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Don’t fight 1962 all over again

Good idea; do we congratulate you? Is this the first one you have come up with?

The social niceties apart, please act on this understanding.

Please wait. Please wait at a considerable distance. Please restrict your interaction, and the interaction of those with your somewhat perverted bent of mind, to wise observations on a friendly forum, and wise exchanges on your TV channels. Please do not send hundreds of tourists who melt into the countryside; you may have noticed that in the teeth of the terrible state of the minorities that you have brought to public notice, the traffic is uniformly in one direction, with pole vaults by one nationality, with friendship rail or bus tickets by the other. The other use marine passage only when they wish to lighten the Indian burden of an excessive population, in the interests of India, of course.

If you have nothing to do because of this unwonted idleness, you might like to write about the IVC. It might interest others with similar, long stretches of time on their hands to learn that miraculously, that civilisation, which the world thought to have disappeared without trace, has been resurrected in the pages of PDF. The world will be delighted to welcome back those wise, peace loving people interested in trade and commerce, and without any traces of war-mongering, with no weapons found, or instruments of war, back into its midst as the people of Pakistan. A great step remains to be taken; it is clear that participating in the taking of this step will mark out the ideologues responsible for eternal glory and at least 36 grapes if not 72.

Perhaps it is premature, but they are giving the Nobel Peace Prize to the most singular candidates nowadays. Would it not be sweet vindication to have it around your neck, and to prove to the world that Pakistan is worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize? Even the Chinese would envy you; it has not yet been possible to introduce turtle blood into the competition for a Nobel gold.

oho ..... aap ne aisay hi ghussa kar diya - this was just to cheer things up as the comments being pasted were in walk-sleep-walk mode.

What I really needed was your comments on my post at No. 37.

Relax ..... :)
I do not think that the Chinese would have to reincarnate another 62. The Indians are doing it unto themselves.

They have over 140 armed secessionist groups operating in India.

Their security forces have killed hundreds of thousands on innocents from their own minorities.

They have destroyed their places of worship on regular intervals.

They have not been able to provide relief provisioned even in Indian constitution to many groups of people.

Even within shouting presence of Indian security forces, the secessionist groups have formed their own independent governments, run their own judiciary, bureaucracy and even their own organized armies.

The Chinese just need to wait and let India crumble under its own weight, which it can not carry.

Normally such states either are close to becoming failed states or have become failed states but tend to just dither.

140 Group ? does not matter, most of them are alive because of political support.

in my state U.P. more then 47% are from these minorities and we face 6-7 riots in last 6 month in U.P. and trust me these minorities have much rights then rest countrymen.
On Kashmir- just becz some people breeding in huge no. then it's not mean that that particular state ll belongs to them. India belongs to those people who support the people who faught for freedom not for some people who have their personal interests.

Worships place ? are you talking about all temple were destroyed ?

Which group ?

Where ?

If China wants this then they have to wait forever. In India people may hate each other but when it comes to country, they are united, and they ll come together to fight ( at least except these minorities )
1962 is past. 50 year old issue. No need to discuss about this. India can protect herself from any external or internal threats specially from slaves.
140 Group ? does not matter, most of them are alive because of political support.

in my state U.P. more then 47% are from these minorities and we face 6-7 riots in last 6 month in U.P. and trust me these minorities have much rights then rest countrymen.
On Kashmir- just becz some people breeding in huge no. then it's not mean that that particular state ll belongs to them. India belongs to those people who support the people who faught for freedom not for some people who have their personal interests.

Worships place ? are you talking about all temple were destroyed ?

Which group ?

Where ?

If China wants this then they have to wait forever. In India people may hate each other but when it comes to country, they are united, and they ll come together to fight ( at least except these minorities )
1962 is past. 50 year old issue. No need to discuss about this. India can protect herself from any external or internal threats specially from slaves.

