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Does turmoil in Thailand signal the failure of global democracy?

Can you explain this Singaporean model.
actually two pillars make up this model:

free market economy (low tax rate, pro business culture and free of corruption) and a hybrid political system with authoritarian and democratic elements.
Does turmoil in Thailand signal the failure of global democracy?

No. This just tells that Thailand can't even manage their own politics. We're talking about a country where its "Democratic process" need to be help by a military coup.

There's only 2 real democracy in ASEAN & 1 of them is not Thailand.
Does turmoil in Thailand signal the failure of global democracy?

No. This just tells that Thailand can't even manage their own politics. We're talking about a country where its "Democratic process" need to be help by a military coup.

There's only 2 real democracy in ASEAN & 1 of them is not Thailand.

Talking about democracy in ASEAN, only Indonesia can give you a clear cut example

although we had it very rough in the past
Fattyacid should read more rather blame democracy.

Many PRC in PDF are too un-informed. The Wholegrain MOFOS is well read but he is paid by CCP and use PDF to spread lies, and he got low EQ that he eventually turn friends into foes.

The PRC here use Thaksin case to condemn democracy so as to "enshrine" the PRC dictatorism and tyranny.

ASEAN and the Rise of China - Ian Storey - Google Books

Pacific Currents: The Responses of U.S. Allies and Security Partners in East ... - Evan S. Medeiros, Keith Crane, Eric Heginbotham, Norman D. Levin, Julia F. Lowell - Google Books

The fall of Thaksin has a lot due to USA hatred. USA hate Thaksin for being a pro-China guy. Idiots like Abhisit are pro USA, so as the Thai army. The Thaksin saga is far more convoluted actually than USA vs China. Nevertheless, you can compare Thailand with Ukraine.

PRC in PDF are big mouth and fire against South East Asian Chinese, Vietnamese and nations who are ally of PRC. Also which PRC here know there is a China Monroe doctrine?

China’s Monroe Doctrine | The Diplomat

China’s Monroe Doctrine—or Escalation in Asia? | The American Conservative

do you have proof @Wholegrain is a paid PRC?

actually two pillars make up this model:

free market economy (low tax rate, pro business culture and free of corruption) and a hybrid political system with authoritarian and democratic elements.

Sounds like vietnamese logic.
Does turmoil in Thailand signal the failure of global democracy?

No. This just tells that Thailand can't even manage their own politics. We're talking about a country where its "Democratic process" need to be help by a military coup.

There's only 2 real democracy in ASEAN & 1 of them is not Thailand.

Thanks for enlarging and bolding the title. I had alluded the troll to read the article twice, but not only he lacks comprehension skill, he doesn't know what is a question mark. The title already says it. Some troll are just dumb.
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Look around, all democratic countries share two traits:
1. They always blames others. Whether it is internal affair or international issue, it is never their own fault, always someone else's.
2. They are all delusional about their ability to "control" their own destiny -- their problems will be solved by voting for a different leader/party after the next election.

Democracy is no cure for corruption and incompetence.
Democracy is no cure for violence.
Democracy is no guarantee for peace.

Autocracy has its shortcomings too.

The fact remains that no perfect political system has been found by man. So meanwhile each country should just follow whatever the system that has worked for them. No one should go around the world and try to force others to use the same system.
if a country can serve as model in Asia, then it is Singapore, and I am sure as model for Vietnam.

Singapore's model works for Singapore because it is a city-state and located in a nexus of sea commercial routes. Vietnam is way bigger both in land size and population than Singapore, so it doesn't really work out.
Similarly, the Chinese model works for China because it is a gigantic country with overwhelming number of well educated work force. Its model also can't be applied directly to Vietnam because, again, the two countries are just too different.

Personally, I think while a country can certainly learn from the other countries, at the end of the day, they need to figure out what works best for themselves.

actually two pillars make up this model:

free market economy (low tax rate, pro business culture and free of corruption) and a hybrid political system with authoritarian and democratic elements.

