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Does Turkey Benefit From Cold War With Israel?

The paradox is, all this enmity seems to be only in political arena..Economically, trade between Israel and Turkey is growing or at least we can stay it is stable..I wonder what people of Israel think of Turkey now.. @PteX , @500 ?
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Did you notice i used the term "saner"? There are mindless animals who act like beasts and there are the intelligent Jew haters who know how to perform in front of a crowd, to present themselves as "human activists".

Who are you to judge more than 300 people whether they are sane or not? Yet you are even insulting by saying animals to the people you didn't even see in your life.

Excessive force would have been to bomb the entire ship. This was a very restrained response to a ship filled with those wishing to be "martyred".

You are about 500 diary short to be able to make a such claim.

If everything is a conspiracy theory when i disprove your ideas of their innocence, then why are we having this conversation?

This diary entry was posted all over Turkish sites and 7/9 killed in flotilla expressed their desire to die as Shahids in this provocation.

We're discussing if they deserved such an end, not whether they were innocent or not.

You haven't disproved sht.

True, they didn't. Which tells you more than enough of how much "truth" the Turkish government wished to share with the public.

How can you be so sure, if the US would tell the truth on something about Israel? Oh wait...

Btw, where is my answer about the facts i presented? Why Israel does not publish all the images and rest of the thermal recording? Why it destroyed the proofs on the ship and repaired it before sending it back? Do you have something better to say than "you are lying"?
Turks are muslims too you know :P , far more then today, do you you know the rebellions againts Grand Assambly during war of independence ? while some guys were fighting againts foreign powers, these nutcases were attacking them for religious reasons, now think what would they do if Ottoman empire herself willingly gave lands to Jews.
Any religion is matter of interpretation. There is nothing in Quran itself that opposes Jewish state in Palestine, quite on contrary.

Turkey-Israel relations will never be the same as the before eventough Isreal accept poltic apology. There will be no longer military exercises and military agreements. 90s and biginnings of 2000s years was a distinc era created and promped by generals and that era already over.

Mavi Marmara assult became a godsend for Turkey to some erase and clear its shame pro-Israel diplomcy past. If Im not mistaken Turkey is firts or second country recognized Israel independence and last country which recognized Algeria independence decleration in the world. What a shame..!
Turkey recognized Israel in 1949 after most European countries. Relationships were pretty cool until 1990-es. There was no ambassador in Israel, no official meetings between leaders, surely no any joint exercises. There was secret military cooperation however, Israel for instance eradicated ASALA terrorist group in Lebanon and PKK training camps there.

Honey moon started in 1992 and lasted for about a decade. Now its basically returned to pre 1990-es level. I dont see any reason why it cant go back. Actually i am sure it will happen one day, although it wont happen soon.

What is your criteria to call someone as terrorist? It seems you easily label those who think differently than you and dislike your acts against ti civilian in Palestinians. You gave example how 7/9 people who murdered by your commandos want to die as martyr to prove they are terrorists. Let me tell you something which you have no idea about is that martyr is the highest degree as a dead person in Islam, therefore, it is normal for religions people to die as martyr. Praying God to die as martyr does not make a person a terrorist.

Your all reason for the flotilla incident is unacceptable. The international law made something clear that you cannot touch a ship in the international water. Whatever you said will not justify your extreme actions against the civilians. Yes it was a mistake to let those people to sail to Gaza in that days` conditions. Our government was so fool to let them sail. Yes we are against any injustice issue, but we must have acted wisely which the turkish government did not. Today`s world and conjuncture Israel is not touchable because of the USA. Whether people like or dislike this does not matter because it is the FACT. Unless US stops supporting Israel no matter what she does and US remains her power, noone can touch Israel. BUT, the day will come that Israel will pay her cruelties and murders.
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The Israeli-Turkish relations were doomed when Islamists took over Turkey and started persecuting secularism.

That's not true. Erdogan government started in 2002 but the relation between Turkiye and Israel stayed same, even better at some issues, until 2008 when Israel started Operation Cast Lead.
Who says everything they do is based on Quran ?

Its not like AKP liked Israel in the beginning, how could they do after all ? stance of these kind of people is clear, they just waited for that opportunity.
That's not true. Erdogan government started in 2002 but the relation between Turkiye and Israel stayed same, even better at some issues, until 2008 when Israel started Operation Cast Lead.
Even in 04' Erdogan called Israeli a terrorist state after assassinating a known mass murderer in Gaza.
Islamists show sympathy to Islamists.
Who are you to judge more than 300 people whether they are sane or not? Yet you are even insulting by saying animals to the people you didn't even see in your life.

Anyone with a desire to murder others in the name of Jihad is an animal in my eyes.

You are about 500 diary short to be able to make a such claim.
I have no doubt that many more on that boat desired to go ape-sh!t but missed their opportunity when Israeli soldiers started using live fire in response to the brutal attack on them. Then they re-thought their desire to die.

