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Displaced Kashmiri Pandits seek Modi’s intervention

Yup - lot of compensation. My grandfather has not received his pension since the nineties. We are also defaulting on the property tax on a small house in Srinagar. Too bad, that house is currently inhabited by someone else. And no, they are not terrorists. :hitwall: So yeah - lot of money we got from the Govt. Thanks.

Besides, the handful terrorists did not force us out. The people did. Many KMs hate us for being non Muslim. If you want you can search for some of the slogans chanted during the time. You will get the hint. And then there were the killings - not in the hand of the Hizb Muj. but the JKLF (indigenous)

If you want to tame muslims there are two ways:

1)Peacefully convert them/syncretize/sufise them

2)If the above fails and the muslims do not give up their xenophobic ,racist,rapist and murderous ways then be brutal like the russians.If India were like Russia this pakistan wars debacle would not have happened. pakistan would have been absorbed into India whether by Conquest or Consent.Use their own quranic and hadithic laws against them(the ones they have against kafirs)

I don't know if i want to believe, after all you are typical muslim hater hindutvadi. But i believe muslims shouldn't have taken their anger on pandits, even though most of them moved to India safely.

Whats coming for you pakis you have seen nothing yet. Even China will leave you because of your sponsorship of Uighur terror,
Problem is hindus are cowards to even think of anything written above, let alone acting upon them. Get over it, you midgets are good for nothing. Its better that your guys have 7 times more population. Otherwise divided in 7 countries your worth and military power will be like Bangladesh. And Pakistan would fuckkk you up one by one.

I am a sikh, you moron. Should I remind you how you were like dogs under Ranjit Singh and Hari Singh Nalwa or that sikhs were responsible for your defeat in 1971 you pathetic pakistani punjabi? or how your afghan mujadideen use to groan under the foot of the sikhs or how we killed that founder of the barelvi cult that pakistan follow?

Don't worry you treacherous backstabbing **** punjabis have some retribution coming for you. First save yourself CIA drones and RAW sponsored TTP ,then talk.
I am a sikh, you moron. Should I remind you how you were like dogs under Ranjit Singh and Hari Singh Nalwa or that sikhs were responsible for your defeat in 1971 you pathetic pakistani punjabi? or how your afghan mujadideen use to groan under the foot of the sikhs or how we killed that founder of the barelvi cult that pakistan follow?

Don't worry you treacherous backstabbing **** punjabis have some retribution coming for you. First save yourself CIA drones and RAW sponsored TTP ,then talk.


You are druggie sikh, malwi and doabi. Nalwa was potohari and ranjit was son of soil, they united every punjabi in one banner be it hindu or muslim to defend punjab. Punjabi hindus and muslims at that time didn't have organized army because only sikhs were persecuted by mughals. Remember it was muslims & hindus of lahore who wrote to ranjit to take over from other sikh misl. And majority of punjab army were muslims because ranjeet was secular men and not brain damaged to take on punjabi muslims. Anyway it only lasted 39 years, but it was good while it lasted because punjab was finally united to defend against any invasion.

71 was all thanks to bengalis traitors, nothing to do with hindus or drug addicts indian sikhs. Here is little history of Indian sikhs, because west punjab sikhs were mostly butchered in 1947. Indian government thinking drugie sikhs as martial race, made 25% of Indian army in past despite being just 1.5% of population.

After defeat in 1965 in hands of real punjabis, bharti government started to select people from other background also and now its just 10% or even less. Sikhs who are good for nothing and born retarded were only good for military, once Indian goverment started picking people from other states sikhs run away to Canada and UK and rest in India become drug addicts.

74% of your population is drug addicts from drugs we proudly export. Soon your state will be taken over by biharis and renamed. Im waiting for that day so we can finally say good buy to our last cultural link with bharat that is punjabis.
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“No words will ever explain the extent of suffering Kashmiri Pandits experienced. Justice towards the community remains our firm commitment,” he told the delegation.

Typical shamefull hindu, everyone has forgotten about suffering kashmiris has gone through in hands of hindus.

Of course, muslims are the victim of everyone. They have never committed a single atrocity against anyone.

