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Do you think Sanjay Dutt was unfairly convicted?

Why pardon just Sanjay Dutt: Daughter of another Mumbai blasts convict
Mumbai: As film stars and politicians join the chorus for actor Sanjay Dutt's pardon, daughter of Zaibunisa Kazi, who is facing similar charges as the actor, questions why her mother should not also get the same support?
Daughter of 1993 Mumbai blasts convict, Zaibunisa said, "I wish I was a celebrity or my mother was a celebrity or a sister of an MP. Even my mother would have got the kind of support Sanjay Dutt is getting. If it is on humanitarian grounds then why only Sanjay Dutt, why not Zaibunisa. Isn't she a human? Isn't she a citizen of this country?
The daughter of 70-year-old reacting to the clamour over pardon for Dutt after the debate was ignited by a comment by retired Justice Markandey Katju and which was followed by the political class seconding his opinion.

Zaibunisa's 40 year-old daughter, who didn't marry so that she can fight her mother's battle, is hopeful that a review potion will reduce the sentence.
Both Dutt and Zaibunisa Kazi were charged for possessing illegal arms and ammunition and also under the stringent TADA Act. While Zaibunisa got convicted under TADA, Sanjay Dutt not only got an acquital under TADA but despite substantial evidence the CBI did not challenge his acquittal in the Supreme Court.
Zaibunisa's lawyer Sushil Kumar said, "She was not found in possession of any weapons, no recovery was made from her, she did not give any confession. It was only on the basis of a confession of a co-accused that she was convicted, it is unfortunate."
Zaibunisa daughter added, "It is not easy living with five daughters, being a single woman and going through this. It is not easy and 20 years is a very long time." While for the judicial system, 1993 Mumbai Blasts case is a closed chapter, for many the ordeal isn't over yet.

Is it that our court are influenced by external things like emotions? Why sanjay dutt is not charged under TADA? Why he was given minim sentence?

i did not think i will ever agree with u.....but zaibunnisa deserves pardon much more than chor dutt......
He is required to complete the sentence. He was very lucky to get away lightly, there was no logic in TADA not being made applicable to him (the law is very clear, anyone with a proscribed firearm within a notified are which Mumbai is, has to be held guilty under TADA). His father begged everyone, including police officers & politicians to try & stop TADA from being applied. His phone records (where he called Anees Ibrahim, the brother of Dawood many times) was not presented to court & surprising held him to be only guilty under the arms act. His father moved heaven & earth & finally did get some relief with the CBI not appealing the relief from TADA in the SC. He has got the minimum sentence possible for the crime committed. People who drove the car that brought the weapons to him & a friend who destroyed the weapon (On Sanjay Dutt's request) have got far more severe punishment as has a 70 year old woman (Zaibunisa Kazi) who happened to allow storage of a package (she probably didn't know of the contents) and was convicted under TADA.

Sanjay Dutt deserves no sympathy. It is not only about the possession of the weapons, it reflects on his ability to obtain such weapons from Dawood Ibrahim & the relationship that they shared which allowed him to do so. He should have been treated as a terrorist, only the sympathy & respect that his father had allowed him to get away with less.

Not just that. He probably funded the blasts indirectly when he paid for the arms. The money may be less, but it did go into the pockets of terrorists. He should be an example for the elite who think they have different laws. Even in this instance, if he got the punishment for carrying illegal arms, it is only because it was related to the blasts. Who knows how many others in our power circles carry illegal arms? And how many unknowingly funded terrorist acts?
It wasn't his foolish mistake, Sanjay Dutt was in touch with Shakeel after blasts, say cops

Read more at: It wasn't his foolish mistake, Sanjay Dutt was in touch with Shakeel after blasts, say cops : North, News - India Today

"It wasn't a foolish mistake. Dutt has been in touch with the underworld all along," said a senior police officer. Between October 27 and November 30, 2000, the police had recorded 32 conversations between film financier Bharat Shah and Shakeel to investigate the former's connections with Dawood.
Who the heck uses an Ak-56 and 17 grenades for self defence ? ... he was convicted rightly ..he should spend his time in JAIL...
Bangaru Laxman got 4 years & 1 lakh fine.. for an entrapment bribe & ppl are seeking pardon for a terror-abetting criminal.
Guys dont look at muslims through your views.Spare a thought for them.We must sympathize with them for the conditions they are in.99 percent of of non muslims would act the same way as muslims do if we were raised in an islamic environment reading and believing 1500 yr old holy book and its shariah are god sent.It requires a lot of thought,courage and intelligence to see things as they are for such people.Even highly educated muslims are no different.As they say education and rationalism are 2 diff things.
NO one needs to worry.no governor can save him now.if any governor pardons him it sets a new precedent.there will be a lot of implications of such act in future.I feel he got away lightly.I donno how this bstrd is sleeping peacefully at nites with blood of hundreds of innocents on his hands.no sane person would keep such secrets for himself without informing police even if one's family is killed.These ppl dont have any self respect for dancing to the tunes of an immoral uneducated bloodthirsty gunda.
People should talk aboutand criticise openly the origins,principles and dogmas about the religion which is the cause of all this evil.We cant continue this to happen for long.You are indirectly encouraging evil if you dont address and fix it.Even the members of that religion have no idea about the true nature of it as many of them themselves are uneducated.we should bring awareness among them that they were misled by a tribal religion whose sole purpose is to establish A*** supremacy and imperialism.

Dont hate the sinner ,hate the sin.
i think starting bombay blasts everyone should be conviceted , that includes shiv sena , dawood etc.
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