I agree with you in one context, that 1962 would not be repeated again. It would not because India does not have the political will and the military capability to carryout a repeat of 1962. I hope you know that it was India that provoked the Chinese and that the Chinese responded to Indian aggression.
I agree with you in one context, that 1962 would not be repeated again. It would not because India does not have the political will and the military capability to carryout a repeat of 1962. I hope you know that it was India that provoked the Chinese and that the Chinese responded to Indian aggression.

i am surprised you underestimate us so much, despite the results of all wars you fought with us
i am surprised you underestimate us so much, despite the results of all wars you fought with us

Nope. It is not underestimation. It is a statement of fact.

Except for 1971, the categorization of outcome of various wars can be discussed. I do not agree with what you imply therein.
I agree with you in one context, that 1962 would not be repeated again. It would not because India does not have the political will and the military capability to carryout a repeat of 1962. I hope you know that it was India that provoked the Chinese and that the Chinese responded to Indian aggression.

My reply was not about to defend my country political and military capability. What i know is my country military power is enough to face any challenge and with time it ll increase only. And most imp. our military interest is not to invade any country, this is about to defend our country and people from any kind of threat.

We faced 1962 just because of some stupid politicians, who always put them self over anything. but this is 50 old issue now.

And bro India is not weak, our politicians are weak and corrupts like yours
Nope. It is not underestimation. It is a statement of fact.

Except for 1971, the categorization of outcome of various wars can be discussed. I do not agree with what you imply therein.

How many of us have seen these war in our life ? whatever we know from history. and history always remembers the war not blood. For us India defended herself very well with less human life casualties by gaining much territory in our worst time. no of lost planes etc does not matter.

India is not same any more and if you thing India is bad country to bro tum ko ur 90K POW sahi salamat na mile hote. jaise tum logo ne 1999 me kiya tha , us haal me hote sab.
My reply was not about to defend my country political and military capability. What i know is my country military power is enough to face any challenge and with time it ll increase only. And most imp. our military interest is not to invade any country, this is about to defend our country and people from any kind of threat.

We faced 1962 just because of some stupid politicians, who always put them self over anything. but this is 50 old issue now.

And bro India is not weak, our politicians are weak and corrupts like yours

You need to understand the polemics of power potential of a country before stating frivolities.

Don't express yourself like a roadside chaye wala dhaba owner discussing politico-military aspects.

How many of us have seen these war in our life ? whatever we know from history. and history always remembers the war not blood. For us India defended herself very well with less human life casualties by gaining much territory in our worst time. no of lost planes etc does not matter.

India is not same any more and if you thing India is bad country to bro tum ko ur 90K POW sahi salamat na mile hote. jaise tum logo ne 1999 me kiya tha , us haal me hote sab.

Arrey akal ke andhay, jahaz istimal hi nahin huey us jang mein.

Yaar tum kon hai bhei aur kidhar se aa gya hai.
You need to understand the polemics of power potential of a country before stating frivolities.

Don't express yourself like a roadside chaye wala dhaba owner discussing politico-military aspects.

It's like some of these people are running your country from 1947.

btw how many fair " politico- military aspects " you have seen here ?
It's like some of these people are running your country from 1947.

btw how many fair " politico- military aspects " you have seen here ?

You are the only one who is fair coloured. Must have landed with the Aryans.
Arrey akal ke andhay, jahaz istimal hi nahin huey us jang mein.

Yaar tum kon hai bhei aur kidhar se aa gya hai.

Do you have lost your common sense or what ?
bachpan se hi aise ho ya baad me aise ho gye ho tum ?

this replay was for your this comment " Except for 1971, the categorization of outcome of various wars can be discussed. "
and i think we used plane at least in some war ?
You need to understand the polemics of power potential of a country before stating frivolities.

India's power potential is limited, I can agree with that and is probably much lower than that of China. India's army is solely for defensive purposes at this point. So I dont myself foresee anything similar to 1962 happening ever again. It was Nehru's forward policy that caused that war. Although that war was still a political victory for us because it caused a dent in image for China, internationally primarily due to the cold war. Today, it is long forgotten history, a 50 yr old history.

