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Domestic & Social Crimes [Mob/ Vigilante justice] Thread

Some Idiots will come up with their Conspiracy theory about Allama Muhammad Iqbal.

Tagging with a big name to get fake publicity is now old school grow up.
Some of the comments on this thread are quite disturbing jinnah would be rolling in his grave if he saw what a hate filled nation pakistan has become didn't he advocate equal right for ALL minorities ? i don't recall he ever singled out ahmadis for different treatment !
Anyway let them believe what they want you don't need to accept them as muslims you will still have your same old beliefs. I understand you think it's wrong for them to call themselves muslims but just consider them as it's own seperate religion not part of islam but give them equal rights.
If they are pakistanis then they deserve the same treatment as any other pakistani citizen regardless of their religion and isn't that the duty of an islamic state anyway to provide protection for ALL minorities ?
The hypocrisy amongst pakistanis is amazing crying for palestinians while openly encouraging apartheid/deportation against a group of people based solely on their religion.........disgusting really :disagree:
Some of the comments on this thread are quite disturbing jinnah would be rolling in his grave if he saw what a hate filled nation pakistan has become didn't he advocate equal right for ALL minorities ? i don't recall he ever singled out ahmadis for different treatment !
Anyway let them believe what they want you don't need to accept them as muslims you will still have your same old beliefs. I understand you think it's wrong for them to call themselves muslims but just consider them as it's own seperate religion not part of islam but give them equal rights.
If they are pakistanis then they deserve the same treatment as any other pakistani citizen regardless of their religion and isn't that the duty of an islamic state anyway to provide protection for ALL minorities ?
The hypocrisy amongst pakistanis is amazing crying for palestinians while openly encouraging apartheid/deportation against a group of people based solely on their religion.........disgusting really :disagree:

I dont care about what they believe but what i do care about is that they Must not involve in Anti Pakistan Activities as it gives our enemies a breeding ground on our own soil by our own citizens.

Go through my previous posts , WTF Pakistani Ahmadis are doing in Israli millitary ???

Our Passports don't allow treaveling to the Zionist state , neither our constitution recognoizes them as a Country.

Everyone having polices which contradict our Constitution must be punished and this is how state works.

They give up their Anti Pakistan activities today they would be recognoized as "Loyal" citizens tomorrow.

is it hard to Understand ?:pakistan:
I dont care about what they believe but what i do care about is that they Must not involve in Anti Pakistan Activities as it gives our enemies a breeding ground on our own soil by our own citizens.

Go through my previous posts , WTF Pakistani Ahmadis are doing in Israli millitary ???

Our Passports don't allow treaveling to the Zionist state , neither our constitution recognoizes them as a Country.

Everyone having polices which contradict our Constitution must be punished and this is how state works.

They give up their Anti Pakistan activities today they would be recognoized as "Loyal" citizens tomorrow.

is it hard to Understand ?:pakistan:

I totally agree with you Mr Black Blood. Ahmadis not only betrayed Islam but our country too. I saw many Ahmadis taking asylum in European countries saying that they are muslims and are facing persecution in Pakistan. They brought disgrace to our country.:angry:

I totally agree with you Mr Black Blood. Ahmadis not only betrayed Islam but our country too. I saw many Ahmadis taking asylum in European countries saying that they are muslims and are facing persecution in Pakistan. They brought disgrace to our country.:angry:


We are nobody to judge them upon their believes as it is already been done.

What we are concerned about is their Anti state (Pakistan) activities , them participating in Israeli Army is a big NO NO.

I want them to live in co existance with peace with other Minorities and Muslims in particular But only if they stop Harming Pakistan from With in.

I am not Generalizing all Ahamdis as Traitors but they do have a lot of them who would do anything to get this Nation under havok.

Simply They are welcomed as normal citizens but their Anti pakistan activities are NOT.:pakistan:

Following Comments will Clarify my Whole View point.

This is not about freedom of opinion - this forum will not allow anyone freedom of opinion to insult and abuse another community, be it Muslim, Hindu, Ahmadi or what have you.

Ahmadis are Pakistanis like the rest of us, and there should be no restriction on how they practice their faith. It is in fact a shame that we have open prejudice against Ahmadis in our laws. Whether they are a cult or not is for Allah to decide, and if they want to spread their message (so long as it is non-violent) we should allow it and people have the choice to listen and accept it or reject it.

For a long time the US condoned slavery, just because something is in the constitution does not make it acceptable - as Pakistanis we have the right and the obligation to protest black laws such as the ones against Ahmadis.

True indeed.

I am trying to avoid the "Religious" Fregment as much as i can and Focusing on what is in our constitution (Even i don't agree with that fully) But us being citizens have an obligation to defend it.

I believe in Full freedom of expression for All communities in Pakistan as Islam asks is to listen to everyone but sir you Must accept that those involved in Anti Pakistan activities are not included.

Gone the days when Pakistan faced secterianism and i am optimistic it will continue towards Mutual understanding and respect for each other's faith.

My concern is NOT what they believe and i do not care about it neither i have to because me being a Human and a Muslim is no body to judge people on their Faiths as i can't neither i am allowed to.