We're discussing if they deserved such an end, not whether they were innocent or not.
You haven't disproved sht.

Every terrorist deserves to die. End of story. Regardless of their origin.

How can you be so sure, if the US would tell the truth on something about Israel? Oh wait...

Btw, where is my answer about the facts i presented? Why Israel does not publish all the images and rest of the thermal recording? Why it destroyed the proofs on the ship and repaired it before sending it back? Do you have something better to say than "you are lying"?

Here's a scenario for you: Officer, i want you to spray your M-16 on the ship. We need to make it look like the Israelis sprayed down the boat and then we repair it so we can take pictures and tell everyone how naughty Israelis are.

Come on now... If Israel wanted to hide some bullet holes, no one would know any better. Israel being the military and technological powerhouse and you are telling me that Israel could not have made your boat brand new and spotless if Israel really wanted to? Come on now...

The paradox is, all this enmity seems to be only in political arena..Economically, trade between Israel and Turkey is growing or at least we can stay it is stable..I wonder what people of Israel think of Turkey now.. @PteX , @500 ?

Well, most Israelis stopped visiting Turkey but some still do. That about says it all. Turkey became another Arab country with a "peace deal", metaphorically speaking, after these 4 years of Turkish aggression against Israel.
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Anyone with a desire to murder others in the name of Jihad is an animal in my eyes.
This came to my mind although I'm not a fan of Erdogan

Erdogan: One minute..

Erdogan: you know very well how to murder.
Anyone with a desire to murder others in the name of Jihad is an animal in my eyes.

Again! If they had such a desire, your soldiers would already be DEAD. But in this case, the murderers were your commandos, not the other way around.

I have no doubt that many more on that boat desired to go ape-sh!t but missed their opportunity when Israeli soldiers started using live fire in response to the brutal attack on them. Then they re-thought their desire to die.

Do not repeat the things your government filled your head with. They couldn't provide an evidence of that supposed brutal attack. We do not know whether they kept attacking after the first shots been fired or not.
Close-Up Footage of Mavi Marmara Passengers Attacking IDF Soldiers - YouTube
By publishing the rest of this video Israel could easly answer that question, but for some reason, chosed not to. As we can see in the last seconds of the video, even the paintball shots had been able to stop them, let alone real bullets.

Every terrorist deserves to die. End of story. Regardless of their origin.

That is the only thing we agreed so far. But you can not label all those people as terrorist over someones diary.

Come on now... If Israel wanted to hide some bullet holes, no one would know any better. Israel being the military and technological powerhouse and you are telling me that Israel could not have made your boat brand new and spotless if Israel really wanted to? Come on now...

That is what i'm saying already. Except some bullet holes in windows, and broken doors, the ship arrived Turkey as brand new and spotless. Let alone blood staints, even the toilets were cleaned up.
Again! If they had such a desire, your soldiers would already be DEAD. But in this case, the murderers were your commandos, not the other way around.

Again, this is the last time i repeat this, the soldiers were stabbed in the gut. And does this not look like attempted murder?

Do not repeat the things your government filled your head with. They couldn't provide an evidence of that supposed brutal attack. We do not know whether they kept attacking after the first shots been fired or not.
Close-Up Footage of Mavi Marmara Passengers Attacking IDF Soldiers - YouTube
By publishing the rest of this video Israel could easly answer that question, but for some reason, chosed not to. As we can see in the last seconds of the video, even the paintball shots had been able to stop them, let alone real bullets.

Nothing but a bullet through the head can stop a man who wants to die.

That is the only thing we agreed so far. But you can not label all those people as terrorist over someones diary.
Anyone who tried to assault the soldiers with metal pipes and broken glasses is a terrorist.

That is what i'm saying already. Except some bullet holes in windows, and broken doors, the ship arrived Turkey as brand new and spotless. Let alone blood staints, even the toilets were cleaned up.

And as i've said it before: Every "proof" the Turkish government wanted to show the public, could have been supplied by the Turkish government itself. Everything from the bullet-holes to the lame clean-up job.

This came to my mind although I'm not a fan of Erdogan

Erdogan: One minute..

Erdogan: you know very well how to murder.

We know how to kill terrorists. In fact, it is our specialty. Erdogan simply believes that those who murder Israelis are innocent peace loving freedom fighters.
Again, this is the last time i repeat this, the soldiers were stabbed in the gut. And does this not look like attempted murder?

Stop sending the same 40 second long video from different angles. Where is the rest??? I want to see what the victims were doing right before getting shot!

Anyone who tried to assault the soldiers with metal pipes and broken glasses is a terrorist.

So are the ones who illegally boarded on the ship in international waters.
Even in 04' Erdogan called Israeli a terrorist state after assassinating a known mass murderer in Gaza.
Islamists show sympathy to Islamists.

Bulent Ecevit called Israel a terrorist state in 2001.
By the way,

Which Cold War you guys are talking about, when Turkey has ended its veto against the further integration of Israel into NATO?
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