If OBL was definitely hiding in Abbotabad and the Americans got him without our knowledge, then our security apparatus failed twice over. It failed to detect the world's most wanted man living in a garrison city, and it failed again to notice the American incursion until quite late.
If OBL was hiding in Abbotabad, and figures our establishment knew about it, then they have not only betrayed the trust they were entrusted with in keeping Pakistanis safe, they also have the blood of all Pakistanis who have died due to OBL's followers carrying out attacks against Pakistanis.
The fact is, we got caught with our pants down with regards to OBL. Ever since, the Pakistani Military/political/bureaucratic establishment has failed to effectively put forward any coherent strategy from Pakistan about issues relating to WOT, complacency on terrorist groups and the infiltration of terror networks within the security agencies to the world at large, nothing short of criminal negligence. But as always, we don't have a word such as accountability in Pakistan.
I interact with a lot of foreign nationals, you people sitting in Pakistan or in ghettos in western countries, have no idea about the perception that is held by intellectuals and people who matter about Pakistan and Pakistanis in general outside of Pakistan. Once again my compatriots are fed with delusions of grandeur by our establishment and they happily lap it up.
Just like we in West Pakistan were told we were winning the war, only to find out that a inept and incompetence leadership had already surrendered half our country. If we had accountability then, half of the mess we are in right now could have been prevented.