Anyway you have to understand how politically and militarily weak Pakistan is today especially after having been exposed multiple times for harboring terrorists and destabilizing the region. The only thing you can rely on is mutually assured destruction because of your nuclear arsenal. At a time when Chinese-Indian relations were at their worst, China refused to attack India. Today after 45 years of not a single shot being fired across the border, increasing trade relations, everyone including China knows that India is militarily and politically more powerful than Pakistan. That is the truth.

So whenever you argue about geo-politics dont take your friendships with China literally. China wont fight your wars and risk its growth. You will always find yourself alone, so when it comes to Pakistan-India relations and geo politics, Pakistan lacks any military power projection capability or political credibility for that matter. When it comes to India and China, China definitely projects more power militarily, but more countries will be equally willing to work with India as with China. Especially Korea, Japan, Singapore and certain other South east Asian nations. The countries that side with China will be the ones bordering India. Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan etc., These are however, miniscule powers that dont really have that much of a voice in international politics compared to India.

Oh and BTW, as for India crumbling, disintegrating etc., The right time to force that to happen, has long gone. You should have done it pre-liberalization. You should have done it in the 1960s when the Khalistan movement, the Tamil Nationalism movement etc were quite strong. Today, most have integrated. Yes we do have cries for separatism every now and then, but people are starting to understand the importance of the Indian Union. Tamil Nationalism, the Khalistan movement etc has mostly ended. Today people take pride in India's development so there is more unity than before. Your reliance on these 140 armed secessionist and other separatist movements, and your inclination to actually "wait" in false hope for something disastrous to happen to India is in itself telling. About your frustration and your ineptness whether it be in power projection or playing effective geo-politics.
oho ..... aap ne aisay hi ghussa kar diya - this was just to cheer things up as the comments being pasted were in walk-sleep-walk mode.

What I really needed was your comments on my post at No. 37.

Relax ..... :)

Which part of my post seemed angry? I am resting in bed, writing this stuff, after two hectic weeks traveling, and do not have the energy to be angry.:no:
India's power potential is limited, I can agree with that and is probably much lower than that of China. India's army is solely for defensive purposes at this point. So I dont myself foresee anything similar to 1962 happening ever again. It was Nehru's forward policy that caused that war. Although that war was still a political victory for us because it caused a dent in image for China, internationally primarily due to the cold war. Today, it is long forgotten history, a 50 yr old history.

Anyway you have to understand how politically and militarily weak Pakistan is today especially after having been exposed multiple times for harboring terrorists and destabilizing the region. The only thing you can rely on is mutually assured destruction because of your nuclear arsenal. At a time when Chinese-Indian relations were at their worst, China refused to attack India. Today after 45 years of not a single shot being fired across the border, increasing trade relations, everyone including China knows that India is militarily and politically more powerful than Pakistan. That is the truth.

So whenever you argue about geo-politics dont take your friendships with China literally. China wont fight your wars and risk its growth. You will always find yourself alone, so when it comes to Pakistan-India relations and geo politics, Pakistan lacks any military power projection capability or political credibility for that matter. When it comes to India and China, China definitely projects more power militarily, but more countries will be equally willing to work with India as with China. Especially Korea, Japan, Singapore and certain other South east Asian nations. The countries that side with China will be the ones bordering India. Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan etc., These are however, miniscule powers that dont really have that much of a voice in international politics compared to India.

A Indian that admits that the 1962 war started because of Nehru's forward policy. :woot:
From you're writing it seems that India is in the same position as China, that it has a lot of tensions with countries in its own region. I don't want to see a war between India and Pakistan and i certainly don't want to see a war between China and India. I think in the case there is going to be a war between India and Pakistan that China won't fight a war for Pakistan but that China would help Pakistan by increasing the number of troops on its border with India and tight down hundreds of thousands of Indian troops and thousands of tanks and hundreds of planes that then can't be thrown into the battle.
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