I am responsible for my own faith so is everyone else , But the Issues i have with Qadiyanis are purely based upon their Anti Pakistani Activities and not Religious Based.

My mate lives in Chaniot which is right next to Rabwah and he Provided some information about how the dual passport holders bring money to anti state elements and those who defy our constitution.

I have posted a Link from an Israeli General's book who claimed that we have over 600 Pakistani Qadiyanis in Israeli Army and this is what concerns me that our citizens are Serving in a force which is commiting a slow genoside of Humans on daily basis and those Who Tried to Attack our Nuclear facilities .

In the end i would say that please Close this discussion as it is done.

Thanks & God bless.

I dont have left anymore Business in this Thread , Good Bye from me:wave:
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But they "Ahmedis" have corrupted our religion and their activities cannot be acceptable to the majoritty of Muslims.

How have Ahmadi's corrupted your religion?

Did they sneak some pork into your breakfast? Did they sneak into your home and alter the Quran?

Isn't the fact that you are not an Ahmadi proof that they have in fact not corrupted your religion?

If some people agree with their message, they can accept them, if some don't, they can reject them.

It isn't really up to you or anyone else to determine whose faith is valid and whose faith is not. Mind your own business, and let the Ahmadis live their life as they see fit. Have some respect for the beliefs of others and their rights to live without being subjected to discrimination and prejudice.
i believe that ahmedis should be given equal rights as other minorities!

HOWEVER, they should first come out & state that they have nothing to do with islam! islam ended at prophet MOHAMMED (p.b.u.h) the problem about ahmedis which make people object to them is the following:

# That the prophecies concerning the second coming of Jesus were metaphorical in nature and not literal, and that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad fulfilled in his person these prophecies and the second advent of Jesus, that he was the promised Mahdi and Messiah.[24]
# The continuation of divine revelation. Although the Qur'an is the final message of God for mankind, He continues to communicate with his chosen individuals in the same way he is believed to have done in the past. All of God's attributes are eternal.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community believes that Muhammad brought prophethood to perfection and was the last law-bearing prophet and the apex of man’s spiritual evolution. New prophets can come but they must be subordinate to Muhammad and cannot exceed him in excellence nor alter his teaching or bring any new law or religion

i am sorry but this last part cannot be tolerated by any muslim regardless of his/her sect.

if you are a muslim you have to believe that the last PROPHET if islam was Mohammed (p.b.u.h)
How have Ahmadi's corrupted your religion?

Did they sneak some pork into your breakfast? Did they sneak into your home and alter the Quran?

Isn't the fact that you are not an Ahmadi proof that they have in fact not corrupted your religion?

If some people agree with their message, they can accept them, if some don't, they can reject them.

It isn't really up to you or anyone else to determine whose faith is valid and whose faith is not. Mind your own business, and let the Ahmadis live their life as they see fit. Have some respect for the beliefs of others and their rights to live without being subjected to discrimination and prejudice.

Yes they did alter the Religion in the First Place & this is why we Put a Line in between them and us.

Now they are a Different Religion thus subject to be called a Minority and have access to all rights that minorities enjoy.

Me , Zaki , you or anyone can't judge them upon their believes.

Please consider this Report.

The followers of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian are called Qadianis or Abmadis, whether they may regard him as a real Prophet; or a ‘Zilli or Buroozi’ (through rebirth according to Hindus’ reincarnation) Prophet; as the ‘Masih Mau’ud; a reformer; (Muhaddas) (one who talks with God), Hazrat Ibrahim, Sri Krishna, even God. Whatever may they regard him, they are invariably non-Muslims, rather traitors, both to Islam and to the Millat-e-Islamiyah. But they fraudulently claim to be one of the Muslim sects like the Hanafis, the Malikis, the Shafies and the Hanbalis, who are undoubtedly pristine and puritan Muslims. There is not an iota of truth in the Qadianis’ such fraudulent claims. This is a worst type of fraud on their part, motivated to misguide the simple-minded Muslims. The Qadianis are unanimously held by the recognised authorities of Islam to be non-Muslims, and not a Muslim sect, whether they may belong to the ‘Rabwa group or to the ‘Lahore’ group. Both groups are non-Muslims.

[In the 19th Century] Indian Muslims rallied in thousands under the banner of revolt [Jehad] raised by the great Syed [Ahmed Shaheed]. Not unduly, the British masters were perturbed by the upsurge. In Sudan, Sheikh Mohammad Ahmad gave the call of Jehad and Mehdism which rattled the Western imperialists. They knew that if the spark was allowed to blaze forth it would become uncontrollable. And, then, they saw the Pan-Islamic movement of Syed Jamaluddin Afghani gaining in popularity. The threat that all this spelt for their colonial structure was too obvious to be ignored. The only way to hold them [Muslims] in check was, thus, to make use of their religious susceptibilities... Mirza Ghulam Ahmad who was a victim of frustration and mental unrest and wanted very much to be the founder of a new faith so that he, too, may have devotees and followers and his name, also went down in history like that of the Prophet Mohammad (Peace be on him), was picked up by the British Government to fulfill the mission. No one could be more suited to work among the Muslims towards that objective.

