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Does anyone speak Sanskrit or Farsi here?

Dravidian languages are completely native to South Asia, how did you find its similarities with other corner of the planet. :mad::mad:

I am a noob , i just saw and wanted to be clear about it. But i have read an article back in 2010 that some Russian words are very close to Tamil. So , maybe you are wrong mr. Elite :big_boss:
But it's only sheer coincidence that Lufthansa has a Swan in it's logo. The word stems from the Hanseatic League, a guild of powerful cities that lay in the Northern Germanic coastline and the Baltics. Hanse/Hansa is the German word for a merchant Guild, not the Swan.
you really had to puncture a solid point I made in a drunken state !!! thanks a fucking lot .... you fair n lovely hating cunt !!!! :sick:
Here are Sanskrit words

mother (Mutter) -Mata
father (Vater)- Pita
daughter (Tochter)- Putri, suta
brother (Bruder)- Bhrata
house (Haus) -Griha
goose (Gans)-
chicken (Huhn)- Kukuta
dog (Hund)- Kukur
cat (Katze)-
sun (Sonne)- Surya
rain (Regen)- Varsha
earth (Erde)- Prithvi
water (Wasser)- Jal, aap
wind (Wind)- Pavan
fire (Feuer)- Agni
Its aab not aap. Water is referred in urdu literature as aab too. BTW aab is arabic like we called Aab e Zamzam to our holly water from a specific spring in Makkah.
Ab ye bhi sunana baki rah gaya tha. :jester:

Abe phad tho lo phele :P kya likha hai :dirol:

Its aab not aap. Water is referred in urdu literature as aab too. BTW aab is arabic like we called Aab e Zamzam to our holly water from a specific spring in Makkah.

First time i saw you really writing something wroth other than trolling :D

You deserve my precious Thanks :lol:
its more of a co-incidence that an arabic word's distorted form is used in Sanskrit.Which is relatively a dead language. My mistake it was aab not aap in arabic.

Not dead, most of us in India study Sanskrit in school as a third language.
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