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Do Pakistanis Really Want Change?

Serious question, but do Pakistanis really want change? A “Naya Pakistan” as Imran Khan put it?

I don’t think the majority of people understand the growing pains of accomplishing that.

Decades of mismanagement and corruption have caused such decay that even if Imran Khan wanted to, nothing would be accomplished in our lifetimes. No great nations are built in 5 or 10 years.

This is one thing Imran Khan did not explain to the people. When he became PM, that should be have been his focus on his televised address….that “we should be prepared for hardship so our children live better lives”.

What he wanted was noble, but people honestly thought in 5 years everything would be great and we’d be Norway or Japan. I saw people tweeting pictures of Japan and saying “Peshawar 2023”…like wtf?

Nobody explained the growing pains that we would have to endure….for Pakistan to become a Japan, a Korea, a China, our generation will essentially have to sacrifice and pay deeply so that our future generations live better lives.

All great nations in this world today went through a period of sacrifice….you can read about it in every nations history….there was always that one group of people who said….”yes we will endure this pain so our children and grandchildren live better lives than us”.

Is this Pakistani generation really ready to do that? I don’t think so.

Oh, cupcake...

You really bought the "Naya Pakistan" slogan, didn't you?! Let me put it this way: Naya Pakistan = desi MAGA!

Politicians don't give a hoot about Naya Pakistan or Naya Amreeka or whatever. They just need a tasty slogan to peddle their political campaigns. If it's catchy, meme worthy and sh!t, and resonates with the majority of people then it's going to sell like hot cakes!

And muh "Naya Pakistan" was something that sat well with brand new, gullible and naive 'youth' right out of colleges and universities looking for an easy life. If Pakistan can be "renewed" - they thought - we wouldn't have to go someplace else to seek greener pastures.

Now, I'm not exactly saying that they aren't willing to make sacrifices. Of course, they are! It's just that the smarter ones need a "proper" leader, not some silver-tongued politician who came into power via a regime shift perpetrated by none other than the 'deep state' itself.

Mujha kyu nikala 2.0, anyone?!

After all, people weren't exactly shooting rainbows out of their behinds between 2018 - 2022. Why not? Because changing the face of the leader, while the parliament and cabinet are still filled with the same old characters they've always been filled with, is hardly the 'Change We Can Believe In.'

Any takers?
Oh, cupcake...

You really bought the "Naya Pakistan" slogan, didn't you?! Let me put it this way: Naya Pakistan = desi MAGA!

Politicians don't give a hoot about Naya Pakistan or Naya Amreeka or whatever. They just need a tasty slogan to peddle their political campaigns. If it's catchy, meme worthy and sh!t, and resonates with the majority of people then it's going to sell like hot cakes!

And muh "Naya Pakistan" was something that sat well with brand new, gullible and naive 'youth' right out of colleges and universities looking for an easy life. If Pakistan can be "renewed" - they thought - we wouldn't have to go someplace else to seek greener pastures.

Now, I'm not exactly saying that they aren't willing to make sacrifices. Of course, they are! It's just that the smarter ones need a "proper" leader, not some silver-tongued politician who came into power via a regime shift perpetrated by none other than the 'deep state' itself.

Mujha kyu nikala 2.0, anyone?!

After all, people weren't exactly shooting rainbows out of their behinds between 2018 - 2022. Why not? Because changing the face of the leader, while the parliament and cabinet are still filled with the same old characters they've always been filled with, is hardly the 'Change We Can Believe In.'

Any takers?
Wait isn't maga same as Purana Pakistan
Let's make pakistan great again like in 2017

Anyway plan B is also not bad
Pakistani people only respect a big stick. If the ruler is soft, they will devour him, sell his organs for some cash, and hold the biggest funeral for him.

To fix Pakistan you need to wield a big stick made of pure titanium, cut some big fat necks, break some legs and chop some hands off. Anything short of that will only cause the disease to spread more. Anything short of that big stick, then only a natural calamity that destroys everything, burns all rivers and flattens all mountains can fix Pakistan.

Luckily, or unluckily, a big storm is coming.
Serious question, but do Pakistanis really want change? A “Naya Pakistan” as Imran Khan put it?

I don’t think the majority of people understand the growing pains of accomplishing that.

Decades of mismanagement and corruption have caused such decay that even if Imran Khan wanted to, nothing would be accomplished in our lifetimes. No great nations are built in 5 or 10 years.

This is one thing Imran Khan did not explain to the people. When he became PM, that should be have been his focus on his televised address….that “we should be prepared for hardship so our children live better lives”.

What he wanted was noble, but people honestly thought in 5 years everything would be great and we’d be Norway or Japan. I saw people tweeting pictures of Japan and saying “Peshawar 2023”…like wtf?

Nobody explained the growing pains that we would have to endure….for Pakistan to become a Japan, a Korea, a China, our generation will essentially have to sacrifice and pay deeply so that our future generations live better lives.

All great nations in this world today went through a period of sacrifice….you can read about it in every nations history….there was always that one group of people who said….”yes we will endure this pain so our children and grandchildren live better lives than us”.

Is this Pakistani generation really ready to do that? I don’t think so.
India brought in land reforms in th 1950s which pissed off the rich. In my homestate no persona can own mroe than 7.5 acres of agricultural land. Rest was all acquired by the govt and redistributed amongst the landless labours which used to work those lands. These poor farmers started earning decent incomes. They educated their children (in cheap village schools and not upto a high level) which in turn used the economic springboard to rise slightly higher and provide excellent education and opportunities to thei next generation. India's massive middle class took 3 generations to be built.

Pakistanis expect change in 100 days.100 days can only see gimmicks and trickery. IK is a populist, he will always aim at short-term propaganda rather than long-term vision. Populist are successful politicians but horrible economists.

So, unless Pakistan finds KSA-level Oil/gas reserves it should get ready for very long term pains. I have said it before and I say it again; Pakistan DOES NOT have high inflation. Inflation is temporary. Pakistan has poverty, the increased cost of living and unafforadble price of necessities is the NEW NORMAL and will remain the new normals for at least 20-30 years.
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