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad launched his endeavour with great alacrity. At first he laid claim to the station of a Renovators - then promoted himself and declared that he was Imam Mehdi, after some time the glad tidings of being the Promised Messiah reached him and, finally, he was the Prophet. The design of the British masters had been put into effect. It had been carried out admirably! The Mirza played his part very well and nothing was left wanting by way of British patronage also. His security and protection was looked after with care and diligence and all sorts of facilities were made available to him. The Qadiani, on his side, was not an ungrateful soul. He never forgot the favours conferred by the Government nor tired of proclaiming that his advancement was solely due to its benevolence. In one of his articles he declares himself to be a “seedling of the British Government,” and makes a display of his unswerving faithfulness in these words:

“The greater part of my life has been spent in supporting and defending the British Government. I have written so many books regarding the prohibition of Jehad and loyalty to the British that, were they to be gathered together, they would fill fifty almirahs. I have distributed these books in all countries: Arabia, Egypt, Syria, Kabul and Rum.’

At another place, the Mirza writes:

“From my early age till now when I am about sixty years old, I have been engaged with my pen and tongue in an important task: to turn the hearts of Muslims towards true love, goodwill and sympathy for the British Government, and to obliterate the idea of Jehad from the hearts of the less wise among them, since these stand in the way of sincerity and frank and honest mutual relations”

The movement of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad furnished excellent spies, faithful friends and sell-sacrificing agents to the British Government. Some of his followers did yeomen service to it, both in India and abroad, and did not hesitate even to shed their blood for its sake, such as Abdul Latif Qadiani who was an enthusiastic preacher of the Qadiani faith in Afghanistan and [who] also did his best to refute the concept of Jehad. He was executed by the Afghan Government because it was feared that the kind of preaching he indulged in would drive out from the Afghans the spirit of valour for which they were known all over the world. In the same way, Mulla Abdul Halim Qadiani and Mulla Nur Ali Qadiani were executed in Afghanistan, for certain papers were found in their possession which proved that they were the agents and spies of the British and their job was to conspire against the Afghan Government, as is apparent from the statement issued by the Minister of Interior of Afghanistan in 1925, and the official organ of the Qadiani movement, Al-Fazl, too, has published this statement in its issue of March 3, 1925, and displayed this event as an act of glowing self-sacrifice!

The Qadiani community, in sum, kept strictly away from all nationalist movements, from its inception. It took no part in the struggle for freedom, neither during the lifetime of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, nor after his death. What is more, it took pleasure in the injustices and atrocities perpetrated by the Western Imperialists on the Islamic World. The Qadianis remained completely indifferent to all-popular endeavours of the Muslims, and to the problems and movements which sprang from Islamic consciousness. Their sole concern was to engage in religious polemics and make minute distinctions in argument or issues like the death of the Messiah, the life of the Messiah, the descension of the Messiah and the Apostleship of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad.

[Brief extracts from “Qadianism - A Critique”, by S. Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi, published by Young Mens ‘s Muslim Association, P. O.Box 18594, Actonville, 1506, South Africa.]
A Tale of the Underground Activities of the Qadianis
As the 2nd half of the 20th century passed, rays of hope dawned for the Muslim world. Islam in the last was set free from the shackles of colonial administration. Along with it, ahead of a deep religious consciousness, the wave of cultural and intellectual alertness flowed (emerged). But immediately, weapons were checked anew from the other side and new snares were laid for the Muslims. Conspiracies were made. Extraordinary dexterities (measures) were adopted, so much so that, now, after approximately 50 years, at the end of the century, Muslims are surrounded by trials and tests from all sides.

A trial from amongst these very frightful trials is the infidelistic movement of Qadianism, which our society has become the running target of. This evil (of Qadianism) is spreading very rapidly in most of the countries of the world. The manner in which this movement is being propagated, is also astonishing. On the other hand, the simplicity with which efforts are being made to confront it, leaves one’s mind and intellect compelled to say,

‘Look at your own simplicity
But look at the craftiness of others too. Yahya Nu’mani’

After adjudging the Qadianis as non-Muslims, the Muslim World has resolved to relieve themselves from the incumbent responsibility of casting a watchful eye over the external and secret activities of the Qadianis, whereas, after the historical decision of 1974, the responsibilities of Muslim organizations — Islamic governments in particular -had increased. The duty of keeping a strict observation of the underground activities of the Qadianis and to render unsuccessful their plans against Islamic governments ought to have continued, but sadly, that has not happened and the severe consequences thereof are now surfacing.

According to some reports, an organized and arranged network of the Qadianis is existent in approximately 150 countries of the world. In fact, Mirza Tahir Ahmed has received a VIP protocol (status) in all non-Islamic countries which (in certain countries, is no less than a Protocol which some Heads of State receive). In 1989, the Ahmadiyya sect celebrated their centenary festival in Pakistan and all over the world, during which their objectives throughout the world were surveyed and their goals for the next 25 years were ascertained.