The "free of corruption" part is overly optimistic, especially considering how the supposed "free markets" has been doing. Plus, the great depression and the associated socialism revolutions in late 19th century to early 20th century proved that free market, in its purest sense, is rampantly corrupt and generates inequality to the point where people had no choice BUT to adopt socialism. The fact is, todaý's major economies are all hybrids of free/plan markets with government playing important regulating roles. Because if you don't put in checks and supervisions, the markets will run rampant.
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Singapore is piece of shit build on top on a fake democracy but true suppression of people. Kuan Yew style is to make Singaporeans 2nd class citizen versus foreigners. For example

Singaporeans are banned from opening a bank, while foreigners bank flood Singapore. The last bank licenses for locals was given to Tat Lee bank in 1972, because one of bosses is Kuan Yew relative.

Asian States, Asian Bankers: Central Banking in Southeast Asia - Natasha Hamilton-Hart - Google Books

In Singapore, foreigners whose result is worse than Singaporeans are given scholarship today. Meanwhile PAP continuously hike tuition and put Singaporeans into debt.

Ministry of Education, Singapore: Parliamentary Replies - Foreign Scholars

All prestigious post grad faculties and master/PHD are given to foreigners as PAP claim that Singaporeans are too stupid and too lazy. This is despite that Singaporean students aces in all exam locally or overseas. If you are Singaporeans, very hard to get post grad research scholarship. Junk foreigners are welcome.


100% foreigners in EEE wireless RF labs. The names are Hanyu Pinyin indicating they are PRC while locals uses Taiwanese and Cantonese transliteration.

All good jobs are given to foreigners.

Singaporeans are made to serve 2 years army, during 18 years old to protect foreigners. Then every years subsequently we are made to serve 21 days in reserve army. Companies use our 21 days in reserve army as a reason to fire us from jobs.

Tweaking national service - Insight Down South | The Star Online

All government contracts are given to western MNC. Locals are engineered to be poor and forced to be workers for foreigners.

If you are rich in Singapore, you can dodge going to army. If you are poor, one day absence from army or simply desertation from an arm sentry can land you long sentences in military prison.

$3,000 Defaulter Melvyn Tan is Back


FCUK Kuan Yew
In addition, Kuan Yew enlisted the help of Indian nationals to build caste system in Singapore. Indian nationals shitting on Singaporeans especially Chinese are encouraged and PAP even help these fcuking India caste-ist. When Indians fire every single Singaporeans, the PAP government and Kuan will told everyone Singaporeans are stupid and lazy, Indians are clever.

The reason PAP of doing this is PAP wanted as much foreigners as possible because Singaporeans are going to vote them out. PAP need to naturalize foreigners into citizens in order to remain in power. These days it is difficult not to see independent media in internet cursing Indians daily.

Singapore today is a caste society.

New Citizen Hiring manager exploits loopholes and discriminates against S'poreans | The Real Singapore

The problem started when a converted Singapore citizen from India, Mr R became the Operations Director in the Technical Department. Now before we go on with the story, we understand that Mr R has already left the company in Science Park and move to an IT MNC. We wish the company he is in working right now, the best of luck with their employees.

The Operational Director was tasked to expand a new department and needed to recruit a large pool of engineers on shift work. As a large MNC, it is subjected to similar regulatory requirement from the government to fulfil employment quotas for local Singaporeans but because it is such a big organisation, it can justify hiring FTs because it can show statistics that it employed Singaporeans but the displacement of locals and FT are skewed. For example, there may be more Singaporeans working in the Sales and Marketing than other department, eg Operations, Finance or IT. On top of that, there is no quota for hiring certain employment passes and hiring managers can get away with the quota.

Who is to Blamed for hiring of FT? The company or the HIRING MANAGER?

Many people blame companies for employing FTs but sometimes the problem is not with the company. The company may have guidelines on hiring process but at the end of the day, the HIRING MANAGER has the final say. HR staff would not want to jeopardise the recruitment process because if a hiring manager is not able to get the right candidates or resources quickly to fill in a role, the company may lose time and money for a project or a budget.

How this converted Singaporean get away with recruiting so many FTs?

In order to recruit his relatives and his own kind into the organisation, the Operations Director created a smoke screen. He got a local Singaporean team leader to contact a list of people he has selected and asked the local to conduct the interview.

