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Mar 6, 2012
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Future is getting dark and time is running fast. India`s only neighbor getting bigger day by day with lot of money power and its will to dominate the world. India surrounded by unfriendly neighbors and will create and dangerous situation in near future.

Srilanka - Though it doesn't posses direct threat to India but indirect threat is gaining up. Srilanka is taking supplies from Pakistan and China. China already developed a naval base there and showing there presence in the neighborhood.

Pakistan - A natural threat with nuclear power and cannot become friend in next 100 years. War is inevitable , the question is whether china will take advantage of that war and take away some of the other parts from India ( Leh , Arunachal pradesh , J&K).

Nepal - Once considered a friend but influence from Chinese political will and Maoist wing have created another possible threat. Directly there is none but indirectly will help Chinese or Pakistani forces and create more problems inside India.

Butan - This is only friend but cannot expect anything else except not going against India in the time of war. But its hard to say because its pressed between 2 giants and for its own survival in future there is possibility of changing sides.

Mayamar - A close ally of China and can become bigger threat in case of war. Supporting all sorts of northeast militant groups.

Bangladesh - A Muslim country sandwiched into between India , not a true friend but not even enemy. Though can act as one by supporting and harboring anti India activities which can cost more than real enemy in the battle field.

China - China and India are big power house of Asia but still India lags behind it the pace with which Chinese economy and defense is growing , India wont be able to catch them in near future. Many analyst predict as India to lead but looking at present scenario its hard to see that bright future. China don't recognize Kashmir , Arunachal pradesh , Sikkim as Indian territory. China is support all sorts of anti India supports whether its Maoists or Left parties. All Indian neighbors getting arms , money from china and will be used against India in future.

Well these are indirect threats but direct threat is much bigger. China have huge nuclear arsenal , nuclear subs , largest army and soon there indigenous air-force. They can create weapons in record time in record numbers.

Indian navy cant compete Chinese navy whether we talk in quantity or quality. China have 20 nuclear subs and India don't have even 1 operational one. Submarines are the core of navy and can be biggest threat for surface ships. China have record number of underwater ICBM and India still in testing phase , India have one aircraft carried but soon china is going to catch up on that side. China have stealth boats which India lacks. Indian navy chief have already expressed concerns but looks nobody pays attention as everybody here is busy in filling her pockets.

Indian air-force stands number 4 in the world but still behind china. India have numbers but lacks quality so do china. Though India cant compete with Russia or US in near future but china could or probably surpass everyone in the league and become number one. Its true they copy , revere engineered , buy , TOT or any other means but finally able to unveil J-20 5G fighter plane for china in record time. Specs are unknown but still there is one. India still working on 4G and its nowhere soon , though India will get 5G with Russia but specs will be lowered one from the Russian T-50. Right now no one knows how much lower or probably India will get 5G airframe but 4G avionics.

Indian army stands number 2 by number in world but if equipments are included its hard to say what number should they be given. No big guns , tanks , radar systems , attack helicopters or transport plans all looks in poor condition. Though India have plans but when the plans will come true nobody no know , the red tape in India is so much red that it has beaten Russian or Chinese red tape ( India adopted Russian and Chinese red tape system but they have changed to blue but India still in red tape and tight and firm so nobody can change it ever ).

Looking this scenario India looks in very bad condition against china , though India can take down all other enemies individually but china is nowhere possible. China is advancing its technology with US as threat but India is advancing its technology with Pakistan as threat. Its all about perceptions and this had lead to less technical systems in hand. India have power , money to buy and build best in the world but only thing don't have is “ WILL”. “ WILL “ will hard to come but can come only once India face a defeat.

This article is taken from blogs just skip the crap things but still it making some sense . India should spend 4-5% of GDP to our defense sectors.

now a days every one becoming defence expert... :fie:
Indian air-force stands number 4 in the world but still behind china. India have numbers but lacks quality so do china. Though India cant compete with Russia or US in near future but china could or probably surpass everyone in the league and become number one.

worthless read.. boogey man article... :tdown:
China could surpass US & Russia in air force with their J series... lol.. :rofl:
Pakistan - A natural threat with nuclear power and cannot become friend in next 100 years. War is inevitable , the question is whether china will take advantage of that war and take away some of the other parts from India ( Leh , Arunachal pradesh , J&K).

That depends on India.

When India declared that China was their "number one enemy", they created their own self-fulfilling prophecy.
'India cannot match China's military force': Indian Naval Chief - IBNLive

Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Sureesh Mehta has set off a storm by saying India cannot match China military force. Is it a warning from India's military that the government needs to hear?

"In military terms, both conventional and non-conventional, we neither have the capability nor the intention to match China force for force," said Admiral Sureesh Mehta.

For a nuclear-armed military representing the interests of a billion-plus people, the lack of confidence is quite striking. India's military leadership has made a stunning confession that New Delhi doesn't have the stomach for a fight, if push came to shove on the disputed Sino-Indian boundary.

"Whether in terms of GDP, defence spend or any other parameter, the gap between the two is too wide to bridge and is getting wider by the day," he said.

Read the words from your own Armed Forces.

Though he said this before it was revealed that India has less than 2 days worth of ammunition. So it is actually far worse than what he says above. :lol:
Yeah, you did real well when you called us out in 1962.

we called u out in Vietnam..Don't tell me China got scared of the Vietnamese siding with us?lol

Pakistan is mangled ...wheres China?

once yellow always yellow
sadly you lost thousands of soldiers to learn something about fighter Viets.

We killed far more of them than the other way round. Militarily and geopolitically they could not hold us back.

But superpower India has to hide behind a small country that can actually defend itself like Vietnam. :lol:
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