…In 1983/84, when a detailed report regarding the activities of the Qadianis was presented to General Zia-ul-Haq, he discreetly began an urgent move (covert operation), the aim of which was to remove Qadiani appointments from the army, secret institutions, bureaucracy, NGO’s, embassies, communications, Foreign Department, television, radio and other key posts. A few members were removed from the army on the basis of contravening the disciplinary code, but after a list of the remaining persons was prepared, it was unable to be executed. According to some reports, currently (too) there are Qadianis present in all the mentioned departments (stated earlier). In the meanwhile, a group, “the Movement to preserve the finality of Prophethood” had also prepared an agenda, but due to various reasons, even a minimal percentage of that was not acted upon.

Included amongst the designs, aims and objectives of the “Movement to preserve the finality of Prophethood” — as recorded in their booklet - are these two important points too (which are probably in the grade of not having been acted upon):

• Along new lines, utilizing the electronic and print media in future, to forestall the activities of the Qadianis against Islam and the state.
• Setting up centers in different cities to keep a watchful eye over the Qadianis.

It is also necessary to mention here, this bitter fact, that when the previous Pakistani Government had to encounter (confront) the worst and most menacing sectarian revolution in history in the first few months of coming into power, the secretariat of the Inspector General of the police, along with all secret and sensitive institutions, submitted written reports to the government that several Qadiani organizations too have a hand in further fanning the religious sectarian revolution in Pakistan. Doubts were even raised about the existence of Qadiani persons in the Prime Minister’s office, secretariat. Foreign Ministry, Interior Ministry, the close circles and aides of the Prime Minister and their important officers, which was a security risk. Those who had the power to submit a report, pointed out the basic cause of the mutiny and discord, but those who had the power to enforce the report, remained advisedly silent and the matter was squashed. These are the very same expediencies which are harming Pakistan.

In 1989, on the occasion of the centenary celebrations, with reference to the good work of the century, the Qadianis distributed a voluminous magazine amongst their members, wherein was recorded important Qadiani centers in 120 countries and details of their network of propagation (tabligh). According to recent reports, formal fixed centers and lower constitutional institutions are found in 150 countries, to which have been entrusted the responsibility of different continents.

Under the supervision of Mirza Tahir Ahmed, included amongst the countries wherein important centers of the Qadianis are in operation, are - in particular - countries like, Liberia, Ghana, Gambia, Indonesia, Techiman, Fiji, Ivory Coast, London, Glasgow, Frankfurt (Germany), Senegal, Sweden, Amsterdam (Holland), Bangladesh, New York, Japan, West Java, Malaysia, Singapore, Rosehill (Mauritius), Norway, Sierra Leone and Nigeria.

On the 12th of September 1983, a hail was booked in the Paramount Hotel of Singapore for a meeting under the chairmanship of Mirza Tahir Ahmed, the leader of the “Ahmedia Movement’. Dynamic members of functioning Qadiani organizations in Indonesia, Malaysia, Saba and Singapore, attended this meeting. Propagatory matters of the “Qadiani Movement” were surveyed, and upon culmination of the meeting, Mirza Tahir Ahmed issued instructions to all participants in his key address. Upon completion of the first sitting, Mirza Tahir Ahmed had a three hour-long meeting in a separate room of the very same Paramount Hotel with a few people who had arrived from Germany, Britain, Pakistan and India.

According to the report of a non-governmental Islamic organization monitoring the Qadianis, close attention was paid in this meeting to disrupt and undermine those Islamic madrasahs and Islamic centers which were in operation in different countries of the world — in particular, those which were being run under the management of individuals of the Deobandi and AhleHadith school of thought. Further meetings of the series of this very meeting continue taking place in “Islamabad”, a place in London. Regarding them, some important sources reveal that there is a joint mission of Qadiani organizations upon this agenda, that a watchful eye should be kept on such religious institutions and universities in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal and the Maldives, which belong to the Deobandi school of thought, viz. what program do the Qadiani organizations have against Deobandi Madrasahs in particular, in the mentioned countries.

The most important Qadiani centers are located in West Java, Senegal, Sweden, Germany and Britain. The Jungles of West Java are reckoned as the safest place to provide military and espionage training for the Qadianis. Training camps are set up in the Jungles of West Java for several weeks, where trained individuals from organizations of non-Islamic countries train the Qadianis. A number of Muslims arriving from Britain, America and Germany, who are Qadianis in reality, depart on different missions — though they do not reveal themselves as Qadianis.

According to one report, important meetings of the Qadianis are held in a building known as Nasir Mosken in Sweden. Mirza Tahir Ahmed has chosen such countries and places in the world, where according to his thoughts, all meetings, training courses and his series of meetings with non-Islamic organizations would remain guarded against the secret intelligence of Islamic countries. According to one report, all expenses of the annual gatherings of the Qadianis in Germany and Britain, which run up to millions of dollars, are settled by the non-Muslims. According to some reports, hundreds of villages of African countries have accepted the Qadiani school of thought. Under the name of Islam people of these villages are being lured into Qadianism.

Non-Muslims regard Mirza Tahir Ahmed as the Pope John Paul of Muslims. In some reports, this fear is expressed, that copies of the Holy Qur’an which the Qadianis are distributing in different countries, are altered or tampered with.
This much is not hidden from anyone now, that Qadiani and Christian missionary organizations are engaged in joint plans of propaganda against Islam and Islamic countries through the agency of private channels of special broadcasting companies of the world. Regarding Muslims, misleading propaganda is aired at specific times on special frequencies. Muslims are branded as extremists and Islamic penalties (penal codes) are labeled (viewed) as contravening human rights.

