. 
We need lost of avionics hike, like AESA and 360 degree Radar coverage like PAK-FA, the side radar and also tail radar; and also like F-35 the distributed aperture system (DAS) etc.
This aircraft will completely loose its utility when ready for induction, now DRDO shall utilize the experience gained in this aircraft on some other project. There would be token induction of Tejas in IAF at the most

Pathetic display by DRDO even after having foreign engine, its 3 decades and tejas not yet battle ready

Not true. The IAF will have to operate a very sizeable fleet of LCAs to maintain squadron strength. How else do you propose to replace the 350+ aircrafts to be retired in the next 7 years?
Not true. The IAF will have to operate a very sizeable fleet of LCAs to maintain squadron strength. How else do you propose to replace the 350+ aircrafts to be retired in the next 7 years?[


It might have to be inducted but it won't be ready before end 2015, that's a very frustrating delay
Yes the delays are frustrating, for sure. Ideally they should have entered service before 2010. But your statement that there will only be token orders is wrong. The IAF will defeinitely operate more than 200 of these in different blocks eventually. Not to mention 50+ by the navy. Considering that the IAF has operated only 60 mirages and 70 mig-29s, that is by no means a token figure.

Only mig-21s and MKIs would have served in larger numbers. As for the IN, they will operate more LCAs than any other aircraft.
Indians can't make their own fighter jets,not even with TOT and foreign assistances in person。

Come to think of it,Indians can't even produce their own rifles or guns。

India is a poor country with limited foreign reserves,yet it is forced to buy unreliable Russian hardwares or expensive American/European weapons,which has the added side-effect of stifling the development of domestic arms industry。
Indians can't make their own fighter jets,not even with TOT and foreign assistances in person。

Come to think of it,Indians can't even produce their own rifles or guns。

India is a poor country with limited foreign reserves,yet it is forced to buy unreliable Russian hardwares or expensive American/European weapons,which has the added side-effect of stifling the development of domestic arms industry。

welcome ! you were being missed
Indians can't make their own fighter jets,not even with TOT and foreign assistances in person。

Come to think of it,Indians can't even produce their own rifles or guns。

India is a poor country with limited foreign reserves,yet it is forced to buy unreliable Russian hardwares or expensive American/European weapons,which has the added side-effect of stifling the development of domestic arms industry。
Ahhh the troll is back .
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