I do. I understand that part. I do have some clue. Like resistance to insecticides is it attained or attenuated. Now would that be termed as evolution.
Now off springs of bi racial marriages would also come under evolution or is it only when humans have sex with sheep and The off sprinng is evolution like the one just reported a couple of days ago.
Lets make it ridiculously easy for understanding.
Those folks who believe in 'classic evolution' believe that
complex life forms have evolved from simpler life forms. In essence, simpler uni-cellular organisms gave rise to complex multi-cellular organisms and it all happened under supposedly 'natural selection' process. Now the question is, if all the life forms started out in the sea (in the vicinity of the hydrothermal vents to be exact) as it is generally believed, why certain life forms evolved into complex life forms while others did not? Hydrothermal vents have not gone off and life forms around those hydrothermal vents have been collected and examined. Why those life forms, after millions of years in that vicinity, still remain simple and did not evolve?
For natural selection to occur, there has to be some kind of 'pressure' and the one example is given of antibiotic resistance (I'll dissect it later). So the pressure was present in a particular environment i.e. sea, where the simpler life forms were present. Now how did the pressure affect certain simpler life forms and left alone others that co-habited the same environment? There is no answer to this as of yet.
Antibiotic resistance as an evidence of evolution: There are two ways of acquiring resistance towards the antimicrobials i.e.,
i) through acquiring genes that produce enzyme that in turn change the chemical structure of the antimicrobial and render them ineffective, and
ii) acquiring genes that produce proteins that could pump out antimicrobials from the cells (called efflux pumps).
Now where these genes or their products come from? If an organism
evolves to become drug resistant through either of the above mentioned phenomena, the genes must come from within the organism. You put the organism under antibiotic pressure and the organism evolves to become resistant by making appropriate changes in its physiology. But does it happen like this? No. Instead, the bacterium acquires resistance genes from other bacteria (and not similar) through a process called horizontal gene transfer. This is not evolution because
a complex trait has not developed from a simpler trait due to pressure.