According to certain reports received regarding Mirza Tahir Ahmed, the Qadianis have enlisted the services of some such lobbying firms in America and Britain, which are lobbying against Pakistan in institutions like the United Nations, the American Foreign Office and International Monetary Fund. With the permission of the respective governments, Mirza Tahir Ahmed and thousands of Qadianis lecture to Muslim children in the colleges, universities and schools of Muslim communities in Europe and Africa, portraying Qadianism as the true Islam.

According to certain reports received from Britain, several dinners (functions) are held under the chairmanship of Mirza Tahir Ahmed in different cities of Britain, where, together with Qadiani men and women, English men and women are present too. During this dinner, wine and other essentials are offered to the guests. On these occasions, the Qadianis present Islam as a liberal and secular religion, due to which important personalities and parliamentarians of Britain generally attend such dinner parties too.

Meetings at the Islamic center of the Ahmadiyya’s in Rosehill (Mauritius), the Nasir Baagh area in Germany and Mission House in Norway, are such places, where, along with Mirza Tahir Ahmed, the representatives of International non-Islamic Missionary Institutions attend. Acquiring a German or British visa is not too difficult for any Qadiani.

In the Dar-us-Salaam university of Tanzania too, Mirza Tahir Ahmed continues lecturing on the subject of Islam. Under the supervision of “Majlis-e-Khuddam-ul-Ahmediyyah”, the local governments of Britain and Germany provide special aid for their annual meetings. In the past fifteen years, meeting high-ranking officials of over 100 states, Mirza Tahir Ahmed has acquired aid for the propagation of Qadianism. In the above-mentioned period, along with the Governor General of Mauritius, Sir Dave Amawami Rangado, the Prime Minister of Mauritius, Sir An’rod Jagnath, the Prime Minister of Tanzania, Joseph Ari Uba and the Premier of the Ivory Coast, he continued meeting other important personalities. In Freetown, Sierra Leone too, there are training centers of the Ahmadiyya.

Under the name of Qadianism, the International Ahmadiyya Association is causing great harm to Islam. In Britain, their special place (abode) is Baitul Fadhl, where different personalities departing from Pakistan reside.

In January 1998, in Islamabad, London, the representatives of three important NGO’s of Pakistan attended the senior leadership meeting of the Qadianis. According to sources, in this meeting, the good work of the NGO’s in Pakistan was adjudged to be satisfactory. According to some reports, thousands of Muslim youth from Pakistan were successful in leaving for Britain and Germany with the help of the Qadianis, where they married into Qadiani homes. Currently, many of these youth are rendering propagatory services in different countries as supporters of the Qadianis.

It has come to light regarding Mirza Tahir Ahmed, that he has splendid mansions in America, Britain, Germany, and Singapore. Moreover, the value of his properties run into hundreds of million dollars. Along with the four mentioned mansions, there is a modern satellite system, from where, including Pakistan and India, he directly addresses approximately 50 countries via satellite. Thereafter, hundreds of thousands of audio and videocassettes of his discourses are circulated in different countries of the world.

Besides Pakistan, in approximately 100 countries, according to a regular schedule, tours are arranged for Mirza Tahir Ahmed to such schools where there is a majority of Muslim children. There, under the patronage of Mirza Tahir Ahmed, along with gifts, such Islamic booklets are distributed wherein Mirza Goolam Ahmed Qadiani is recognized as the final Nabi and the holiest personality of the Muslims. There is also an arrangement prevalent for Muslim families to take the oath of allegiance on the hands of Mirza Tahir Ahmed.

The activities of the Qadianis and the growing succession of their propaganda in 150 countries of the world in association with non-Islamic Institutions, is a matter of concern for Islamic countries. Under such circumstances, Muslims need to caution and inform their new offspring (i.e. the future generation) about the true background of the existence of Qadianis and the reality of Mirza Goolam Ahmed Qadiani.

[Courtesy the weekly “Nida-i-Millat “, Lahore.]
Please have a read if they Altered Quran !

In the name of Allah, the One and Only. His Love and Peace be upon Syedna Mohammad,
after Whom there is No Prophet, and upon His Ahle Bait and His Companions
FACT SHEET NO. 1 - An Overview
Friday, August 25, 1995
Dear Brothers/Sisters in Islam

Colonial era began in 17th Century when European Powers started colonizing various parts of the globe. British, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Belgain - all of them took part in this ***-race.

British came to India as traders in 18th Century and gradually usurped the power from Muslims who had been ruling the Indian Subcontinent for 1000 years. They faced repeated uprisings especially from the Muslim quarters. This was the same Movement of Jihad which had earlier forced them to leave Sudan. The Independence Movement of 1857 and the Jihad Movement of Syed Ahmed Shaheed were nearly successful in uprooting them from the Indian soil but for some black sheeps amongst the Muslim ranks, who took sides with the Colonial Masters for their petty interests and compromised Muslim resistance.