During the interview process, the Operations Director would step in, take over the interview and instructed the Singapore team leader to recommend the candidate for employment. The Operations Director would endorse the recommendation and the paper work submitted to higher authority for secondary approval.

Therefore, using a local Singaporean as a proxy,the Operations Director was able to recruit his own kind into the company without being accused for recruiting his own people. The HR department cannot fault the Operations Director because on paper, the local Singaporean team leader was the one who recommend the candidates.

Using this interview method, the whole team was recruited. Only 1 or 2 engineers in the team was a local Singaporeans, the rest are overseas FTs.

When people question about the number of FT in the department, the Operations Director brushes off and replied that “only Indians and Filipinos are willing to do shift jobs”. The engineers recruited by the Operations Director are paid between SG$4,500 to $6,000 per month.The justification that only Indians and Filipinos are willingly to do shift jobs is ridiculous!

FT converted Singapore, Operations Director, “Only Indians and Filipinos are willingly to do shift jobs”

Is it so hard to find local Singaporeans who do not want to work on a salary package of $60,000 a year?

In another role the Operations Director took, he created two deputy manager roles. Both roles are taken by FTs. One of the roles of deputy manager was given to his relative! Then the whole cycle of recruitment for new positions in the department start again and the Operations Director hired more FTs.

Today, most of the entire site operations in the company are FTs.
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“Democracy” has been a fad for the past 100 years or so。

And fad ends,one way or another。

Give us a single “democratically” run corporation that maybe considered remotely successful。

States are no exception,in the long-run at least。

Any political structure or design has its days of glory and downfall。The human being is simply to dumb to come up with a system that brings eternal peace and prosperity。
Democracy in green....Authoritarianism in dark/red

Democracy Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

democracy according to usa + nato
democracy can never survive under a government which adopts a different policy from usa+nato
people like Gaddaffi, Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Mubarak etc were all friends of the usa and nato at some point in time
democratically elected head of state of the following countries are aimed to be shot down by american+nato backed coups:

Singapore survives as so called democracy because it licks americans
The yankies has a military base there
Also, it is a defacto dynasty of lee luan yew

india is a fake democracy which should have its "indian spring" long time ago BUT it is hopeless because there is no capable statesman to be chosen from
your own ethnic india @Peter C is rotting internally and a civil wars has been going on in 40% of the country for over 40 yeas now
Maoist Insurgency Spreads to Over 40% of India. Mass Poverty and Delhi’s Embrace of Corporate Neoliberalism Fuels Social Uprising | Global Research
It's hilarious. So called democracy map? Haven't you learned lessons from Latin America? Yes they are all green, but all failed!!Latin AmericamGDP growth rate slowed to 2.6%, Mexico 1.3%. Every year U.S. governments sent almost 370,000 illegal Mexican immigrants back to Mexico. All the waiter&waitress, cleaners, drivers and building workers in Texas are all Mexicans, why don't they go back to their home country to VOTE for DEMOCRACY?? Why taking risk coming to U.S. for low paid jobs??
do you have proof @Wholegrain is a paid PRC?

Sounds like vietnamese logic.

Lux de Veritas is a liar who claims hes been all over Taiwan, Indonesia,and Vietnam, and he doesn't know a damn thing about those places. I can tell because of the ridiculous claims he makes, like that most Taiwanese have relatives in southeast asia (wrong, most of Hokkien and Hakka Taiwanese arrived in Taiwan over a hundred years ago before Japan shut off immigration to Taiwan in 1895, so they have no close relatives on speaking terms in other Hokkien communities, most mainlanders on Taiwan have no relative in southeastasia) and everything Lux de Veritas hears about Indonesia is second hand rumors from these Indonesian "intellectuals" , kaskus internet forum, and "Indonesian friends" in Singapore. And yet he claims to be a backpaper and to have travelled all over. He only spoke to those people online.

He sides with Vietnamese trolls on this forum like EastSea, Rechoice, NiceGuy and BoQ77 who do nothing but attack and troll China, and insults us instead.
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