It's the Christians' fault in Europe and Africa
The Hindus' fault in India
The Buddhists' fault in Burma
The Atheists' fault in China
The African Folk Religionists' fault in Africa

But it is not the fault of muslims that their minorities are getting butchered. No that's the fault of those minorities who do not submit to allah. muslims are innocent and it is the kaffirs' fault.

Shame on the kaffirs for wanting to live. How can they when allah has punished them to death for doing shrek?
Sad. Kashmir should be for all Kashmiris. But we all have played this game and now no one is happy in Kashmir. Both countries should try to resolve this matter for the sake of Kashmiris, not for themselves.
I dont know what the solution is, but certainly this is not the solution that India has around 700,000 soldiers there and still the Kashmir is not safe. So obviously, the problem is internal. Lets stop blaming each other and look for solutions.

1. 7,00,000 troops are not present in kashmir .

2. Kashmir will be safe when Pakistan stops sending terrorists from across the border .
1. 7,00,000 troops are not present in kashmir .

2. Kashmir will be safe when Pakistan stops sending terrorists from across the border .

Your own journalists claim that there are 700,000 indian soldiers in Indian Occupied Kashmir. But you can believe whatever you want to. I think it would be a waste of time arguing now.

Why silence over Kashmir speaks volume

Pankaj Mishra The Guardian,
Saturday 14 August 2010

In addition to the everyday regime of arbitrary arrests, curfews, raids, and checkpoints enforced by nearly 700,000 Indian soldiers, the valley's 4 million Muslims are exposed to extra-judicial execution, rape and torture, with such barbaric variations as live electric wires inserted into penises.

Source: © 2014 Guardian News and Media Limited or its affiliated companies. All rights reserved.
I am a sikh, you moron. Should I remind you how you were like dogs under Ranjit Singh and Hari Singh Nalwa or that sikhs were responsible for your defeat in 1971 you pathetic pakistani punjabi? or how your afghan mujadideen use to groan under the foot of the sikhs or how we killed that founder of the barelvi cult that pakistan follow?

Don't worry you treacherous backstabbing **** punjabis have some retribution coming for you. First save yourself CIA drones and RAW sponsored TTP ,then talk.

You dirty kaffir, dont forget the centuries of domination and the heads cut off your guru's

Dont confuse a mere 50 years rule with the likes of the islamic mughal, ottoman, or sultanet empires who ruled for hundreds of years and created legacies that will last for centuries

You were nothing & could do nothing when our emperors cut your guru's heads off and you have been nothing but slaves and dogs since the british beat you,, You have NO country and are used by the hindu's as a buffer
abey ladna band karo......aur pyar se jiyo
Your own journalists claim that there are 700,000 indian soldiers in Indian Occupied Kashmir. But you can believe whatever you want to. I think it would be a waste of time arguing now.

Such claims are being circulated without any proof. Who did those headcounts when Indian government never released such figure.
Such claims are being circulated without any proof. Who did those headcounts when Indian government never released such figure.

LOL. Indian govt is too embarrass to release official figures. But many anlyst give between 600,000 to 700,000 mark. But ofcourse, you indians will always chose not to believe it. So no point arguing.
LOL. Indian govt is too embarrass to release official figures. But many anlyst give between 600,000 to 700,000 mark. But ofcourse, you indians will always chose not to believe it. So no point arguing.

What are the sources of those analysis? all of them can be traced to Pakistan.
LOL. Indian govt is too embarrass to release official figures. But many anlyst give between 600,000 to 700,000 mark. But ofcourse, you indians will always chose not to believe it. So no point arguing.
yes Indian govt. is embarrassed to publish official figure..So, whats your point..
Go, and look in the condition of your own country..daily 100's are killed in bomb blast..
and stop posting BS if you have limited knowledge..:tup::coffee:
Your own journalists claim that there are 700,000 indian soldiers in Indian Occupied Kashmir. But you can believe whatever you want to. I think it would be a waste of time arguing now.

He is not the official spokesperson of the Indian govt .

Just because the author is Indian does not mean whatever he writes is correct .

Can you provide any proof other than the BS claims claims by nobody ??
He is not the official spokesperson of the Indian govt .

Just because the author is Indian does not mean whatever he writes is correct .

Can you provide any proof other than the BS claims claims by nobody ??
why do we need these types of deshdrohi journalists?should be burned alive.
r u a malayali??
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