A commission of inquiry consisting of Members of British Parliament, Church Officials and Journalists, came to India in 1868 to find out ways and means of controlling this spirit of jihad. In 1870 they submitted their report entitling "THE ARRIVAL OF BRITISH EMPIRE IN INDIA." In this report they recommended that :


Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian, India, was selected for the task.
Years later, he admitted in his letter to the Lt. Governor of Punjab that he is the SELF IMPLANTED & SELF CULTIVATED SEEDLING OF THE BRITISH MASTERS. In another letter to Queen Victoria on the occasion of Silver Jubilee Celebrations of her coronation, he reminded her of the services rendered by his father (who donated fifty armed horsemen to fight against the Muslims in the Mutiny of 1857, to prove his loyalty to the Raj) and his own CONTRIBUTION of FIFTY THOUSAND leaflets, treatises, and books written, printed and distributed in various Muslim countries,


the proof of his unswerving loyalty to the British Raj.

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was born in 1839/1840 in a Mughal Barlas landlord family, who had lost all its lands at the hands of Sikh Rulers. With the coming of British, the family saw a chance to regain the lost estate and became their faithful servants. Mirza recieved formal religious education at home and studied medicine from his father. Being of weak mind, his father used to discourage him from indulging in books. Around 25 years of age, he ran away from home with his father's yearly pension and spent it in various undesirable pursuits. Later he took up a clerical appointment at a civil court in Sialkot. Here he befriended certain Christian Padres, who were later on responsible for his selection as a candidate for 'apostolic prophet'.

According to his writings, Mirza Ghulam suffered from various illnesses including melancholia, hypochondriasis, paranoia, fits of unconsciousness, attacks of hysteria, dizzy turns, diabetes mellitus, excessive urination of upto 100 times per day, impotence etc. etc. He used to consume wine to boost his health. Under divine instructions he prepared a special medicine called, 'TIRYAQ-E-ILAHI' , a major component of which was opium . Not only he, but others in his jama'at were also using this medicine for sexual energy, amongst them Hakeem Nuruddin, the 1st Successor and Mirza Basheeruddin Mahmood, Mirza's son and his 2nd Successor.

A combination of mental sickness, wine and opium is enough for anyone to become God. Hence it was not surprising that the sudden emotional trauma due to his fathers death when he was around 37 years old, precipitated Acute Psychotic Illness with Auditory and Visual Hallucinations and Delusions of Grandeur. He thought that he was inspired by God AlMighty!

Mirza claimed to be recipient of revelation thrrough angels called Teechee Teechee and Ail . His revelation informed him that God has named him after all the previous Holy Prophets. Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya became the book of God and whomsoever did not accept his prophethood were labeled by him as Children of Prostitute, considered to be Disobedient of Allah and Holy Prophet PBUH, out of the fold of Islam and doomed to hell.

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian claimed to be the 1) Promised Messiah, 2) Mahdi, 3)Prophet, 4) Messenger and 5) Second Advent of Holy Prophet Mohammed PBUH, ALL IN ONE, who has come again in the person of Mirza Ghulam A. Qadiani to propagate Islam! Now he was none other than Holy Prophet himself, his followers became Sahaba, his family assumed the title of Ahle Bait and his wife was addressed as Umm-ul-Momineen!!

Mirza Ghulam A Qadiani boasted that his claims are based on (his own distorted interpretation of) Holy Quran and His Own revelation. He announced:

"Like a waste paper, I discard all those Hadiths (of Holy Prophet PBUH) which are contradictory to my Revelations and Claims."
(Zamima Nuzool-e-Maseeh, Roohani Khazain Vol 19 p.140)

His 80 books, collected and published as Roohani Khazain by Ahmadiya Movement, illustrate his heretical views and provides an insight into the personality of this man. Although Ahmadiyya Movement claims to have printed Holy Quran with their own (altered and distorted) translation in 120 different languages, but it is surprising that the books written by this so-called Promised Messiah and Mahdi have hardly been translated into English! Request by us for permission to translate and print these books were turn down by the Ahmadiyya Movement HQ in London!

Perhaps Ahmadiyya Movement does not like to bring to light the personality of its founder and his real beliefs, lest their fraud be exposed.

Mirza Ghulam A Qadiani established Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam in 1889. His followers were called Ahmadis. By his edict, all those who did not follow him were out of the fold of Islam. Ahmadis were forbidden to pray behind a Muslim Imam, offer funeral prayer of other muslims or intermarry with other Muslims (because everybody else was a Kafir except Ahmadis!) . He abrogated jihad and declared that loyalty to the British Raj is the religious responsibility of every Muslim and whoever lifts a sword against them is disobedient of Allah and his Prophet.

Ahmadiyya Movement continued to flourish under the benevolent patronage of British Rulers and Muslims could do little to obliterate the advances of Mirza Ghulam's heretical doctrines. However, one of his fiercest opponent , Molvi Sanaullah Amratsari, pestered him so much that in 1907 he invited him for a prayer duel. He advertised his supplication to Allah AlMighty pleading Him to annihilate the liar amongst the two in the lifetime of truthful one, by Cholera or Plague. He considered them to be the sign of Divine Anger and Punishment. Mirza died of cholera within one year!! Ironically, his dead body was carried from Lahore to Qadian in a Rialway Carriage - the same Vehicle, which in his opinion was the Transport of THE PROMISED MASEEH AlDAJJAL - the Grand Liar!!
Molvi Sanaullah Amratsari lived for 40 years after Mirza's death.

Mirza Ghulam was succeeded by the so-called "Khulafa alRashideen", of whom the Fourth Khalifa, Mirza Tahir Ahmad Qadiani, the grandson of Mirza, is now residing in their present Headquarters in London. Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani and his followers (qadiani/ahmad/mirzai/lahori) have been unanimously declared Apostates, Disbelievers (Kafirs) and Out of the fold of Islam by religious scholars of all schools of Fiqh (Sunni, Ahle Hadith, Shi etc..).

Mauritius was the first country to declare them non-Muslims in 1930's, followed by South Africa. In 1974, Islamic Republic of Pakistan became the first Muslim country to pass a law and legally declared Qadianis/Ahmadis/Lahoris a non-Muslim minority, giving them all the rights of a minority that are gauranteed in its constitution. In the same year, An International Convention of Islamic Scholars was held in Makkah AlMukarramah under the auspeces of Rabita AlAlam AlIslami. Scholars from 124 countries unanimously declared Qadianis/Ahmadis as non-Muslim, disbelievers and out of the fold of Islam. This sealed the fate of this creed for ever in the Arab World and other Muslim Nations.

Despite these religious edicts, Ahmadiyya Movement and its followers (ahmadis) continue to pretend to be Muslim and the Champions of Islam, who are admired by the Westerners for their moderate views. The reason for their obstinacy is quite obvious. They are the fifth columnists amongst the Muslims and their so-called islamic identity provide a cover for their clandestine activities while they continue to serve the interests of their masters.

Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam is a Religio-Political Trading Corporation.It has branches in all countries and all major cities of the world under whose umbrella Qadianis/Ahmadis are systematically trapping Muslims, who are ignorant of their evil designs. Whether in America, Europe or Central Asia, or the underprivileged and displaced communities like Africans and Bosnian Refugees, all those who are not aware of the real motives of Ahmadiyya Movement get trapped by them in the name of Islam. 50,000 Muslims in Mali, 24,000 Muslims in Ivory Coast, 100,000 Bosnian Refugees in Europe and 45000 Albanians are just a few victims of Qadiani Onslaught.

With the fall of Communism, West has suddenly realized that Islam is a bigger threat to their degenerating society. Moral deprivation and purposeless material life style has created a Spiritual Vacuum in the lives of Westerners and they are greatly attracted towards Islam. Islam is thus the fastest growing religion in the West, which is very alarming for them. It is under such circumstances that this seedling implanted more than 100 years ago is paying dividends. Amongst other strategies adopted to check the growth of Islam, supporting the activities of Ahmadiyya Movement is another way of halting this progress.

A Muslim converted to Ahmadiyyat is one Muslim less.
They know it just as the Qadiani hierarchy knows it. Towards this goal, the movement is doing the following

every ahmadi is contributing 6-30% of his savings to the Jama'at, to sustain the Qadiani Royal Family and to propagate Ahmadiyyat.
printing weekly and monthly periodicals in 120 different languages.
In 1989 Christian Missionaries working in Ethiopia spent $35 million to publish distribute free Qadiani Literature in West African countries
Jewish Leader of the New York Business Community donated a computerized printing press on the birthday of Mirza Tahir Ahmad, Imam of Ahmadiayya Jama'at
Muslim Television Ahmadiyya has been set up in North London. It has hired 4 Satelites for its world wide transmission of recorded as well as live programs in 13 different languages, an investment which even a rich country can not afford.
Ahmadiyya Radio is broadcasting daily programs in Urdu, English, Bengali and Russian since Jan 1994.
Distributing Holy Qurans with their own distorted and corrupt translations and other Islamic literature in various communities like Africans, Bosnians, Albanians, Central Asian & Russian Muslims etc.
Setting up mosques and centers in various countries.

How Ahmadiyya Movement is funding all such projects, is anybody's guess. Suffice is to say that the amount collected by donations from the wealthy qadianis/ahmadis is not enough to even sustain the Qadiani Royal Family all over the world.

Today Ahmadiyya Cult asserts having a community strength of 10 million qadianis/ahmadis all over the world. 99.99% are converts from Islam!! What a loss to the nation! The reasons for these conversions are :
Ignorance from Teachings of Islam;
Ignorance about Mirza Ghulam, Ahmadiyya Movement and its evil designs;
Financial and sexual incentives used to be the most attractive charm to become a qadiani. But in recent times, Ahmadiyya Movement is using another ploy to trap Muslims. Through their unfounded propaganda of the so-called persecution of ahmadis in Pakistan, they have managed to attract the attention of Human Rights Organisations. Western Govermments, being the so-called champions of human rights, are granting immigration and asylum to qadianis/ahmadis from Pakistan. All one has to do is to take an oath of allegiance (and sell his faith for petty material gains) to Mirza Ghulam A Qadiani. Ahmadiyya Jama'at issues a certificate and on its ground a person gets an asylum along with a qadiani girl to marry!

Dear Brother!
Help us in making other Muslim brothers aware of this pious fraud in the name of Islam. It is hurting Islam form within. Knowing Islam is essential BUT NOT ENOUGH to protect you from Ahmadiyya Fraud. You have to know about the ilk of Ahmadiyya Movement to protect your faith.

A Word Of Advice to Qadianis/Ahmadis
Read the books of Mirza Ghulam with an open heart. It is all there. He said "anyone who has not read my books at least three times, his faith is in doubt." I am sure none of you have read these books even once. How can you? 30% of his books are in Persian and Arabic and the rest are in Urdu. How many of you know all three languages? If after reading them you still insist on believing in his claims, then is your choice. But then, since you have :

your very own prophet
your own holy book called Braheen-e-Ahmadiyya
your own holy city of Qadian
your own pilgrimage to Qadian

your own heavenly graveyard
your own Masjid-e-Aqsa
your own meaning of KALIMA in which Mirza gets included automaticallyyour own 'Holy Family'
your own set of 'Companions'
your own religion called Ahmadiyyat

In other words you have a Parallel Nation to Islam!
You desecrate everything sacrosanct to a Muslim! You play with the sentiments of about 1 Billion followers and yet you expect them not to react. Stop this Sacrilege. Stop decieving people in the name of Islam. Give your creed any name other than Islam and believe me, Muslims will be as tolerant towards you as they are towards people of the other faith.

May Allah open your heart for Islam.
May Allah protect all Muslims from the evil forces against Islam. Ameen.

Yours truly in Islam

Dr. Syed Rashid Ali

For further information, please apply to;
to: rasyed@emirates.net.ae


P.O Box 11560
Dibba AlFujairah
United Arab Emirates
How have Ahmadi's corrupted your religion?

Did they sneak some pork into your breakfast? Did they sneak into your home and alter the Quran?

Isn't the fact that you are not an Ahmadi proof that they have in fact not corrupted your religion?

If some people agree with their message, they can accept them, if some don't, they can reject them.

It isn't really up to you or anyone else to determine whose faith is valid and whose faith is not. Mind your own business, and let the Ahmadis live their life as they see fit. Have some respect for the beliefs of others and their rights to live without being subjected to discrimination and prejudice.

Agnostic Muslim, you are the best. Well done Sir. :pakistan:
Yes they did alter the Religion in the First Place & this is why we Put a Line in between them and us.

Now they are a Different Religion thus subject to be called a Minority and have access to all rights that minorities enjoy.

Me , Zaki , you or anyone can't judge them upon their believes.

Please consider this Report.


If they have altered anything, then it is their own faith and their own beliefs.

If they wish to call their religion Islam and follow it a particular way, then what concern is it of the State?

If the Sunni and Shia scholars wish to say that the Qadiani way of life is not 'true Islam' then that is their right as religious scholars, just as it is the Qadiani's right to declare themselves Muslim - but they cannot and should not also demand that the State should declare Qadianis non-Muslims.
The violence against Qadianis have been unfortunate. But the Qadianis have been very aggressive in both Pakistan and other parts of the world. They have themselves broken one of the cardinal rule of Islam. They are no longer Muslims and their insistence for being Muslims and aggressive missionary activity only brings limelight on them. I don't see that kind of negative feeling against Christians, Hindus, Parsis, etc that I see against Qadianis in Pakistan and abroad.
The violence against Qadianis have been unfortunate. But the Qadianis have been very aggressive in both Pakistan and other parts of the world. They have themselves broken one of the cardinal rule of Islam. They are no longer Muslims and their insistence for being Muslims and aggressive missionary activity only brings limelight on them. I don't see that kind of negative feeling against Christians, Hindus, Parsis, etc that I see against Qadianis in Pakistan and abroad.
The fact that some Pakistanis can harbor such animosity and prejudice against a community solely on the basis of the tenets of that community's faith shows, to me, that these Pakistanis need to get a life and grow up, instead of demonizing an entire community on the basis of their faith.

How does it affect your faith if the Qadianis are aggressive missionaries and insist on being called Muslims? Why don't you counter them with your own aggressive missionaries and ideas? Are your ideas and faith that weak that you have to resort to 'cheating' by having the State step in and impose discriminatory restrictions on Qadianis?
I totally agree with you Mr Black Blood. Ahmadis not only betrayed Islam but our country too. I saw many Ahmadis taking asylum in European countries saying that they are muslims and are facing persecution in Pakistan. They brought disgrace to our country.:angry:


If we treated them equally we wouldn't have that problem they complain about us in the west because they ARE facing persecuation in pakistan ! heck take this topic for example did u read this thread look at the replies most people here are outright advocating discrimination against them .Remember abdus salam look at the way they treated him when he was alive he only ever worked FOR pakistan still just coz of his religion only they treated him so badly even in death did they not leave him alone and felt the need to vandalize his gravestone coz it had "muslim" on it seriously don't our government have anything better to do ? :angry:
I'm really sad so many pakistanis think like this until most of them believe in equality theres gonna continue to be violence against minorities and pakistan is gonna continue to be looked at as an oppressive and intolerant country :frown:
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